Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Måsøy, Svein-Erik"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Analysis of Aberration Effects on Flow Imaging and Quantification in Echocardiography
Fiorentini, Stefano; Måsøy, Svein-Erik; Avdal, Jørgen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In medical ultrasound, aberration is a phenomenon that causes distortion of the ultrasound wavefront as it travels through an inhomogeneous medium. Aberration has been investigated since the 1960s and is known as a major ... -
Automatic interpretation of cement evaluation logs from cased boreholes using supervised deep neural networks
Viggen, Erlend Magnus; Merciu, Ioan Alexandru; Løvstakken, Lasse; Måsøy, Svein-Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The integrity of cement in cased boreholes is typically evaluated using well logging. However, well logging results are complex and can be ambiguous, and decisions associated with significant risks may be taken based on ... -
Better Automatic Interpretation of Cement Evaluation Logs through Feature Engineering
Viggen, Erlend Magnus; Løvstakken, Lasse; Merciu, Ioan Alexandru; Måsøy, Svein-Erik (Chapter, 2021)We build systems to automatically interpret cement evaluation logs using supervised machine learning (ML). Such systems can provide instant rough interpretations that may then be used as a basis for human interpretation. ... -
Better Automatic Interpretation of Cement Evaluation Logs through Feature Engineering
Viggen, Erlend Magnus; Løvstakken, Lasse; Måsøy, Svein-Erik; Merciu, Ioan Alexandru (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We investigate systems to automatically interpret cement evaluation logs using supervised machine learning (ML). Such systems can provide instant rough interpretations that may then be used as a basis for human interpretation. ... -
Coherence Based Imaging in Echocardiography Using a 2D Matrix Array Probe
Sletten, Lisa (Master thesis, 2020)Utmerket ultralydbildeoppløsning er viktig for å sikre høy diagnostisk verdi av ekkokardiogrammer. Denne artikkelen er en pilotstudie om ytelsen til et bildebehandlingsverktøy kalt 2D Coherence Factor. 2D Coherence Factor ... -
Comparisons of Image Quality and Aperture Blockage Caused by the Ribs for Male and Female Patients in Echocardiography
Edvardsdal, Nina (Master thesis, 2022)I ekkokardiografi kan ribbebeinene degradere bildekvaliteten ved å blokkere deler av aperturen. Pasienter med smalere interkostalrom er derfor vanskeligere å avbilde [2]. En sonografisk analyse av interkostalrommene avslørte ... -
Detection Of Microcalcifications For Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using SURF Imaging
Afadzi, Mercy (Student paper, others, 2007) -
Doppler ultrasound for quantification of fluid influx/ efflux from borehole fractures using LWD tools
Indimath, Shivanandan (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:221, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The work presented in this thesis is aimed at studying the potential for applying ultrasonic Doppler measurements during a borehole drilling process using ultrasonic logging-while-drilling (LWD) tools. The primary intention ... -
Effect of bubble size on ultrasound backscatter from bubble clouds in the context of gas kick detection in boreholes
Indimath, Shivanandan; Fiorentini, Stefano; Bøklepp, Bjarne Rosvoll; Avdal, Jørgen; Johansen, Tonni Franke; Måsøy, Svein-Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Early detection of gas influx in boreholes while drilling is of significant interest to drilling operators. Several studies suggest a good correlation between ultrasound backscatter/attenuation and gas volume fraction (GVF) ... -
Estimation and Correction of Aberration in Medical Ultrasound Imaging
Måsøy, Svein-Erik (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2004:157, Doctoral thesis, 2004)The work presented in this thesis is devoted to studying aberration in ultrasound medical imaging, and to provide methods for correcting aberration of ultrasound signals in order to obtain optimum image quality. The thesis ... -
The Generalized Contrast-to-Noise Ratio: A Formal Definition for Lesion Detectability
Molares, Alfonso Rodrígues; Rindal, Ole Marius Hoel; D´Hooge, Jan; Måsøy, Svein-Erik; Austeng, Andreas; Bell, Muyinatu A. Lediju; Torp, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In the last 30 years, the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) has been used to estimate the contrast and lesion detectability in ultrasound images. Recent studies have shown that the CNR cannot be used with modern beamformers, ... -
Hardware-Independent Deep Signal Processing: A Feasibility Study in Echocardiography
Gundersen, Erlend Løland; Smistad, Erik; Jahren, Tollef; Måsøy, Svein-Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Deep learning (DL) models have emerged as alternative methods to conventional ultrasound (US) signal processing, offering the potential to mimic signal processing chains, reduce inference time, and enable the portability ... -
Hvordan styrke SFI-enes bidrag til innovasjon?
Henriksen, Partow Pakdel; Nisja, Ragnhild; Størkersen, Kristine Vedal; Wærnes, Aud Nina; Sletta, Håvard; Haug, Kaja Kristine; Måsøy, Svein-Erik; Langseth, Magnus; Henriksen, Ottar; Skjølsvik, Kjell Olav (Research report, 2023) -
Improved Lesion Detection Using Nonlocal Means Post-Processing
Rindal, Ole Marius Hoel; Rodriguez-Molares, Alfonso; Måsøy, Svein-Erik; Bjåstad, Tore Grüner (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Software beamforming allows more flexible and complex algorithms, often referred to as adaptive beamforming techniques, that are blurring the boundaries between beamforming and image processing. Many adaptive beamforming ... -
Machine Learning and Ultrasound for Smart Monitoring of the Maturation State in Atlantic Salmon
Yari, Yasin (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:389, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The Atlantic salmon farming industry has experienced significant growth, prompting increased focus on automation to enhance various aspects of the process and improve fish welfare. One crucial area is salmon maturation ... -
Normal incident excitation of leaky Lamb waves for crack detection in pipe walls
Midtbø, Simen Hammervold (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:399, Doctoral thesis, 2024)A mathematical model is presented that describes the interaction of guided waves, or leaky Lamb waves, with a notch in a plate to emulate a crack in a pipe wall. The model is based on sensitivity kernel theory from the ... -
On the origin of clutter in echocardiography and possible solutions
Fatemi, Ali (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:41, Doctoral thesis, 2022) -
Optimization of pulsed-wave Doppler ultrasound for estimation of influx/efflux in oil and gas boreholes while drilling using conventional LWD transducers
Indimath, Shivanandan; Fiorentini, Stefano; Bøklepp, Bjarne Rosvoll; Avdal, Jørgen; Måsøy, Svein-Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The extraction of oil and gas typically involves drilling boreholes through various subsurface strata. Abrupt variations in the formation properties can severely compromise the borehole stability if the drilling process ... -
Patient Adaptive Beamforming in Echocardiography
Vrålstad, Anders Emil (Master thesis, 2021)Abstract will be available on 2024-06-11 -
Patient Adaptive Imaging in Echocardiography
Gundersen, Erlend Løland (Master thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven foreslår en dyp læring-basert metode for generalisering av B-modus-signalbehandlingen til Vivid E95 ultralydskanneren fra GE, med det formål å forbedre bildekvaliteten i ekkokardiografi. En annen metode ble ...