• 11 years of Experts in teamwork at NTNU 

      Larsen, Bjørn B. (Chapter, 2012)
      “Experts in teamwork” is an obligatory subject for all master students at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The students are organised in interdisci-plinary teams of 5 from at least 3 different ...
    • A JPEG2000 Encoder Interpretation 

      Bø, Tore Våland (Master thesis, 2018)
      Students at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) are developing a CubeSat through the Orbit project. The on-board image compression system will be implemented on an FPGA. Continuing from previous work, ...
    • A study of hardware compression of images 

      Rønning, Per Arne (Master thesis, 2016)
      In this paper, we will take a closer look at the possibility of compressing images to the JPEG 2000 standard using an FPGA's hardware architecture. This FPGA will be put into a satellite, which is going to orbit the earth ...
    • A Whiteheadian Approach to Self Efficacy and Creative Confidence in Electrical Engineering 

      Lundheim, Lars Magne; Bolstad, Torstein; Larsen, Bjørn B.; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin; Wallin, Patric (Chapter, 2018)
      1. Introduction A technical university should educate engineers who are competent in their scientific discipline and confident in their own ability to fill important engineering roles [1]. One critical factor in gaining ...
    • Adaptive Beamforming Using the Recursive Least Squares Algorithm on an FPGA 

      Bertheussen, Andreas (Master thesis, 2015)
      This thesis describes the design and implementation of a five-channel beamformer using a Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) filter with Recursive Least Squares (RLS) as the adaptive algorithm. The objective of the ...
    • An exploration of options to increase functional safety in the AVR core 

      Zimmermann, Janik (Master thesis, 2020)
      Målet med denne oppgaven er å velge kostnadseffektive metoder for å endre en Microchip-mikrokontroller slik at den følger standardene for {functional safety} som har blitt satt av bilindustrien. Mikrokontrollere blir brukt ...
    • An FPGA-based implementation of the Conjugate Gradient Method used to solve Large Dense Systems of Linear Equations 

      Habbestad, Torstein (Master thesis, 2011)
      To find the solution to large dense systems have always been a very time consuming problem, this thesis tries to accelerate this problem by implementing an highly pipelined conjugate gradient method on an FPGA, it has been ...
    • Application of asynchronous design to microcontroller startup logic 

      Henninen, Svein Rypdal (Master thesis, 2011)
      Digital circuits designed today are almost exclusively clocked. As designs grow in size it becomes harder to effectively distribute the various clock signals over the circuit. The clock is also a big contribution to the ...
    • Asynchronous construction from clocked designs 

      Kleppe, Bjørn-Inge Flølo (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne masteroppgåva undersøker dei potensiale fordelane ved asynkrone kretsar. Desse fordelane er blant anna eit potensiale for ein raskare meir robust krets med eit lågare straum forbruk samanlikna med ein synkron krets. ...
    • Automatic Definition of Test Procedures via Constraint-Solving 

      Wiik, Petter Husmo (Master thesis, 2021)
      Testing og verifisering av digitale systemer er en nødvendig del av design av digitale kretser i industrien. Den beste måten å verifisere at et digitalt system fungerer som det skal er omfattende testing. Jobben med å lage ...
    • AVR32 based Modular Embedded Computer 

      Heggheim, Trond Ramo (Master thesis, 2007)
      A modular embedded computer system based on the AVR32AP7000 CPU is specified. Existing solutions and earlier work is investigated.
    • Bruk av nevrale nettverk med minne for forbedring av sanntids lokasjonssystemer 

      Lønsethagen, Harald (Master thesis, 2019)
      Sanntids lokaliseringssystemer (SLS) har hatt en signifikant økning i anvendelser i det vi beveger oss inn i æraen av tingenes internett. Tradisjonelle lokaliseringsløsninger sliter med å møte de stadig økende nøyaktighetskrav ...
    • Deep Neural Network Inference Acceleration: FPGA vs. GPU 

      Snarli, Alexander (Master thesis, 2022)
      De siste årene har dype nevrale nettverk stadig blitt tatt mer i bruk i en stor variasjon av industrier, for å utnytte det store potensiale maskinlæringsteknologi tar med seg i form av effektivitet av databehandling. En ...
    • Design and Analysis of a Password Management System 

      Sandvoll, Mats Birkeland (Master thesis, 2014)
      Managing passwords is a significant problem for most people in the modern world. In this thesis, a password management system has been designed and implemented as an iOS application called PassCue. PassCue is based on the ...
    • Design and Implementation of a Reliable Transport Layer Protocol for NUTS 

      Jahren, Erlend Riis (Master thesis, 2015)
      The NTNU Test Satellite (NUTS) is a double CubeSat developed mainly by students and volunteers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). One of the main goals of the NUTS mission is to establish a ...
    • Design and Testing of a Race Car Inverter 

      Tinderholt, Simen August; Bjørkto, Anders Holter (Master thesis, 2016)
      This Master s Thesis will present the design, implementation and testing of a two-level voltage source inverter and motor control system. The target vehicle is driven on all four wheels, so a four channel inverter system ...
    • Development of a prototype of a candidate camera payload 

      Oltedal, Jon Kalevi (Master thesis, 2016)
      The second prototype for the NUTS camera module have been tested to confirm if changes made from the first prototype were successful. The first prototype suffered from noise issues when operating at the maximum clock ...
    • DPA-Resistant ASIC implementation of AES 

      Fegran, Henrik (Master thesis, 2015)
      With the increased proliferation of small embedded systems connected to the internet and the internet-of-things, the security concerns becomes increasingly important. Encryption, and the protection of encrypted circuits ...
    • DSP Extension for AVR10 CPU 

      Rustad, Anders (Master thesis, 2007)
      When Digital Signal Processors were first introduced in the early 80 s they were significantly faster than general microprocessors at performing digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms. The advantages of having specialised ...
    • Dynamikkompresjon av høydynamiske bilder i hardware: Implementasjon av Reinhars Fotoreseptormodell 

      Hansen, Svein Arne Jervell (Master thesis, 2007)
      Dagens bildestandarder har 8-bit oppløsning per farge, noe som er lite i forhold til reelle scener man observerer i hverdagen. Det blir stadig sterkere fokus på høydynamisk bildeteknologi, og overgangen fra lavdynamisk til ...