Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Lehti, Kaisa"
Aggressive and recurrent ovarian cancers upregulate ephrinA5, a non-canonical effector of EphA2 signaling duality
Jukonen, Joonas; Moyano-Galceran, Lidia; Höpfner, Katrin; Pietilä, Elina A.; Lehtinen, Laura; Huhtinen, Kaisa; Gucciardo, Erika; Hynninen, Johanna; Hietanen, Sakari; Grénman, Seija; Ojala, Päivi M.; Carpén, Olli; Lehti, Kaisa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Erythropoietin producing hepatocellular (Eph) receptors and their membrane-bound ligands ephrins are variably expressed in epithelial cancers, with context-dependent implications to both tumor-promoting and -suppressive ... -
CD109-GP130 interaction drives glioblastoma stem cell plasticity and chemoresistance through STAT3 activity
Filppu, Paulinna; Ramanathan, Jayendrakishore; Granberg, Kirsi J.; Gucciardo, Erika; Haapasalo, Hannu; Lehti, Kaisa; Nykter, Matti; Le Joncour, Vadim; Laakkonen, Pirjo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Glioma stem cells (GSCs) drive propagation and therapeutic resistance of glioblastomas, the most aggressive diffuse brain tumors. However, the molecular mechanisms that maintain the stemness and promote therapy resistance ... -
Cd11c‐cd8 spatial cross presentation: A novel approach to link immune surveillance and patient survival in soft tissue sarcoma
Su, Yanhong; Tsagozis, Panagiotis; Papakonstantinou, Andri; Tobin, Nicholas P.; Gultekin, Okan; Malmerfelt, Anna; Ingelshed, Katrine; Neo, Shi Yong; Lundquist, Johanna; Chaabane, Wiem; Nisancioglu, Maya H.; Leiss, Lina; Östman, Arne; Bergh, Jonas; Sedimbi, Saikiran K.; Lehti, Kaisa; Lehti, Kaisa; Lundqvist, Andreas; Stragliotto, Christina L.; Haglund, Felix; Ehnman, Monika (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Checkpoint inhibitors are slowly being introduced in the care of specific sarcoma subtypes such as undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma, alveolar soft part sarcoma, and angiosarcoma even though formal indication is lacking. ... -
Co-evolution of matrisome and adaptive adhesion dynamics drives ovarian cancer chemoresistance
Pietilä, Elina A.; Gonzalez-Molina, Jordi.; Moyano-Galceran, Lidia; Jamalzadeh, Sanaz; Zhang, Kaiyang; Lehtinen, Laura; Turunen, S Pauliina; Martins, Tomás A; Gultekin, Okan; Lamminen, Tarja; Kaipio, Katja; Joneborg, Ulrika; Hynninen, Johanna; Hietanen, Sakara; Grénman, Seija; Lehtonen, Rainer; Hautaniemi, Sampsa; Carpén, Olli; Carlson, Joseph W.; Lehti, Kaisa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Due to its dynamic nature, the evolution of cancer cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) crosstalk, critically affecting metastasis and treatment resistance, remains elusive. Our results show that platinum-chemotherapy itself ... -
Crosstalk Between Cancer Associated Fibroblasts and Cancer Cells in Scirrhous Type Gastric Cancer
Miki, Yuichiro; Yashiro, Masakazu; Moyano-Galceran, Lidia; Sugimoto, Atsushi; Ohira, Masaichi; Lehti, Kaisa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Gastric cancer (GC) is the third leading cause among all cancer deaths globally. Although the treatment outcome of GC has improved, the survival of patients with GC at stages III and IV remains unsatisfactory. Among several ... -
Digital image analysis of clinical biomarker candidates in ovarian cancer
Kvalsvik, Tomine; Almenningen, Anna Moe (Bachelor thesis, 2021)FGFR4 og MMP14 uttrykt i same tumor er kjend for å leie til aggressive tumorar. Frå eit pågåande forskingsprosjekt frå Lehti gruppa syner resultat at høgt uttrykt FGFR4 er relatert til overuttrykt MMP14 i tumor. I vår ... -
Digital Imaging of Ovarian Cancer Biomarkers
Flaten, Tale Boym; Jenseg-Wang, Martine (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Researchers study both cancer and tumor microenvironment (TME) in carcinomas in order to uncover correlations between the tumor biology and the diagnostic profiles of the patients affected. The survival perspectives for ... -
Does exercised plasma have an effect on amyloid-beta and microglia in an Alzheimer’s Disease rat model?
