Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Inal, Yavuz"
Now showing items 1-20 of 32
An Analysis of Web Content Accessibility of Municipality Websites for People with Disabilities in Norway: Web Accessibility of Norwegian Municipality Websites
Inal, Yavuz; Mishra, Deepti; Torkildsby, Anne Britt (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)Web accessibility is of crucial importance for people with disabilities to access online information and services in an effective manner. However, the lack of compliance with accessibility guidelines results in inequality ... -
The Awareness and Practices of Web Developers Toward Sustainable Web Design
Hulleberg, Ola; Granum, Henrik Landgraff; Hansen, Sivert Gullberg; Moen, Magnus; Vicient Monllao, Carlos; Inal, Yavuz (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Sustainable design should be one of the main objectives of digital systems and services to use the resources efficiently. Designing low-carbon websites through careful implementation of images, fonts, videos, and colour ... -
Awareness, Control and Impact in Digital Wellbeing - Results from Explorative Self-experiments
Inal, Yavuz; Guribye, Frode; Taber, Lee; Whittaker, Steve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Research and design for digital wellbeing commonly focus on a single device, and time spent is the most common indicator of digital wellbeing. In this paper, we examine digital wellbeing along three dimensions: awareness, ... -
Child-Robot Interaction in Language Acquisition Through Pepper Humanoid Robot
Marku, Dafina (Master thesis, 2022)Tatt i betraktning de raske forbedringene innen vitenskap og teknologi i løpet av de siste tiårene, har robotikk i det siste også gått inn i utdanningssfæren. Humanoide roboter utvikler seg stadig som pedagogiske hjelpemidler ... -
Andersson, Anders-Petter; Eide, Cecilie; Papachristou, Eleftherios; Torkildsby, Anne Britt; Inal, Yavuz (Chapter, 2024)UN’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) states that persons with disabilities should be given opportunity to develop their creative and intellectual potential, not only for their own benefit, but ... -
Comparison of Online Accessibility Evaluation Tools: An Analysis of Tool Effectiveness
Ismailova, Rita; Inal, Yavuz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The use of online tools is a common practice for evaluating the accessibility of a website, identifying problems, and providing useful feedback on how to fix detected issues. For ease of accessibility validation, many tools ... -
Current Challenges and Barriers in Sustainable Web Design: A Qualitative Study
Hansen, Sivert Gullberg; Granum, Henrik Landgraff; Moen, Magnus; Hulleberg, Ola; Vicient Monllao, Carlos; Inal, Yavuz (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)Sustainable web design plays a crucial role in mitigating the environmental impact of websites and digital services. However, there is still a long way to go in implementing sustainable web design practices. To understand ... -
Dark finance: Exploring deceptive design in investment apps
Rakovic, Ivana (Master thesis, 2022)Det ikke lenger vanskelig å bli investor, siden meglere har blitt lett tilgjengelige via mobil. Fintech selskaper lager mobile løsninger som utvider målgruppen i aksjemarkedet, ved å aktivt redusere terskelen ved å starte ... -
Dark Finance: Exploring Deceptive Design in Investment Apps
Rakovic, Ivana; Inal, Yavuz (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This study aimed to explore how financial technology companies employed dark patterns to influence investors’ financial decision-making and behavior. We examined 26 mobile apps that are available in Norway and allow users ... -
Developing a proposal for a web accessibility learning platform through user centered design and co-design methodologies
Moløkken, Linn (Master thesis, 2023)Dagens samfunn blir mer og mer digitalisert. For at alle skal kunne delta i samfunnet likt må alle ha like muligheter til å naviger den digitale verden. Netttilgjengelighet og universell utforming er en viktig del av dette. ... -
Developing an internet-delivered intervention targeting residual cognitive symptoms after major depressive disorder: a person-based approach
Myklebost, Sunniva Brurok; Amundsen, Ole Myklebust; Geraghty, Adam; Inal, Yavuz; Hammar, Åsa Karin; Nordgreen, Tine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Cognitive difficulties are rarely addressed after the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD). New scalable treatments are needed. To ensure relevance and engagement of novel interventions, there is a ... -
Effects of Gameplay Dynamics on Visual Attention
Inal, Yavuz; Volden, Frode Strand; Norgaard, Gabrielle; Roksvag, Anna Eline Thomt; Sommerfelt, Eilert Forsberg; Sæth, Erlend Stenersen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Embracing Digital Sustainability: Guideline Development and Implementation for TV2
Petterse, Truls Teige; Mahmud, Sivan Sabir (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven undersøker potensialet for retningslinjer for bærekraftig webdesign for å forbedre effektiviteten til TV2 sine nettsider, spesielt med mål om å redusere sidens vekt, lastetider og energikostnader. Som en ... -
Empowering Language Education: A Universally Designed Gamified Platform for Teaching Norwegian Sign Language
Ali, Md Hossen (Master thesis, 2024)Et lands tegnspråk benyttes vanligvis av deres døve og hørselshemmede samfunn. Det faktiske antallet tegnspråkbrukere over hele verden er langt flere enn antall døve og hørselshemmede, noe som kommer av personlige og faglige ... -
Engaging citizens through gameplay: Persuading Norwegian youths to participate more in politics through a serious game
Sæth, Erlend Stenersen (Master thesis, 2024)Ettersom en tydelig mangel på politisk deltakelse blant enkelte grupper innbyggere kan ses i Norge og andre land i nyere tid, trengs det nye og innovative metoder for å øke bevissthet og deltakelse for å sikre at alle ... -
Exploration of human attitude towards social robots during simple non-digital game
De, Suraj (Master thesis, 2022)Introduksjonen av roboter i moderne sivilisasjon har endret måten maskiner fungerer på. De er ikke lenger i et herre-slave forhold til mennesket. Med introduksjonen av sosial robotikk kan disse kunstige vesenene nå stå på ... -
Exploring Active and Critical Engagement in Human-Robot Interaction to Develop Programming Skills: A Pilot Study
Mishra, Deepti; Inal, Yavuz; Parish, Karen; Arroyo Romero, Guillermo; Rajbhandari, Rumi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Humanoid robots can help improve the spatial programming skills of children by making abstract concepts playful, tangible, concrete, and thereby understandable. However, active and critical engagement with robots creates ... -
How can AI be used as a tool in the process of personalized learning?
Nerem, Trym Simensen; Hellesnes, Simen Frogner (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Denne bachelor oppgaven har som mål å utforske problemområdet tilpasset opplæring med fokus på det norske skolesystemet. Norske lærere sliter for tiden med tidsbegrensninger forårsaket av et lavt antall lærerstudenter og ... -
I feel for you! The effect of empathy exercises on accessibility awareness
Inal, Yavuz (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Challenges related to adopting accessibility practices in the development process mainly revolve around a lack of accessibility awareness among practitioners, including designers, developers, and user experience professionals. ... -
Integrating waste reduction features into the online food delivery service interfaces: A case study of Thailand
Torteeka, Muthita (Master thesis, 2022)I dagens digitale tidsalder bestiller millioner av brukere jenvlig matlevering gjennom mobilapplikasjoner. Maten blir pakket i engangs-emballasje som kun blir brukt i en kort periode, og deretter kastet. Avfallet fra denne ...