Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Jaehnert, Stefan"
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
Analysis of the Profitability of Energy Storage for RES in an Equilibrium Model of the Power Market
Askeland, Magnus (Master thesis, 2016)The motivation behind this thesis is to utilize complementarity conditions to assess the applications of energy storage in an energy system with high levels of renewable energy sources. A model of a perfectly competitive ... -
Assessing the benefits of exchanging spinning reserve capacity within the hydro-Dominated nordic market
Helseth, Arild; Haugen, Mari; Farahmand, Hossein; Mo, Birger; Jaehnert, Stefan; Stenkløv, Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper presents a hydrothermal scheduling toolchain suitable for detailed studies of procurement of spinning reserves in the hydro-dominated Nordic power system. The toolchain combines a long-term model to find the ... -
Assessing the impacts of large Scale RES integration in the European Power System
Grimholt, Svein; Solheim, Fredrik Åsatun (Master thesis, 2016)This Master s thesis is a part of the course TET4915. It highlights the consequences of increasing the amounts of intermittent renewable energy sources (I-RES) in the European power system. Simulations were carried out ... -
Assessing the potential benefit of energy storage in emission constrained power markets using equilibrium modeling
Askeland, Magnus; Jaehnert, Stefan; Korpås, Magnus (Chapter, 2017)An equilibrium model of the energy market is extended by a carbon emissions market. In addition, the mix of renewable energy sources is optimized given a limit on total generation. These two new features are integrated ... -
Balancing future variable wind and solar power production in Central-West Europe with Norwegian hydropower
Graabak, Ingeborg; Korpås, Magnus; Jaehnert, Stefan; Belsnes, Michael Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Norwegian hydropower has an excellent potential to balance power production in a future Central-West European power system with large shares of variable wind and solar resources. The assessment of the realistic potential ... -
Cost benefit analysis of different offshore grid topologies in the North
Larrañaga Arregui, Amaia (Master thesis, 2017)European countries are showing their willingness to reduce their greenhouse gases emissions in the coming years. For example, the Paris agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) ... -
Demand response with shiftable volume in an equilibrium model of the power system
Askeland, Magnus; Jaehnert, Stefan; Korpås, Magnus; Mo, Birger (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)A linear complementarity model is extended with volume-shifting demand response. The model is an equilibrium model of the power market. In this paper the model is subjected to a scenario for the northern European power ... -
Energikrisen i Europa og det norske kraftmarkedet
Belsnes, Michael Martin; Bjørndal, Mette; Elverhøi, Anders; Espegren, Kari Aamodt; Fæhn, Taran; Jaehnert, Stefan; Kjølle, Gerd Hovin; Korpås, Magnus; Marstein, Erik Stensrud; Røkke, Petter Egil; Sandberg, Nina Holck; Tande, John Olav Giæver; Thiis, Thomas Kringlebotn; Winther, Tanja; Inderberg, Tor Håkon Jackson (NTNU Rapport 429810, Research report, 2023)Dette notatet oppsummerer en serie workshoper som ble organisert våren 2022 av FME-sentrene NTRANS, CINELDI, ZEN, HighEFF, Include, NorthWind og HydroCEN, sammen med NTVA og DNVA. Ved noen workshoper ble flere partnere ... -
Equilibrium assessment of storage technologies in a power market with capacity remuneration
Askeland, Magnus; Jaehnert, Stefan; Korpås, Magnus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)A linear complementarity model is developed and presented for two different electricity market designs comprising an energy-only as well as a capacity market. In addition, storage units are implemented, assessing the impact ... -
Flexbuild Annual Report 1. Technical report with results analysis
Lindberg, Karen Byskov; Bagle, Marius; Sartori, Igor; Seljom, Pernille Merethe Sire; Kvalbein, Lisa; Rosenberg, Eva; Ahang, Mohammadreza; Tomasgard, Asgeir; Jaehnert, Stefan (SINTEF Fag;, Research report, 2020) -