Bakken, Jenny; Brækken, Andrea (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Risikoen for å utvikle Alzheimers sykdom (AD) øker med alderen, og på grunn av at forventet levealder øker, vil en større del av verdens befolkning bli berørt av sykdommen i fremtiden. Dette vil medføre en større belastning ... -
Establishing cell models for analyzing oncogenic FGFR variants in ovarian and breast cancer.
Leivik, Emmy (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors (FGFRs) are crucial cell surface receptors that regulate key cellular processes upon activation. Recent studies highlight the significance of FGFR2 and FGFR4 in ovarian and breast cancer ... -
FOXP3+ T cells in uterine sarcomas are associated with favorable prognosis, low extracellular matrix expression and reduced YAP activation
Gultekin, Okan; Gonzalez-Molina, Jordi; Hardell, Elin; Moyano-Galceran, Lidia; Mitsios, Nicholas; Mulder, Jan; Kokaraki, Georgia; Isaksson, Anders; Sarhan, Dhifaf; Lehti, Kaisa; Carlson, Joseph W. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Uterine sarcomas are rare but deadly malignancies without effective treatment. Immunotherapy is a promising new approach to treat these tumors but has shown heterogeneous effects in sarcoma patients. With the goal of ... -
Logical Modeling of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer for in silico Prediction of Synergistic Drug Combinations
Sjurgard, Ingrid Vikan (Master thesis, 2022)Høygradig serøs eggstokkreft er den vanligste og dødeligste formen for eggstokkreft. Svake og uspesifikke symptomer kombinert med utilstrekkelige screeningmetoder gjør at sykdommen ofte har utviklet seg i lang tid allerede ... -
Logical Modelling of Triple Negative Breast Cancer and in silico DRug Synergy Predictions
Diatchenko, Alizée (Master thesis, 2022)Brystkreft er den hyppigst diagnostiserte kreften på verdensbasis med mer enn 2 millioner nye tilfeller hvert år, og dette tallet forventes bare å stige. Brystkreft som mangler ekspresjonen av østrogen- og progesteronreseptorene, ... -
Mechanical Confinement and DDR1 Signaling Synergize to Regulate Collagen-Induced Apoptosis in Rhabdomyosarcoma Cells
Gonzalez-Molina, Jordi; Kirchhof, Katharina Miria; Rathod, Bhavik; Moyano-Galceran, Lidia; Calvo-Noriega, Maria; Kokaraki, Georgia; Bjørkøy, Astrid; Ehnman, Monika; Carlson, Joseph W.; Lehti, Kaisa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Multi-modal meta-analysis of cancer cell line omics profiles identifies ECHDC1 as a novel breast tumor suppressor
Jaiswal, Alok; Gautam, Prson; Pietilä, Elina A; Timonen, Sanna; Nordström, Nora; Akimov, Yevhen; Sipari, Nina; Tanoli, Ziaurrehman; Fleischer, Thomas; Lehti, Kaisa; Wennerberg, Krister; Aittokallio, Tero Antero (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Molecular and functional profiling of cancer cell lines is subject to laboratory-specific experimental practices and data analysis protocols. The current challenge therefore is how to make an integrated use of the omics ... -
Optimalisering av sangersekvensering av BRCA1- og BRCA2-genene
Johnsen, Torill; Haugen, Larina (Bachelor thesis, 2023)I denne bacheloroppgaven er hensikten å optimalisere primere for sangersekvensering av BRCA1 og BRCA2. Dette gjelder for de primerne som ikke følger standard betingelser for rutinen ved Avdeling for medisinsk genetikk ... -
Påvisning av MMP14 og ko-ekspresjon med andre proteiner i ovariekreft ved bruk av immunhistokjemi på vevsmikroarrays
Arntsberg, Marianne; Bahram, Daniel (Bachelor thesis, 2021)Bakgrunn: Fibroblast growth receptor 4 (FGFR4) og matrix-metalloproteinase 14 (MMP14) kan samarbeide ved cellemembranene. Derfor kan deres samuttrykk ha kliniske indikasjoner med tanke på kreftprogresjon, -prognose og ... -
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy transcriptomes reveal angiogenesis, anti-angiogenic therapy escape mechanisms, fibrosis and lymphatic involvement
Korhonen, Ani; Gucciardo, Erika; Lehti, Kaisa; Loukovaara, Sirpa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) is a sight-threatening diabetic complication in urgent need of new therapies. In this study we identify potential molecular mechanisms and target candidates in the pathogenesis of ...