Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Karlsen, Anniken Th"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Assessment of early warning signs in hospital projects’ front-end phase
Larsen, Anne Strand Alfredsen; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Lund, Jo-Åsmund; Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Purpose The front-end phase plays an important role in achieving project success, and establishment of performance measurement systems considering project challenges or pitfalls is a way of keeping track of this phase. ... -
A Conceptual Model Of An IOT-Based Smart And Sustainable Solid Waste Management System: A case Study Of A Norwegian Municipality
Nasar, Wajeeha; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Hameed, Ibrahim A. (Chapter, 2020)The core processes of waste management have been changed during the last few decades. Through advanced technologies, sensors, cameras, actuators, IoT controls, data driven and data transfer technologies, the old and ... -
Digital art application development: A project to increase motivation in systems development courses for bachelor students in computer engineering
Karlsen, Anniken Th; Bye, Robin Trulssen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)In this demonstration, we present some in-progress results of using digital art application development as an example of entertainment computing for increasing motivation and participation in a computer engineering ... -
Digitale helsetjenester: nye muligheter, nye utfordringer
Karlsen, Anniken Th; Sørbø, Marie Flem; Nylenna, Magne (Chapter, 2020)En aldrende befolkning, økning i kroniske og sammensatte lidelser og økt etterspørsel etter helse- og omsorgstjenester, fordrer nye tjenestetilbud. Mer bruk av datateknologi er åpenbart en del av løsningen. Økt brukermedvirkning ... -
Exploring collaboration in hospital projects’ front-end phase
Larsen, Anne Strand Alfredsen; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot; Olsson, Nils (Journal article, 2021)Hospital projects, like other major projects, start with the front-end phase, which considerably affects projects’ strategic success. There is an expressed need for more knowledge of the front-end to improve and thus ... -
Heuristic Techniques for Reducing Energy Consumption of Household
Daragmeh, Sarah M A; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Hameed, Ibrahim A. (Chapter, 2022)Efficient energy demand management plays an essential role in smart grid, sustainable and smart cities applications and efforts to reduce CO2 emissions. In this paper, we propose a framework for describing the household ... -
Hospital project front-end planning: Current practice and discovered challenges
Larsen, Anne Strand Alfredsen; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Development of healthcare services is a societal responsibility often appearing as major public projects. These types of projects often have a long lifetime expectancy and represent large investments and changes to established ... -
How a project alliance influences project performance compared to traditional project practice – Findings from a case study in the Norwegian oil and gas industry
Nevstad, Kristina; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Aarseth, Wenche Kristin; Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Practitioners and researchers have turned their attention toward collaborative arrangements and new Collaborative Project Delivery Models (CPDMs). In this paper we present findings from a study focusing on the impact of a ... -
An investigation of contemporary data-driven methods applied to complex systems
Dwivedi, Saumitra; Torres, Ricardo; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Karlsen, Anniken Th (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Understanding complex systems by the help of modeling, simulation, and control is a well-known challenge across several application domains. As such, these type of systems are not amenable to empirical models, typically ... -
Linking partnering success factors to project performance - Findings from two nation-wide surveys
Nevstad, Kristina; Madsen, Tage Koed; Eskerod, Pernille; Aarseth, Wenche Kristin; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In this article we present findings from an investigation into the influence of partnering success factors on multi-partner projects’ abilities to meet time schedule, budget, and technical specifications. Our findings are ... -
An Optimized IoT-Based Waste Collection and Transportation Solution: A Case Study of a Norwegian Municipality
Nasar, Wajeeha; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Abdelfattah Abdelhameed, Ibrahim; Dwivedi, Saumitra (Chapter, 2021)Smart and sustainable solid waste management systems (SWMS) are of major interest in the development of smart sustainable cities (SSC). Selective waste collection and transportation are known to be major expenditures of ... -
A social VR-based collaborative exergame for rehabilitation: codesign, development and user study
Shah, Syed Hammad Hussain; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Solberg, Mads; Hameed, Ibrahim A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Immersive virtual reality (VR)-based exercise video games (exergames) are increasingly being employed as a supportive intervention in rehabilitation programs to promote engagement in physical activity, especially for elderly ... -
Software Engineering of a Web Application for Cost Estimation of IT Projects
Otlo, Espen; Røyseth, Janita Lillevik; Sæterstøl, Sakarias (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Prosjektutviklingsestimering er en utfordrende og kritisk del av prosjektledelse. Nøyaktige estimater av et prosjekts varighet og kostnad tillater riktig planlegging, ressursallokering og budsjettering. På den annen side ... -
The SmallBuild+ Business Development Method: Findings from a Longitudinal Study in the Construction Sector
Karlsen, Anniken Th; Persson, Anne; Gudfinnsson, Kristens (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016) -
Towards a digital tool for managing goals and keeping track of goal achievements in change practice
Gudfinnson, Kristens; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Persson, Anne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)This paper aims at providing insights into the complex world of managing goals as part of change. The paper describes a digital prototype tool to support goal oriented improvement efforts towards company survival and growth. ... -
Towards a Social VR-based Exergame for Elderly Users: An Exploratory Study of Acceptance, Experiences and Design Principles
Shah, Syed Hammad Hussain; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Solberg, Mads (Chapter, 2022)For many elderly individuals, the aging experience is associated with a lack of social interaction and physical exercise that may negatively affect their health. To address these issues, researchers have designed experiences ... -
Towards a Social VR-based Exergame for Elderly Users: An Exploratory Study of Acceptance, Experiences and Design Principles
Shah, Syed Hammad Hussain; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Solberg, Mads (Chapter, 2022)For many elderly individuals, the aging experience is associated with a lack of social interaction and physical exercise that may negatively affect their health. To address these issues, researchers have designed experiences ... -
Understanding how to succeed with project partnering
Nevstad, Kristina; Børve, Sjur; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Aarseth, Wenche Kristin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present new findings to organizations that acknowledge difficulties in implementing and succeeding with project partnering. Design/methodology/approach The investigation is based on ...