Flexibility Characterization, Aggregation, and Market Design Trends with a High Share of Renewables: a Review
Crespo del Granado, Pedro Andres; Rajasekharan, Jayaprakash; Pandiyan, Surya Venkatesh; Tomasgard, Asgeir; Kara, Güray; Farahmand, Hossein; Jaehnert, Stefan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Purpose of Review Balancing a large share of solar and wind power generation in the power system will require a well synchronized coordination of all possible flexibility sources. This entails developing market designs ... -
Flow-Based Market Coupling in Europe: Implications for the Nordic Power Market
Lyngstad, Tølløv Trønsdal (Master thesis, 2023)Kraftbørsen Nord Pool ble oppretta i 1993 og la til rette for et stadig tettere integrert europeisk strømmarked. Utvekslingskapasitet på tvers av prisområder og landegrenser gjør det enklere å takle sesongvariasjoner i ... -
Framtidig utvikling og sikring av tilstrekkelig rotasjonsenergi i det nordiske kraftsystemet
Karsrud, Astrid (Master thesis, 2016)Denne masteroppgaven omhandler den framtidige utviklingen av rotasjonsenergi i det nordiske kraftsystemet og hvordan tilstrekkelige mengder med rotasjonsenergi kan sikres. Rotasjonsenergi er viktig for frekvensstabiliteten ... -
Fundamental Multi-Product Price Forecasting in Power Markets
Jaehnert, Stefan; Helseth, Arild; Naversen, Christian Øyn (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2019)This report has been prepared in the first phase of the project 'Pricing Balancing Services in the Future Nordic Power Market1, and its purpose is two-fold. First, a review on expected future trends in European power markets ... -
Identifying operational requirements for flexible CCS plant in future energy systems
Mocholí Montañés, Rubén; Korpås, Magnus; Nord, Lars O.; Jaehnert, Stefan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This paper aims at a discussion of operational requirements for thermal power plants with carbon capture and storage in terms of their interaction with the power system, in regions with high penetration of variable renewable ... -
Integration of Regulating Power Markets in Northern Europe
Jaehnert, Stefan (Doctoral Theses at NTNU, 1503-8181; 2012:160, Doctoral thesis, 2012)In order to ensure a stable operation of the power system, Transmission System Operators have to balance production and consumption of electiricty continuously. For this purpose balancing services are utilised. With the ... -
Modelling An Integrated Northern European Regulating Power Market Based On A Common Day-Ahead Market
Doorman, Gerard; Jaehnert, Stefan (Chapter, 2010)With an increasing share of wind power productionin the northern European countries and as a consequencethereof increasing need of regulating resources an integrationof the northern European regulating power market can be ... -
Multi-Market Price Forecasting in Hydro-Thermal Power Systems
Helseth, Arild; Haugen, Mari; Jaehnert, Stefan; Mo, Birger; Farahmand, Hossein; Naversen, Christian Øyn (Chapter, 2018)This paper presents a framework for price forecasting in hydro-thermal power systems. The framework consists of a long-term strategic and a short-term operational model. The strategic model provides the end-of-horizon ... -
Norway as a Battery for the Future European Power System – Comparison of Two Different Methodological Approaches
Graabak, Ingeborg; Jaehnert, Stefan; Korpås, Magnus; Mo, Birger (Chapter, 2019)This paper compares the simulation results for two stochastic optimization power market models. EMPS uses aggregation and heuristics to calculate the optimal dispatch. SOVN simulates the operation of the power system in ... -
Norway as a Battery for the Future European Power System—Impacts on the Hydropower System
Graabak, Ingeborg; Jaehnert, Stefan; Korpås, Magnus; Mo, Birger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Future power production in Europe is expected to include large shares of variable wind and solar power production. Norway, with approximately half of the hydropower reservoir capacity in Europe, can contribute to balance ...