Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Kleiven, Andreas"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
An application of approximate dynamic programming/reinforcement learning to salmon production scheduling
Trondsen, Trond Håkon; Hansen, Vegard (Master thesis, 2021)Global etterspørsel etter laks som en sunn, ressurs-effektiv og klimavennlig protenkilde er forventet å øke i årene som kommer. Sammensatt årlig vekstrate for slaktevolumer av laks har vært 5% i perioden 2001-2020 (Mowi ... -
Bayesian Model Averaging Using Varying Coefficient Regression and Climatology Cumulative Probability Regression - A Case Study of Postprocessing Hydrological Ensembles from Osali
Kleiven, Andreas (Master thesis, 2017)Bayesian Model Averaging Using Varying Coefficient Regression and Climatology Cumulative Probability Regression. -
Co-movements between forward prices and resource availability in hydro-dominated electricity markets
Kleiven, Andreas; Risanger, Simon; Fleten, Stein-Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Hydropower producers estimate the opportunity value of their water, known as a water value, by comparing current prices to future opportunities. When hydropower dominates the energy mix, the system’s hydrological state ... -
Decision analytics in hydropower: Investment and operational planning under uncertainty
Kleiven, Andreas (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:78, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Den pågående overgangen til et mer bærekraftig kraftsystem byr på utfordringer, men også muligheter. Fra perspektivet til vannkraftsprodusenter gir den raske utviklingen av kraftsektoren opphav til komplekse stokastiske ... -
Decision analytics in hydropower: Investment and operational planning under uncertainty
Kleiven, Andreas (HydroCen brief;Nr. 4, Report, 2022)From the perspective of owners of hydropower assets, the rapidly transforming power sector gives rise to complex large-scale stochastic optimization problems that need to be formalized and solved. Various aspects are ... -
Inflow Forecasting for Hydropower Operations: Bayesian Model Averaging for Postprocessing Hydrological Ensembles
Kleiven, Andreas; Steinsland, Ingelin (Chapter, 2019)This paper contributes to forecasting of renewable infeed for use in dispatch scheduling and power systems analysis. Ensemble predictions are commonly used to assess the uncertainty of a future weather event, but they often ... -
Mature offshore oil field development: Solving a real options problem using stochastic dual dynamic integer programming
Bakker, Steffen J.; Kleiven, Andreas; Fleten, Stein-Erik; Tomasgard, Asgeir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Oil and gas companies are facing low output prices and are forced to focus on the development of mature fields. Relevant investment decisions for operators include lifetime-enhancing activities, such as drilling new wells ... -
A real options analysis of existing green energy facilities: maintain or replace?
Dønnestad, Eirik Magnus; Fleten, Stein-Erik; Kleiven, Andreas; Lavrutich, Maria; Teige, Amalie Marie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)We consider an operator of machinery with deteriorating efficiency, facing the problem of optimally timing of either a minor (maintenance) investment or a major (replacement) investment under price uncertainty. If a ... -
A stochastic policy algorithm for seasonal hydropower planning
Grini, Håkon; Danielsen, Anders Strømmen; Fleten, Stein-Erik; Kleiven, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Hydropower producers need to plan several months or years ahead to estimate the opportunity value of water stored in their reservoirs. The resulting large-scale optimization problem is computationally intensive, and model ...