Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Lugni, Claudio"
2D Numerical Study on Wake Scenarios for a Flapping Foil
XU, HUILI; Greco, Marilena; Lugni, Claudio (Chapter, 2021)Fishes are talented swimmers. Depending on the propulsion mechanisms many fishes can use flapping tails and/or fins to generate thrust, which seems to be connected to the formation of a reverse von Kármán wake. In the ... -
3D Domain Decomposition for Violent Wave-Ship Interactions
Greco, Marilena; Colicchio, G; Lugni, Claudio; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus (Journal article, 2013)A 3D Domain-Decomposition (DD) strategy has been developed to deal with violent wave-ship interactions involving water-on-deck and slamming occurrence. It couples a linear potential flow seakeeping solver with a Navier–Stokes ... -
A combined wind and wave energy-converter concept in survivalmode: Numerical and experimental study in regular waves with afocus on water entry and exit
Wan, Ling; Greco, Marilena; Lugni, Claudio; Gao, Zhen; Moan, Torgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Water entry (including slamming) and exit phenomena as well as green water on deck were observed during survivability model tests of a combined wind and wave energy converter concept. Here, a nonlinear numerical ... -
A depth semi-averaged model for coastal dynamics
Antuono, M; Colicchio, Giuseppina; Lugni, Claudio; Greco, Marilena; Brocchini, M (Journal article, 2017)The present work extends the semi-integrated method proposed by Antuono and Brocchini [“Beyond Boussinesq-type equations: Semi-integrated models for coastal dynamics,” Phys. Fluids 25(1), 016603 (2013)], which comprises a ... -
A Feasibility Study of a Renewable Energy Supply for an Offshore Oil and Gas Installation
Tvedt, Amund Garsrud; Abraham, Helen (Master thesis, 2022)En hydrodynamisk studie av en flytende vindturbin plassert i Nordsjøen på 130 meters dyp er utført. OO Star Wind Floater som består av en halvt nedsenkbar konstruksjon som støtter referansevindturbinen DTU 10 MW. Den ... -
A Feasibility Study of a Renewable-Energy Supply for an Offshore Oil and Gas Installation
Abraham, Helen; Tvedt, Amund Garsrud (Master thesis, 2022)En hydrodynamisk studie av en flytende vindturbin plassert i Nordsjøen på 130 meters dyp er utført. OO Star Wind Floater som består av en halvt nedsenkbar konstruksjon som støtter referansevindturbinen DTU 10 MW. Den ... -
A probabilistic approach for the quantification of prediction error in deterministic phase-resolved wave forecasting
Fucile, Fabio; Bulian, Gabriele; Lugni, Claudio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This paper presents a semi-analytical methodology for the determination of prediction error statistics in deterministic sea wave predictions (DSWP), based on linear wave models. The underlying wave elevation is modelled ... -
A two-dimensional experimental study relevant for drift loads of moored offshore structures and ships in beam-sea regular waves
Sundsdal, Kristian Reiersen (Master thesis, 2024)Nøyaktige forutsigelser av de ikke-lineære hydrodynamiske effektene forbundet med bølgedriftskrefter er essensielle for å sikre trygge fortøyningssystem for offshore-konstruksjoner som FPSOer. Nylige arbeid med ikke-lineære ... -
Analysis of loads, motions and cavity dynamics during freefall wedges vertically entering the water surface
Wang, Jingbo; Lugni, Claudio; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)In this paper, theoretical models are developed and numerical methods are used to analyze the loads, motions and cavity dynamics for freefall wedges with different deadrise angles vertically entering the water surface at ... -
Analysis of Vortex Induced Motions for Floating Wind Turbines
Christensen, Anni Yang (Master thesis, 2019)Et økende fokus på globale oppvarming har vært den drivende kraften bak forsking på fornybar energi i flere år. Vindkraft er en viktig bidragsyter blant de fornybare energiprodusentene, og markedet for vindkraft er i ... -
Potter, Casper; Greco, Marilena; Lugni, Claudio (Chapter, 2024) -
Can the water on deck influence the parametric roll of a FPSO? A numerical and experimental investigation
Greco, Marilena; Lugni, Claudio; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Parametric roll and water on deck are investigated numerically and experimentally for a FPSO ship in head-sea regular waves in the zone of the first fundamental resonance. On the numerical side, a weakly-nonlinear potential ... -
Comparative experimental study of the survivability of a combined wind and wave energy converter in two testing facilities
Wan, Ling; Gao, Zhen; Moan, Torgeir; Lugni, Claudio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Combining the offshore wind and wave energy on an integrated structure or in a farm configuration is beneficial for cost reduction since they could share the infrastructure and the ocean space. The spar torus combination ... -
Comparison of Nonlinear Wave-Loading Models on Rigid Cylinders in Regular Waves
Mockute, Agota; Marino, Enzo; Lugni, Claudio; Borri, Claudio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Monopiles able to support very large offshore wind turbines are slender structures susceptible to nonlinear resonant phenomena. With the aim to better understand and model the wave-loading on these structures in very steep ... -
Control of power generated by a floating offshore wind turbine perturbed by sea waves
Lugni, Claudio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Offshore wind energy is expected to provide a signi cant contribution to the achievement of the European Renewable Energy targets. One of the main technological issues affecting oating offshore wind turbines con- cerns ... -
Dynamic domain decomposition strategy coupling lattice Boltzmann methods with Finite differences approximations of the Navier-Stokes equations to study bodies in current
Colicchio, Giuseppina; Greco, Marilena; Lugni, Claudio; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2015)A Domain-Decomposition (DD) strategy is proposed for problems involving regions with slow variations of the flow (A) and others where the fluid features undergo rapid changes (B), like in the case of steady current past ... -
Experimental and numerical comparisons of hydrodynamic responses for a combined wind and wave energy converter concept under operational conditions
Wan, Ling; Gao, Zhen; Moan, Torgeir; Lugni, Claudio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The spar torus combination (STC) concept is a combined wind and wave energy converter concept that is composed of a spar floating wind turbine and a torus-shaped, heaving-body wave energy converter (WEC). The WEC is installed ... -
Experimental and Numerical Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Damaged Ship Section In Waves
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:361, Doctoral thesis, 2020)In the past few decades, ships have become larger, efficient, durable but the danger of accidental events like grounding, collision etc. continues to be a major issue in ship operations. Following a damage event, a ship ... -
Experimental and numerical investigation of a freefall wedge vertically entering the water surface
Wang, Jingbo; Lugni, Claudio; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Experiments and numerical methods are developed to investigate the water entry of a freefall wedge with a focus on the evolution of the pressure on the impact sides (the side contacting water) and the top side (the dry ... -
Experimental studies of a damaged ship section in beam sea waves
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif; Greco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Lugni, Claudio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This work presents a series of experiments performed with a prismatic hull form in a small wave flume. The model is a midship section with rectangular damage opening on the side. It is slightly smaller than the flume breadth ...