Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Kofod-Petersen, Anders"
A Combined Swarm System for the Urban Transit Routing Problem
Gunby, Hanne; Gustavsen, Susanne (Master thesis, 2015)The goal of this thesis is to develop a system that improves urban transit networks. A good transit network can reduce the number of vehicles on the road as people will favor public transport over private transportation. ... -
A Genetic Algorithm Based Feature Selection Wrapper
Nore, Ulf (Master thesis, 2013)Recommender systems are typically hybrid models that employing several differenttechniques including neighborhood based algorithms. One of the maindesign issues in such neighborhood models is the determiningthe relative ... -
Adaptive Behaviour Based Robotics using On-Board Genetic Programming
Kofod-Petersen, Anders (Master thesis, 2002)This thesis investigates the use of Genetic Programming (GP) to evolve controllers for an autonomous robot. GP is a type of Genetic Algorithm (GA) using the Darwinian idea of natural selection and genetic recombination, ... -
Android Watchdog - A Privacy Preserving Android Application
Stenbro, Fredrik; Falk, Sigurd Hagen (Master thesis, 2015)This study explores issues related to privacy, both in general, and especially on Android smartphones. Previous research indicates that people often are irrational when it comes to privacy. They state that they are in ... -
Applications of artificial potential fields for real time strategy games: Troop formations and movements used trained potential functions
Hansen, Finn Robin Kåveland (Master thesis, 2012)This thesis describes the effort of adapting potential field methods towards man-aging groups of units in real-time strategy game like environments. The focus is ondiscovering the suitability for this technology to create ... -
Balancing Real-Time Strategy Games - Exploring the feasibility of using Artificial Intelligence Techniques to evaluate Balance in Real-Time Strategy Games
Mæhlum, Arne (Master thesis, 2017)Of the most important things when creating a good Real-Time Strategy game (RTS) is ensuring that it is balanced. When a game is \emph{imbalanced}, some strategies are given far more weight due to their disproportionate ... -
Case Based Reasoning and Adaptation for Warmachine
Fusdahl, Tor Egil (Master thesis, 2017)The project explores a case-based reasoning system for the miniature war game Warmachines. Case based reasoning is a powerful method for computer reasoning that mimics human problem solving. Adaptation is the main focus ... -
CBR for Winter Road Operation at Dovrefjell
Gustafsson, Erik (Master thesis, 2016)In the winter, driving conditions can be worsened because of weather conditions. Roads that go over the tree line are particularly vulnerable to bad weather condition. In really bad weather, roads might even need to be ... -
A CBR-ANN hybrid for dynamic environments
Hegdal, Sondre Steinsland; Kofod-Petersen, Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This paper proposes a Case-based Reasoning (CBR) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) hybrid solution for dynamic problems. In this solution, a CBR system chooses between several expert neural networks for a given case/problem. ... -
CBR-based Explanation-aware Army Builder for Warhammer Fantasy Battle
Hærum, Eivind (Master thesis, 2015)Warhammer Fantasy Battle is a board game with two distinct phases, building army lists and using these armies in combat. The army list creation can be viewed as complex resource optimization problem, where the goal is to ... -
Deckbuilding in Magic: The Gathering Using a Genetic Algorithm
Bjørke, Sverre Johann; Fludal, Knut Aron (Master thesis, 2017)An important factor when playing Magic: The Gathering is choosing which cards one should play with. This is an example of a combinatorial optimization problem in a large and bewildering search space. In this thesis, we ... -
Design and Evaluation of a Recommender System for Course Selection
Unelsrød, Hans Fredrik (Master thesis, 2011)In this thesis we will construct a recommender system for course selection in higher education (more specifically, at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology). Some of what makes our approach novel compared with ... -
Design of a Bayesian Recommender System for Tourists Presenting a Solution to the Cold-Start User Problem
Lillegraven, Terje Nesbakken; Wolden, Arnt Christian (Master thesis, 2010)Recommender systems aim to provide users with personalised recommendations of items based on their preferences. Such systems have during the last 15 years been applied in many domains and have enjoyed an increased popularity ... -
Design, Testing and Validation of the ChIRP Robot Platform
Skjetne, Christian Berg (Master thesis, 2015)In this thesis we will explain the design process of the ChIRP robot platform. We will also test and validate the platform as a tool in cooperative AI research. The testing and validation will be conducted as three separate ... -
Development of a Semantic Web Solution for Directory Services
Buil Aranda, Carlos (Master thesis, 2005)The motivation for this work is based in a common problem in organizations. The problem is to access and to manage the growing amount of stored data in companies. Companies can take advantage with the utilization of the ... -
En CBR-ANN hybrid for dynamiske miljøer
Hegdal, Sondre Steinsland (Master thesis, 2020)Denne oppgaven presenterer en beskrivelse av hvordan en AI agent kan lære å tilpasse seg mange forskjellige situasjoner i et dynamisk miljø. Metoden som er foreslått er et case-based reasoning og kunstig nevrale nettverk ... -
En genetisk algoritme for navigering i arktiske regioner.
Marstrander, Thomas (Master thesis, 2014)Arktiske områder innebærer store trusler for navigering, grunnet kraftige og raskt skiftende vinder. Kraftige vinder kan forårsake skader på personell og fartøy. Målet med tesen er å bruke en kunstig intelligens metode for ... -
Estimating Software Development Task Effort Using Word Embeddings and Recurrent Neural Networks
Tubelis, Mariss (Master thesis, 2018)This cross-discipline project tests a state-of-the-art neural network model on a problem with high impact in software engineering, namely task estimation. The majority of research conducted in the software estimation field ... -
Evolutionary Feature Selection
Dreyer, Sigve (Master thesis, 2013)This thesis contains research on feature selection, in particular feature selection using evolutionary algorithms. Feature selection is motivated by increasing data-dimensionality and the need to construct simple induction ... -
Explanation-Aware Army Builder for Warhammer 40k
Zikic, Nenad (Master thesis, 2016)The goal of this thesis is to design, implement and test the explanation-aware case base reasoning system for Warhammer 40k as described in the project of the same name. The system uses object oriented case base reasoning, ...