Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Kjørsvik, Elin"
Now showing items 1-20 of 62
1H NMR metabolic profiling of cod (Gadus morhua) larvae: potential effects of temperature and diet composition during early developmental stages
Chauton, Matilde Skogen; Galloway, Trine Falck; Kjørsvik, Elin; Størseth, Trond Røvik; Puvanendran, Velmurugu; van der Meeren, Terje; Karlsen, Ørjan; Rønnestad, Ivar; Hamre, Kristin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Marine aquaculture offers a great source of protein for the increasing human population, and farming of, for example, Atlantic salmon is a global industry. Atlantic cod farming however, is an example of a promising industry ... -
Allometric growth and development of organs in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta Ascanius, 1767) larvae in relation to different live prey diets and growth rates
Kjørsvik, Elin; Gagnat, Maren Ranheim; Bardal, Tora; Wold, Per-Arvid; Øie, Gunvor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Small fish larvae grow allometrically, but little is known about how this growth pattern may be affected by different growth rates and early diet quality. The present study investigates how different growth rates, caused ... -
Ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) Larvae and Live-Feed Quality; Effects on Growth and Expression of Genes related to Mitochondrial Functions
Stavrakaki, Maria Georgia (Master thesis, 2013)Salmon production is threatened by sea louse Lepoptheirus salmonis, affecting both the environment and the industry?s economy. Use of the cleaner fish ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) is a promising method of salmon delousing ... -
Can lipidomics help identifying egg quality in ballan wrasse?
Malzahn, Arne; Sarno, Antonio; Hagemann, Andreas; Farkas, Julia; Musialak, Luciana Alves; Kjørsvik, Elin; Hansen, Bjørn Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) is in the limelight of aquaculture research due to the species role as cleaner fish in salmon aquaculture. A major drawback is that the salmon industry still depends on wild caught fish as ... -
Changes in hormone profiles in relation to ultrasound-determined testis maturation during a reproductive cycle in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Hoque, Md. Enamul (Master thesis, 2016)At present, fully mature males are identified by checking for running milt by palpitation during gamete production of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Ultrasound (US) technology could provide a cheap and fast method to monitor ... -
Copepods enhance nutritional status, growth and development in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) larvae – can we identify the underlying factors?
Karlsen, Ørjan; van der Meeren, Terje; Rønnestad, Ivar; Mangor-Jensen, Anders; Galloway, Trine Falck; Kjørsvik, Elin; Hamre, Kristin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The current commercial production protocols for Atlantic cod depend on enriched rotifers and Artemia during first-feeding, but development and growth remain inferior to fish fed natural zooplankton. Two experiments were ... -
Degumming of Ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) eggs
Shabbir, Fahad (Master thesis, 2022)Etterspørselen etter berggylt (Labrus bergylta) har økt gjennom årene på grunn av dens effektivitet som rensefisk for å fjerne lakselus (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) fra oppdrettslaks (Salmo salar) i merder. En av utfordringene ... -
Development of non-invasive methods using ultrasound technology in monitoring of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) production and reproduction
Næve, Ingun (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU;2020:51, Doctoral thesis, 2020)In production of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) broodfish, handlings for lice and disease management, gradings and checks for progression of sexual maturation, are inevitable. These handlings cause stress responses and can ... -
Developmental effects in fish embryos exposed to oil dispersions – the impact of crude oil micro-droplets
Hansen, Bjørn Henrik; Salaberria, Iurgi; Read, Kari; Wold, Per-Arvid; Hammer, Karen Marie; Olsen, Anders Johny; Altin, Dag; Øverjordet, Ida Beathe; Nordtug, Trond; Bardal, Tora; Kjørsvik, Elin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)During accidental crude oil spills and permitted discharges of produced water into the marine environment, a large fraction of naturally occurring oil components will be contained in micron-sized oil droplets. Toxicity is ... -
Dietary effects of different live prey on growth and functional development in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) larvae and juveniles
