• Clocked dynamics in artificial spin ice 

      Jensen, Johannes Høydahl; Strømberg, Anders; Breivik, Ida; Penty, Arthur George; Nino, Miguel Angel; Khaliq, Muhammad Waqas; Foerster, Michael; Tufte, Gunnar; Folven, Erik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Artificial spin ice (ASI) are nanomagnetic metamaterials with a wide range of emergent properties. Through local interactions, the magnetization of the nanomagnets self-organize into extended magnetic domains. However, ...
    • Evolutionary Music Composition: A Quantitative Approach 

      Jensen, Johannes Høydahl (Master thesis, 2011)
      Artificial Evolution has shown great potential in the musical domain. One task in which Evolutionary techniques have shown special promise is in the automatic creation or composition of music. However, a major challenge ...
    • Exploring Reservoir Computing with Spatial Constraints 

      Aven, Thomas (Master thesis, 2020)
      Reservoarberegning har blitt et fremtredende medlem av paradigmet for ukonvensjonell dataprosessering. Dette er et rammeverk velegnet for prosessering av tidsmessige og sekvensielle data, tradisjonelt ved bruk av rekurrente ...
    • Flatspin: A large-scale artificial spin ice simulator 

      Jensen, Johannes Høydahl; Strømberg, Anders; Lykkebø, Odd Rune Strømmen; Penty, Arthur George; Lealiaert, Jonathan; Själander, Magnus; Folven, Erik; Tufte, Gunnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      We present flatspin, a novel simulator for systems of interacting mesoscopic spins on a lattice, also known as artificial spin ice (ASI). A generalization of the Stoner-Wohlfarth model is introduced, and combined with a ...
    • Maintaining Flipping Activity and Exploring Encoders for Reservoir Computing in Artificial Spin Ice 

      Engøy, Sindre (Master thesis, 2024)
      Reservoir Computing er en maskinlæringsparadigme innenfor feltet unconventional computing som utnytter komplekse fysiske system for beregning. Artifical spin ice et fysisk system som har vist seg å være et lovende materiale ...
    • Reservoir Computing in Artificial Spin Ice 

      Jensen, Johannes Høydahl; Tufte, Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Artificial spin ice (ASI) are systems of coupled nanomagnets arranged on a 2D lattice. ASIs are promising computing substrates due to the rich variety of emergent behavior, accompanied by considerable control and flexibility. ...
    • Reservoir computing in-materio: Emergence and control in unstructured and structured materials 

      Jensen, Johannes Høydahl (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:373, Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      This thesis is an exploration of novel material substrates for computation. Guided by the principles of material computation, we investigate what computations a material supports naturally. The goal is to perform computation ...