Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Lebesby, Kristin"
Bridging the Gap Between Labour Unions and the Management Through Leadership Development Programs?
Vie, Ola Edvin; Lebesby, Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Co-creating New Dancefloors Through a Parallel Organisation: Organisational development through union- management cooperation in the public sector
Lebesby, Kristin; Finnestrand, Hanne Gudrun; Vie, Ola Edvin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Across industries, union density is under great pressure from different forms of organisations and, in many ways, a more individualised working life. Employee relations within the public sector have undergone a transition ... -
Evaluering av TK‐Utvikling - Et organisasjonsutviklingsprosjekt i Trafikant og Kjøretøy i Statens vegvesen Region øst
Buvik, Marte Pettersen; Vie, Ola Edvin; Finnestrand, Hanne Gudrun; Lebesby, Kristin (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2018)Denne rapporten er utarbeidet av NTNU og SINTEF og presenterer evalueringen av prosjektet TK-utvikling; et omfattende virksomhetsutviklingsprosjekt for å utvikle medarbeiderskap og lederskap gjennom partssamarbeid og bred ... -
"I already have enough to do in my day-to-day work" Employee responses to prescribed participation in organisational development
Lebesby, Kristin (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:390, Doctoral thesis, 2024)When employee participation in organisational development (OD) is initiated by management or change agents, the rationale behind this participation is often directed toward the organisation’s instrumental and strategic ... -
Innovasjon i offentlig sektor
Lebesby, Kristin (Master thesis, 2016)Politiske målsetninger for helse- og omsorgssektoren viser at det er behov for økt fokus på innovasjon og nytenking, for å møte utfordringer knyttet til samfunnets utvikling. I vurderingen av dette behovet er det iverksatt ... -
“They don’t take notes!” Tensions perceived by first-line workers in an action research project
Lebesby, Kristin; Benders, Jos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Purpose This study aims to emphasize the importance of taking into account the perspectives of prospective participants and identifying potential tensions in action research. Design/methodology/approach This paper ... -
Too smart to participate? Rational reasons for employees' non-participation in action research
Lebesby, Kristin; Benders, Jos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Action research literature promotes broad participation in order to gain better insights into prevailing issues and cope with both present and future challenges in organizations. For good reasons, action researchers view ...