Sørøy, Maria Oknes (Master thesis, 2012)Ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) is a new species in aquaculture, the newly initiated intensive production is a response to the increasing demands for wrasse as cleaner fish in salmon and trout farming. The dietary requirements ... -
Differential expression of gonadotropin and estrogen receptors and oocyte cytology during follicular maturation associated with egg viability in European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
da Silva, Filipa F.G.; Tveiten, Helge; Maugars, Gersende Marie Aimee; Lafont, Anne-Gaëlle; Dufour, Sylvie; Støttrup, Josianne G.; Kjørsvik, Elin; Tomkiewicz, Jonna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In captivity, oogenesis and ovarian follicle maturation in European eel can be induced experimentally using hormonal therapy. The follicle's ability to respond effectively to the induction of maturation and ovulation, ... -
Digestive Tract and the Muscular Pharynx/Esophagus in Wild Leptocephalus Larvae of European Eel (Anguilla anguilla)
Knutsen, Helene Rønquist; Sørensen, Sune Riis; Munk, Peter; Bardal, Tora; Kjørsvik, Elin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Several aspects of the biology of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) larvae are still unknown; particularly, information about their functional development and feeding is sparse. In the present study, we histologically ... -
Effect of diet on molecular relationships between Atlantic cod larval muscle growth dynamics, metabolism, and antioxidant defense system
Vo, Tu Anh; Galloway, Trina Falck; Arukwe, Augustine; Edvardsen, Rolf Brudvik; Hamre, Kristin; Karlsen, Ørjan; Rønnestad, Ivar; Kjørsvik, Elin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)We studied molecular effects (RNAseq and qPCR) of first feeding prey types (copepods or rotifers/Artemia) on skeletal muscle myogenesis and growth dynamics (proliferation, differentiation), metabolism (glycolysis, ... -
Effects of broodstock diets on egg quality of captive lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) compared to egg quality of wild caught lumpfish
Rye, Rebecca Zhichao (Master thesis, 2022)Bruken av rensefisk som en biologisk kontroll for å bekjempe lakselus (Salmo salar L.) i norsk havbruksnæring har økt, ettersom at lakselus har blitt resistente mot flere kjemiske behandlingsformer. I dag utgjør rognkjeksen ... -
Effects of dietary phospholipids and bile salt on larval performance, ossification, and skeletal anomalies in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
Bjørklund, Richard Hasan (Master thesis, 2024)Nivået av fosfolipider i kosten kan påvirke vekst, beinmineralisering og skjelettanomalier hos fiskelarver, og tilskudd av gallesalter kan bidra til fordøyelse og opptak av fett i larve- og juvenilstadiet. Denne studien ... -
Effects of different live feed on ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) larval hepatocyte and enterocyte development
Romundstad, Marte (Master thesis, 2015)Abstract Salmon lice infestations are one of the biggest challenges for Norwegian salmon farming today. Delousing agents have been the solution to these infestations in the past, but overuse and wrong dosages have caused ... -
Effects of different live feed on larval growth and development in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta Ascanius, 1767): - A metabolomics study
Almli, Martin (Master thesis, 2012)The use of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) for the treatment of salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus samonis) in salmon farming is rapidly growing due to resistance to chemical treatments. The demand for high quality and large ... -
Effects of different live feeding regimes on the development and lipid composition of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) larvae
García-Calvo, Laura (Master thesis, 2024)Lakselus (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) utgjør en av de største utfordringene for utvidelsen av norsk lakseoppdrett, og påvirker produksjonen, fiskevelferden og villaksbestandene negativt. Effektiviteten til både kjemiske og ... -
Effects of feeding with copepod nauplii (Acartia tonsa) compared to rotifers (Brachionus ibericus, Cayman) on quality parameters in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae
Hansen, Marit Holmvaag (Master thesis, 2011)Good nutritional quality is a key for a successful Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) juvenile producer. Copepods are the natural prey for marine fish larvae, and its nutritional composition is believed to be optimal for the ... -
Effects of light and temperature regimes on the sexual maturation of male lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus).
Guercini, Emanuele (Master thesis, 2019)Nowadays salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) constitutes one of the biggest threats to the welfare of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) are currently deployed in sea cages with salmon ...