Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Jinasena, Asanthi"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
A Coupled Battery Production and Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Model
Johansen, Dan André (Master thesis, 2021)I et forsøk på å overkomme de stadig mer uunngåelige utfordringene som følge av klimaforandringene, må den globale transportsektoren gjennomgå store endringer de neste tiårene. Elektrifisering av kjøretøy blir sett på som ... -
Adaptive Moving Horizon Estimator for Return Flow Rate Estimation using Fluid Levels of a Venturi Channel
Jinasena, Asanthi; Sharma, Roshan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Real-time estimation of the return drilling fluid during oil well drilling is investigated in this study. Online fluid level measurements from a Venturi channel which can be placed on the return flowline is used with a ... -
Battery Value Chains
Helland, Helene Lid; Sjåstad, Mette Helen (Bachelor thesis, 2021)Etterspørselen av elbiler er høyere enn noensinne. Ytelsen, kostnadene og sikkerheten til elektriske kjøretøyer avhenger sterkt av kjøretøyets energilagringssystem. Avanserte batterier som litiumionbatterier er et godt ... -
Current Trends for State-of-Charge (SoC) Estimation in Lithium-Ion Battery Electric Vehicles
Espedal, Ingvild Brekke; Jinasena, Asanthi; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Lamb, Jacob Joseph (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Energy storage systems (ESSs) are critically important for the future of electric vehicles. Despite this, the safety and management of ESSs require improvement. Battery management systems (BMSs) are vital components in ESS ... -
Energy Optimization for Lithium-ion Electrode Manufacturing Processes
Guddingsmo, Håkon; Martinussen, Petter; Stjernen, Daniel (Bachelor thesis, 2021)Idet dagens samfunn gradvis heller mot transport metoder drevet av fornybar energi, som elektriske biler, er batteriproduksjon forventet å vokse betydelig. Denne oppgaven har som mål å ta for seg energiforbruket i en ... -
A Flexible Model for Benchmarking the Energy Usage of Automotive Lithium-Ion Battery Cell Manufacturing
Jinasena, Asanthi; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Strømman, Anders Hammer (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The increasing use of electric vehicle batteries in the world has a significant impact on both society and the environment. Thus, there is a need for the availability of transparent information on resource allocation. ... -
The Importance of Optical Fibres for Internal Temperature Sensing in Lithium-ion Batteries during Operation
Wahl, Markus Solberg; Spitthoff, Lena; Muri, Harald Ian; Jinasena, Asanthi; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Lamb, Jacob Joseph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Model Based Early Kick/Loss Detection and Attenuation with Topside Sensing in MPD
Jinasena, Asanthi; Holta, Haavard H. F.; Jondahl, Morten Hansen; Welahettige, Prasanna Kumara Welahetti; Aamo, Ole Morten; Sharma, Roshan; Viumdal, Håkon; Lie, Bernt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Early kick/loss detection is a crucial part of safe well control, and it plays a major role in the reduction of risk and non-productive time in drilling. In conventional drilling, topside sensing is used for early kick/loss ... -
Model Predictive Control for Optimized Humidity Regulation in Battery Manufacturing Dry Rooms
Stjernen, Daniel (Master thesis, 2024)Masteroppgavens formål er å lage en matematisk modell av den komplekse avfuktingsprosessen som kreves for moderne batteriproduksjon. Et "Desiccant Wheel"-design brukes til dette formålet. For å simulere resultatene blir ... -
Online Internal Temperature Sensors in Lithium-Ion Batteries: State-of-the-art and Future Trends
Jinasena, Asanthi; Spitthoff, Lena; Wahl, Markus Solberg; Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Shearing, Paul Robert; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Burheim, Odne Stokke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The temperature of the lithium-ion battery is a crucial measurement during usage for better operation, safety and health of the battery. In-situ monitoring of the internal temperature of the cells is an important input for ... -
Optimization and Control of Battery Electrode Drying Process
Oppegård, Emil (Master thesis, 2021)Batteriindustrien har opplevd en betydelig økning de siste tiårene, hovedsakelig på grunn av veksten i elbilindustrien og anvendelsene av litiumionbatterier. Litiumionbatterier spiller en viktig rolle i å redusere ... -
Study of an Industrial Electrode Dryer of a Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing Plant: Dynamic Modelling
Oppegård, Emil; Jinasena, Asanthi; Strømman, Anders Hammer; Suul, Jon Are Wold; Burheim, Odne Stokke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)A dynamic model for lithium-ion battery (LIB) electrode manufacturing and drying is developed in this paper. The model is intended for analysis of different drying technologies, energy requirement calculations, and ...