Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Lamb, Jacob Joseph"
Now showing items 1-20 of 74
2D simulation of temperature distribution within large-scale PEM electrolysis stack based on thermal conductivity measurements
Eichner, Benedikt J.; Amiri, Mahshid N.; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Lamb, Jacob Joseph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyser cells (PEMEC) are recognized as highly suitable for large-scale green hydrogen production from variable renewable sources. To enhance production rates in PEMECs, current densities ... -
A Practical Solution for 77 K Fluorescence Measurements Based on LED Excitation and CCD Array Detector
Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Forfang, Kristin; Hohmann-Marriott, Martin Frank (Journal article, 2015)The fluorescence emission spectrum of photosynthetic microorganisms at liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K) provides important insights into the organization of the photosynthetic machinery of bacteria and eukaryotes, which ... -
A Review of the Role of Critical Parameters in the Design and Operation of Biogas Production Plants
Sarker, Shiplu; Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Hjelme, Dag Roar; Lien, Kristian Myklebust (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Many operating parameters, individually or together, may influence the performance of anaerobic digestion towards biogas or digestate yield and quality maximization. The most preferred method of optimizing an anaerobic ... -
Advances, Opportunities and Challenges of Hydrogen and Oxygen Production from Seawater Electrolysis: An Electrocatalysis Perspective
Asghari, Elnaz; Muhammad Imran, Abdullah; Foroughi, Faranak; Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Pollet, Bruno (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)With increasing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, the importance of developing renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuels has become a vital global task. Hydrogen produced via water electrolysis powered ... -
Ammonia as an Alternative to LNG
Farmen, Øistein (Master thesis, 2023)Kostnadseffektiv dekarbonisering av den globale energiforsyningen blir stadig viktigere for å redusere de økende sosioøkonomiske kostnadene knyttet til klimaendringer. Denne masteroppgaven undersøker potensialet for å ... -
Analysis of the Li-ion battery industry in light of the global transition to electric passenger light duty vehicles until 2050
Usai, Lorenzo; Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Hertwich, Edgar G.; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Strømman, Anders Hammer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The decarbonization of the transport sector requires a rapid expansion of global battery production and an adequate supply with raw materials currently produced in small volumes. We investigate whether battery production ... -
Application of Deep Learning to Optimize Gradient Porosity Profile for Improved Energy Density of Lithium-Ion Batteries
Amiri, Mahshid N.; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Lamb, Jacob Joseph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Lithium-ion batteries with high active material loading can yield a high energy density at low C-rates. However, the sluggish ion transport caused by longer and more tortuous pathways hinders high energy delivery when ... -
Balance of Plant Surrounding Proton-Exchange Membrane Electrolysis
Hella, Erik Træland (Master thesis, 2023)I denne rapporten foreligger seks kapitler etter standard naturvitenskaplig rapportmal. Først introduseres de globale problemstillingene som er utgangspunktet for dette arbeidet, før en konkretisering av problemstillingen ... -
Batteri som energilager i bolig og smarte styringssystem
Hermansen, Lars Andreas; Jåvold, Iver August Nymann; Hvaara, Fredrik Håheim (Bachelor thesis, 2023)De siste to årene har Norge og Europa sett en sterk økning i strømpris. Usikre forhold i Europa kombinert med mer fornybare energikilder har gjort energiforsyningssikkerheten mer uforutsigbar. For å kunne motstille seg ... -
Carbohydrate Yield and Biomethane Potential from Enzymatically Hydrolysed Saccharina latissima and Its Industrial Potential
Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Hjelme, Dag Roar; Lien, Kristian Myklebust (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The demand for fuel for utilisation of machinery and transport has culminated in large amounts of fossil fuel usage in the last century. The environmental dangers attached with the usage of fossil fuels have created a large ... -
The Carbon Footprint of Electrified City Buses: A Case Study in Trondheim, Norway
Lie, Kristoffer W.; Synnevåg, Trym A.; Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Lien, Kristian M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In August 2019, a new bus fleet of 36 electric and 58 hybrid buses were implemented in Trondheim, Norway. This paper examines the carbon footprint of electrified city buses, by addressing the achieved and potential reduction ... -
Characterization of Bacterial Electron Transport to Extracellular Electron Acceptors
Lamb, Jacob Joseph (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:186, Doctoral thesis, 2016)Photosynthesis in the cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 requires both manganese and a large quantity of iron to maintain its electron transport chain and oxygen evolution; however, in most natural cyanobacterial ... -
Chlorophyll fluorescence emission spectroscopy of oxygenic organisms at 77 K
Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Røkke, Gunvor; Hohmann-Marriott, Martin Frank (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Photosynthetic fluorescence emission spectra measurement at the temperature of 77 K (–196°C) is an often-used technique in photosynthesis research. At low temperature, biochemical and physiological processes that modulate ... -
Cost-Effective Live Cell Density Determination of Liquid Cultured Microorganisms
Kutschera, Alexander; Lamb, Jacob Joseph (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Live monitoring of microorganisms growth in liquid medium is a desired parameter for many research fields. A wildly used approach for determining microbial liquid growth quantification is based on light scattering as the ... -
Culture adaptation for enhanced biogas production from birch wood applying stable carbon isotope analysis to monitor changes in the microbial community
Hashemi, Behnam; Solli, Linn; Lien, Kristian Myklebust; Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Horn, Svein Jarle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Birch wood is a potential feedstock for biogas production in Northern Europe; however, the lignocellulosic matrix is recalcitrant preventing efficient conversion to methane. To improve digestibility, birch wood was thermally ... -
Current Trends for State-of-Charge (SoC) Estimation in Lithium-Ion Battery Electric Vehicles
Espedal, Ingvild Brekke; Jinasena, Asanthi; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Lamb, Jacob Joseph (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Energy storage systems (ESSs) are critically important for the future of electric vehicles. Despite this, the safety and management of ESSs require improvement. Battery management systems (BMSs) are vital components in ESS ... -
Degradation and Health Estimation using Machine Learning of Lithium-ion Batteries in Low Temperature Conditions
Bjørnås, Gunhild Lund (Master thesis, 2024)Lithium-ione batterier (LIB), kjent for sin høye energi- og effekttetthet, har blitt en av de vanligste løsningene for energilagring og brukes i dag i elektriske kjøretøy og mange batteridrevne enheter. Over tid vil LIB ... -
Digitalization of colourimetric sensor arrays for volatile fatty acid detection in anaerobic digestion
Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Lien, Kristian Myklebust; Hjelme, Dag Roar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)During the process of converting the organic matter into methane, many volatile fatty acids (VFAs) are produced during acidogenesis and acetogenesis phases of the process. The main VFAs of interest are acetic acid, butyric ... -
Digitalization of Sustainable Energy Production Processes
Awais, Muhammad (Master thesis, 2021)Biogas production is growing as a renewable energy source. In order to maximize energy production, it is essential to ensure that the production process is economical and efficient. This report discusses the anaerobic ... -
Effect of power ultrasound and Fenton reagents on the biomethane potential from steam-exploded birchwood
Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Islam, Md Hujjatul; Hjelme, Dag Roar; Pollet, Bruno; Lien, Kristian Myklebust (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The global demand for non-fossil energy sources is increasing rapidly. As a result, biogas presents a suitable alternative; however, first generation biofuels (e.g., sugar cane) potentially impact food crops globally. ...