Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Liem, Andre"
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
A sustainability and user-centered approach towards extending the life-cycle of mobile computers
Tomas, Nora; nordmo, vibeke; Wei, Wei; Liem, Andre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The aim of this article is to provide an understanding of cognitive and physical barriers concerning extending the lifecycle of mobile computers. Reference to Triandis’ theory of interpersonal behavior, (1) attitudes; (2) ... -
Design på autopilot: Samspillet mellom AI og design
Ek, Mathias; Paulsen, Magnus (Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven utforsker mulighetene for bruk av AI i design, med fokus på brukersentrert design. I tillegg undersøker den hvordan designere kan integrere AI i sine designprosesser. Oppgaven er en kombinasjon av et ... -
Design på autopilot: Samspillet mellom AI og design
Ek, Mathias; Paulsen, Magnus (Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven utforsker mulighetene for bruk av AI i design, med fokus på brukersentrert design. I tillegg undersøker den hvordan designere kan integrere AI i sine designprosesser. Oppgaven er en kombinasjon av et ... -
Designing new play functions for LEGO - Simplifying complex movement mechanisms for younger children to enhance play experiences
Abey, Amal Koshy (Master thesis, 2024)Samarbeidet med LEGO som del av masteroppgaven Industrial Design ved NTNU, for å designe og utvikle nye lekefunksjoner for barn. De interaktive lekefunksjonene som de yngre barna (6-9 år) liker og leker med krever ofte ... -
Development of Sustainable Heritage Spaces Through Human-centered Entrepreneurial Approaches
Ghaedi, Amir Hossein (Master thesis, 2022)The aim of this master thesis is to research and develop existing heritage spaces into more sustainable and commercially attractive living/interaction spaces. Human-centered design approaches are adopted to assess the ... -
Elucidating hermeneutic and reflective design practices; is it possible to present a prescriptive process?
Liem, Andre (Chapter, 2018)Reference to six modes of design reasoning, this article aims to elucidate designers´ hermeneutic and reflective ways of thinking. It seeks to answer whether it is possible to present a prescribed hermeneutic and/or ... -
Enhancing Creativity through Low-Fidelity Prototyping: Strategies and Approaches for Idea Generation and Concept Formation
Isa, Siti Salwa Binti (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:259, Doctoral thesis, 2023)English abstract This research aims to better understand how low-fidelity materials can be used as prototyping tools to facilitate early concept generation of ideas in co-creation activities to be adopted by designers, ... -
Exploring the role of physical prototypes during co-creation activities at LEGO company using case study validation
Isa, Siti Salwa Binti; Liem, Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Extending System Design Tools to Facilitate Systemic Innovation in Prospective Ergonomics
Liem, Andre (AISC;volume 824, Chapter, 2018)Through an extensive literature review, this article aims to promote systemic innovation, which is presently too much influenced by context and too limited by rationality. As such, the article argues for the use of systems ... -
Extending system design tools to incorporate user- and contextual elements in developing future products and services
Liem, Andre (Chapter, 2017)This article aims to extend systems thinking to include user-, and contextual elements. Such extension should be angled towards increased human intervention and multiple stakeholder involvement in predetermined contexts. ... -
Idea Translation Approach Adapted by Novice Designers in Furniture Mean-Making
Ali, Abu Bin; Yusof, Wan Zaiyana Mohd; Isa, Siti Salwa Binti; Liem, Andre; Isa, Siti Suriawati; Jamaludin, Nor Lelawati Binti; Nasir, Junita Shariza Mohd (Chapter, 2023)This research aims to understand sources of inspiration, both in defining the context for new designs and in informing the creation of individual designs by 14 novice designers. The motivations for this study lie in the ... -
The impact of LEGO and analog objects in co-creating and prototyping ideas
Isa, Siti Salwa Binti; Liem, Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Infinite Play: Designing Physical Play Features for Diverse LEGO Experiences with Children
Krigsvoll, Sofie (Master thesis, 2024)En global undersøkelse utført av LEGO avslører en slående ubalanse; 76 % av foreldre oppmuntrer sønnene sine til å leke med LEGO, mens bare 24 % gjør det samme for døtrene sine (Treisman, 2021). Denne masteroppgaven ... -
Liem, Andre; Cerron, Gisela Zita (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Although still in its infancy, the Hyperloop project aims to develop a new type of public transport. The concept is to send a capsule, called “pod”, at about 1000km/h in a vacuum tube that would connect two places separated ... -
Interior design for public transportation vehicles operating within a sealed environment, the Hyperloop case
Cerron, Gisela Zita (Master thesis, 2023)Masteroppgaven utforsker interiørdesignet til Hyperloop, et fremtidig transportkonsept som reiser med høye hastigheter i en lavtrykks ståltunnel. Siden Hyperloopen mangler vinduer og krever at passasjerer reiser i en lukket ... -
Investigating the correlation between visual representation flow, physical prototyping, and designers’ creativity
Isa, Siti Salwa Binti; Liem, Andre; Steinert, Martin; Jamaludin, Nor Lelawati Binti (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This study aims to explore how prototypes, sketches and CAD models supported designers during the designers during the early ideation, idea development in the engineering design process flow. Using a mixed-methods study, ... -
Keyboard Design to Help Digital Creators Optimize Their Workflow
Skousen, Clayton (Master thesis, 2023)Mange digitale skapere sliter med å effektivt bruke snarveiene i sine respektive dataprogrammer. Dette problemet er en kombinasjon av volumet av snarveier og programmer og individuell bruk samt hindringene som ligger ... -
Lego Hands-on Adventures: Boosting interaction and creativity for young builders
Pettersen, Magnus Tuftedal (Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven utforsker designprosessen for en ny LEGO skapning, med fokus på å fornye et eksisterende og populært tema. Prosjektet setter brukervennlighet foran og formidler samtidig LEGOs kjerneverdier: kreativitet, ... -
Positioning Industrial Design Education within Higher Education: How to face increasingly challenging market forces?
Liem, Andre; Sigurjónsson, Jóhannes B. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This paper discusses how Industrial Design Education should be adapted to pressing future challenges of higher education with respect to promoting high quality mentorship and scholarship, as well as being more economically ... -
Practice-based design thinking for form development and detailing
Abidin, Shahriman Bin Zainal (Doctoral Theses at NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:270, Doctoral thesis, 2012)Automotive design is a specialized discipline in which designers are challenged to create emotionally appealing designs. From a practice perspective, this requires that designers apply their hermeneutic as well as reflective ...