Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Levy, Gabriel"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
"1-2 -og fred på jord": Hvordag påvirker normal kognisjon den personlige bønnen til de som skrive bønnekort i Nidarosdomen?
Zeiner, Marianne (Master thesis, 2020)Ved hjelp av 2600 bønnekort skrevet i Nidarosdomen i Trondheim i årene 1997-2019 har jeg i denne oppgaven ønsket å finne ut om mennesker som skriver bønner i Nidarosdomen på lik linje med psykolog Justin Barretts amerikanske ... -
Can Fictional Superhuman Agents have Mental States?
Levy, Gabriel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)According to Deborah Tollefsen, from the analytic perspective called “interpretivism”, there is a reasonable way in which groups can be said to have mental states. She bases her argument on the every-day use of language, ... -
Cognitive Linguistics and Religion: Surveying the Field
Levy, Gabriel (Chapter, 2017) -
Dynamic Perspectives on Defamation of Religion among Jewish NGOs
Levy, Gabriel; Kyselo, Miriam (Chapter, 2017) -
Fasteperiodens rolle i den religiøse identiteten hos katolske og muslimske kvinner på Østlandet
Holm-Amundsen, Marit (Master thesis, 2017)The research problem to be addressed in this thesis is “How does the religion’s and the fasting period’s traditions and values influence the religious identities of women? How do they engage with their religious practices ... -
"I was El Shaddai, but now I'm Yahweh": God names and the informational dynamics of biblical texts
Levy, Gabriel (Chapter, 2013) -
Moving and feeling - An exploration of the play between motion, emotion and motivation in yoga practitioners in Norway
Haugen, Sigrid Steen (Master thesis, 2016)Denne oppgaven tar for seg det dynamiske forholdet mellom bevegelse, følelser og motivasjon hos praktiserende avmyoga i Norge i dag. Teoriene til grunne for oppgaven er alle basert i grunntanken om «embodiment», eller ... -
Prone to Believe in God: The Cognitive Science of Religion and its Normative Implications for Theist Religion
Kvandal, Halvor (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:7, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Over hele verden danner mennesker oppfatninger om supermenneskelige aktører slik som guder, forfedre-ånder, spøkelser, engler, og demoner. I de abrahamittiske religionene jødedom, kristendom og islam finner vi et kulturelt ... -
Religionsforståelse : forskjeller mellom norsk skole og universitet
Langeland, Tore Sletten (Master thesis, 2018)Er religion i skolen det samme som religion på universitetet? Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg forskjellene i religionsforståelse som kjennetegner overgangen fra Norsk skole til religionsvitenskap på universitetet. ... -
Ren - En diskursanalyse av renhetsbevegelsens seksualdiskurs
Siggers, Charlotte Karin (Master thesis, 2017)This master thesis is a discourse analysis of sexual discourse in the purity movement in the USA. With focus on the main concepts in the discourse the thesis aimes to answer the following research question: How and why ... -
Ritual og generøsitet - en undersøkelse av ritual som forener oss
Engstad, Joakim Kvalvik (Master thesis, 2020)Masteroppgaven er både en kvalitativ og kvantitativ studie. Basert på hypoteser fra kognitiv religionsforskning (CSR) har jeg forsøkt å teste og replikere funn om hvordan ritualiserte handlinger påvirker generøsitet og ... -
The Effects of Extreme Rituals on Moral Behavior: the performers-observers gap hypothesis
Mitkidis, Panagiotis; Ayal, Shahar; Shalvi, Shaul; Heimann, Katrin; Levy, Gabriel; Kyselo, Miriam; Wallot, Sebastian; Roepstorff, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Religious rituals are found all over the world. Some cultures engage in extreme religious rituals in which individuals take on forms of bodily harm to demonstrate their devotion. Such rituals entail excessive costs in terms ... -
The Prospects and Pitfalls of “Just-So” Storytelling in Evolutionary Accounts of Religion
Levy, Gabriel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)I discuss problems importing evolutionary language into the study of religion. It is not impossible to do, but it is difficult to carry out properly in practice. I suggest five criteria for scholarship in the study of ... -
You Can Lead a Horse to Water, But You Can’t Make It Drink
Levy, Gabriel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)As I understand it, the central aim of the field of CSR is to reconcile (in the sense of “consilience”) methods and theories from the natural sciences with research on religion, which though defined in various ways, is ...