Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Kildemo, Morten"
Advanced Mueller Matrix Imaging Ellipsometry: Silicon Strain Imaging, Visualisation of Collagen Fibre 3-D Orientation & Development of a Mueller Matrix Imaging Microscope
Hagen, Vegard Stenhjem (Master thesis, 2014)A custom built near-infra-red (NIR) Mueller matrix imaging ellipsometer (MMI) based on ferroelectric liquid crystals (FLCs) and waveplates (WPs) is described in detail. The instrument is used to perform strain-induced ... -
Advancing Spintronics through Ellipsometric Characterisation of Surface Polaritons
Hale, Nathan Thomas (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:133, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Spintronics is a subtopic of magnonics in which the spin of the electron is used to store and process information. Magnonics is the magnetic analogue of the recently popularised field of plasmonics, which deals with the ... -
Anisotropic plasmonic Cu nanoparticles in sol-gel oxide nanopillars studied by spectroscopic Mueller matrix ellipsometry
Ghadyani, Zahra; Kildemo, Morten; Aas, Lars Martin Sandvik; Cohin, Y; Søndergård, E (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Broadened plasmon resonances of Cu nanoparticles in nanopatterned mixed oxide sol-gel nanopillars are shown to be readily detected by spectroscopic Mueller matrix ellipsometry. The plasmonic nanomaterials are obtained by ... -
Band-edge modification and mid-infrared absorption of co-deposited FexZn1-xS thin films
Molland, Nelly-Ann; Ghadyani, Zahra; Karhu, Eric Andrew; Poggio, Stefano; Nematollahi, Mohammadreza; Kildemo, Morten; Reenaas, Turid Worren; BelBruno, Joseph; Gibson, Ursula (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The bandgap of iron-doped ZnS has been reported by others to change significantly under the addition of a few atomic percent of iron, which would have significant implications for solar energy. Here, thin films of FexZn1-xS ... -
Characterisation of quantum dot-intermediate band solar cells with optical spectroscopy
Liudi-Mulyo, Andreas (Master thesis, 2013)This report describes the development of a photoreflectance (PR) technique in order to study InAs/GaAs quantum dots-based intermediate band solar cells (QD-IBSC). The motivation for this study, is that PR has previously ... -
Demonstrasjoner i optikk: Bruk av nyere teknologi for å synliggjøre optikk ved hjelp av demonstrasjoner
Utsogn, Øystein (Master thesis, 2012)Denne oppgaven prøver å svare på hvordan nyere teknologi kan brukes til å forbedre læringsutbyttet for studentene i optikk. Dette er en oppgave som både tar for seg teorien bak og gjennomføringen av tre demonstrasjoner og ... -
Design and Construction of Mueller Matrix Scatterometer for Use in Metasurface Characterisation
Krosby, Johan Magnus (Master thesis, 2022)Konstruksjonen av et komplett Mueller matrise scatterometer er presentert i denne avhandlingen. Til dette formålet har en supercontinuum laserkilde i kombinasjon med akusto-optiske filetere blitt brukt som en strålingskilde. ... -
Design and Manufacturing of Polarization Beam-Splitting Metasurfaces, and FDTD Simulations of their Mueller Matrices
Bogen-Storø, Torbjørn (Master thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlingen undersøker design, fabrikasjon og Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) simuleringer av optiske metasurfacer, med vekt p ̊a polarisasjon -splittende metasurfacer. Avhand- lingen fokuserer hovedsakelig p ... -
Development and testing of a Linnik Interference Microscope for Sub-surface Inspection of Silicon during moving Indentation
Kittang, Lars Oskar Osnes (Master thesis, 2012)Fixed-abrasive diamond wire sawing is a promising technique for reduction of costs related to sawing of silicon wafers for solar cells. The microscopic mechanisms of material removal in the process are however not fully ... -
Dielectric function and band gap determination of single crystal CuFeS2 using FTIR-VIS-UV spectroscopic ellipsometry
Hale, Nathan; Hartl, Matthias; Humlíček, Josef; Brüne, Christoph; Kildemo, Morten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
Dispersion of polarization coupling, localized and collective plasmon modes in a metallic photonic crystal mapped by Mueller Matrix Ellipsometry
Kildemo, Morten; Brakstad, Thomas; Ghadyani, Zahra; Simonsen, Ingve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)We report a spectroscopic Mueller matrix experimental study of a plasmonic photonic crystal consisting of gold hemispheroidal particles (lateral radius 54 nm, height 25 nm) arranged on a square lattice (lattice constant ... -
Dispersion of resonant modes in patch antenna lattices
Kildemo, Morten; Walmsness, Per Magnus; Hale, Nathan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Spectroscopic polar angle resolved Mueller matrix ellipsometry at multiple azimuthal incidences, together with a full-field model, reveal new details in the interplay between localized gap surface plasmon resonances and ... -
Doped ZnS Thin Films for Intermediate Band Solar Cells - Deposition and Characterization
Hope, Benjamin Roaldssønn (Master thesis, 2015)Intermediate band solar cells (IBSCs) has the potential of increasing the efficiency and reducing the cost of commercial solar cells. The realization of such cells relies on the development of intermediate band (IB) ... -
Effects of optical activity to Mueller matrix ellipsometry of composed waveplates
Vala, Daniel; Koleják, Pierre; Postava, Kamil; Kildemo, Morten; Provazníková, Pavlína; Pištora, Jaromír (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Experimental Mueller Matrix Images of Liquid Crystalline Domains in Synthetic Clay Dispersions.
Theisen, Erik Bjørge (Master thesis, 2011)This report is a study of how polarized light can improve our understandings of physical phenomena, such as local organization of anisometric nanoparticles dispersed in a liquid.The first part of the thesis considers the ... -
Hyperspectral Imaging of In Vitro Wound Models from Human Skin
Haneberg, Ingvild Johanne Åsmundhavn (Master thesis, 2014)In vitro wounds from human skin have been analysed using hyperspectral imaging. The purpose of this research is to use hyperspectral imaging as a diagnosis tool for skin wounds. The imaging period was 22 days. The images ... -
Investigating spin-split surface states on semimetals and correlation effects in a ferromagnet
Bakkelund, Johannes (Master thesis, 2022)Denne avhandlingen består av en samling av fire prosjekter, hvor hver kombinerer en eksperimentell og teoretisk fremgangsmåte. Prosjektene er hovedsakelig basert på de samme eksperimentelle teknikkene, fotoemisjonsspektroskopi, ... -
Laser light deformation of microdroplets
Bossum, Petter Tømmerås (Master thesis, 2014)This masters work describes the deformation of a droplet that is illuminated by a laser beam. The theory for linear fluid mechanical motion of the droplet is discussed. This is combined with Lorenz-Mie scattering. Droplet ... -
Measurements of Optical Parameters at Extraction from the Proton Synchrotron at CERN
Ulsrød, Adrian (Master thesis, 2013)This thesis concerns the reconstruction of a new set of extraction parameters from the Proton Synchrotron (PS) at CERN. The underlying data was taken from measurement campaigns held in 2012 and 2013, aquired using beam ... -
Metasurface Simulations for Full Control of General Polarization States
Thrane, Paul (Master thesis, 2019)Huygens’ overflater, også kalt metaoverflater, lover full kontroll over reflektert og transmittert lys i en enkelt tynn overflate ved bruk av resonatorer mindre enn bløgelengden til lys, også for optiske bløgelengder. Dette ...