Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Larsen, Kjell"
Now showing items 1-20 of 53
A Discussion of Technical Challenges and Operational Limits for Towing Operations
Berg, Peter Wilhelm Stange (Master thesis, 2017)This thesis is written on the subject of marine towing operations. The purpose of the thesis is to identify and discuss technical challenges related to towing operations with respect to safety and operability. In addition, ... -
Active truncation of slender marine structures: Influence of the control system on Fidelity
Sauder, Thomas Michel; Marelli, Stefano; Larsen, Kjell; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Performing hydrodynamic model testing of ultra-deep water floating systems at a reasonable scale ischallenging, due to the limited space available in existing laboratories and to the large spatial extent ofthe slender ... -
Analysis and Design of Mooring and Turret Systems for Ship-shaped Floating Production Systems (FPSOs)
Bertelsen, Øystein Ølund (Master thesis, 2018)During the past years, the requirements for mooring and station keeping systems of mobile and permanent units have become more complex. The oil and gas industry is moving into deeper and colder regions in search of new oil ... -
Analysis and Design of Mooring and Turret Systems for Ship-shaped Floating Production Systems (FPSOs) - Analyse og design av forankrings- og turretsystemer for flytende produksjonsskip (FPSO)
Svalastog, Åse Kristin Danbolt (Master thesis, 2017)From a marine operational point of view, a precise position and motion control of ships and other floating structures are important. In order to design a mooring system that can satisfy this, the top end motion of the ... -
Analysis Methods for Mooring Systems with focus on Accidental Limit State
Stendal, Lars Christian (Master thesis, 2015)During the last years, the oil and gas industry has moved into new frontiers, which require more complex mooring solutions. The failure rate is unacceptably high, with 43 incidents for the Norwegian Continental Shelf alone, ... -
Analysis Methods for Mooring Systems with focus on Viscous Drift Force Modelling
Uddin, Mohammad Irfan (Master thesis, 2015)For analyzing mooring systems, like other structural response analysis, simulation in both Frequency domain and Time domain has been carried out. Frequency domain approach uses load spectrum and transfer function to ... -
Analysis of Innovative Mooring Systems for Floating Semi-Submersible Offshore Wind Turbines
Danielsen, Oda Emilie Nilseng (Master thesis, 2017)This thesis considers the possibilities of cost reduction of the mooring system for a floating semi-submersible wind turbine by inclusion of fibre rope instead of, or together with, chain mooring lines. Polyester fibre ... -
Analysis of S–N data for new and corroded mooring chains at varying mean load levels using a hierarchical linear model
Lone, Erling Neerland; Maincon, Philippe Emmanuel; Gabrielsen, Øystein; Sauder, Thomas Michel; Larsen, Kjell; Leira, Bernt Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Results from full scale fatigue tests of offshore mooring chains are analyzed. The data set includes new and used chains, tested at a variety of mean load levels. The used chains have been retrieved after operation offshore ... -
Assessment and Numerical Simulation of Subsea Equipment Installation in Deep Water using a Fiber Rope Deployment System
Refsnes, Emil Sund (Master thesis, 2017)The past decade has shown a fast growing subsea production market tending to complete factories on the seabed involving even more complicated infrastructure, increasing size and weight of components to be installed. Deep ... -
Assessment and Numerical Simulation of the Pendulous Installation Method in Deepwater
Madduma Hewage, Tharindu Dilshan; Murray, Brian (Master thesis, 2016)The final frontier of the oil and gas industry is considered by many to be deepwater fields (1500 m - 3000 m). With the recent fall in oil prices, the industry has however seen many deepwater projects postponed as a result ... -
Assessment of design methods for structural response of floating wind turbines with focus on mooring line tension
Habostad, Anders Falsen (Master thesis, 2019) -
Assessment of Fatigue Damage of Mooring Chain for Mobile Units – with focus on Installation Handling and Corrosion Degradation
Edwin, Emil A. (Master thesis, 2020)Today’s fatigue limit state (FLS) design curve for mooring chains is produced by DNV-GL in form of a SN-diagram based on Noble Denton testing. Noble Denton’s testing is performed on small dimension chain (76mm) and all ... -
Assessment of Fatigue Damage of Mooring Chain for Mobile Units – with focus on Installation Handling and Corrosion Degradation
Edwin, Emil A. (Master thesis, 2020)Today’s fatigue limit state (FLS) design curve for mooring chains is produced by DNV-GL in form of a SN-diagram based on Noble Denton testing. Noble Denton’s testing is performed on small dimension chain (76mm) and all ... -
Automated Optimization and Design of Mooring Systems for Deep Water
Klingan, Kristine Ekeli (Master thesis, 2016)This master thesis focuses on automated optimization of mooring systems at deep water. The optimization work is based on the mooring system of the deep draft semisubmersible DEMO2000 developed by Statoil. This is a ... -
Cost-Optimization of the Safety Factor for Design of Mooring Lines with Bayesian Networks
Rindal, Eivind (Master thesis, 2018)The structural integrity of mooring lines is critical for the safety of offshore facilities. In recent years, concerns have been raised in the offshore industry about the high failure rates compared to the design expectations, ... -
Design and Automated Optimization of Mooring Systems for Shallow Water and Harsh Environments
Krugerud, Christine (Master thesis, 2016)The present market places significant cost pressure on the design of a mooring system. It is there- fore important to be able to produce a mooring system at the lowest possible cost, and at the same time, to ensure a safe ... -
Design and comparative analysis of alternative mooring systems for floating wind turbines in shallow water with emphasis on ultimate limit state design
Xu, Kun; Larsen, Kjell; Shao, Yanlin; Zhang, Min; Gao, Zhen; Moan, Torgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Floating wind turbines represent a cost-efficient energy solution in deep water where bottom-fixed wind turbine becomes excessively expensive. However, mooring design is quite challenging for all shallow water depths ... -
Design and Numerical Analysis of Mooring Systems for Floating Wind Turbines – Comparison of Concepts for European Waters
Tomren, Mathias (Master thesis, 2022)Fornybare energikilder tilføres energimiksen i stor fart, med flytende havvind som en av de ledene nye teknologiene. En av hovedutfordringene med den flytende vindteknologi er kostnadene, hvor store bidrag er de komplekse ... -
Design and Optimization of Mooring Systems for Floating Wind Turbines
Borlet, Rémi Marcel (Master thesis, 2016)Hywind Demo is the world s first full scale floating offshore wind turbine, developed and operated by Statoil ASA. Throughout this thesis, a time domain model of Hywind Demo is used to design an optimized mooring system ... -
Design of mooring systems for floating wind turbines in shallow water
Kyte, Olav Røthe (Master thesis, 2020)Det overordnede målet med denne oppgaven har vært å studere forankringsdesignet av flytende havvindmøller. Dette inkluder en studie av ulike typer forankring, samt studere ulike design metoder og designkrav. Analysene vil ...