Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Hovd, Morten"
Now showing items 1-20 of 93
A Comparative Study of Control Structures Applied in Gas Lift Systems to Prevent Casing Heading
Hansen, Henrik Hjelseth (Master thesis, 2012)Gas lift is an artificial lift technique which is intended to be used in oil and gas production systems to enhance the oil recovery rate. The technique is used in production systems which suffers from insufficient production ... -
A Delay Vector Variance based Approach for Detecting and Isolating the Non-linearity Induced Oscillations in Control Loops
Aftab, Muhammad Faisal; Hovd, Morten; Sivalingam, Selvanathan (Journal article, 2017)Non-linear time series analysis based methods are a popular choice for industrial control loop data analysis. In this paper a delay vector variance (DVV) based approach is presented to analyze the source of oscillations ... -
A Kalman-filtering derivation of simultaneous input and state estimation
Bitmead, Robert R.; Hovd, Morten; Abooshahab, Mohammad Ali (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Simultaneous input and state estimation algorithms are studied as particular limits of Kalman filtering problems. This admits interpretation of the algorithm properties and critical analysis of their claims to being partly ... -
Accounting for dynamics in self-optimizing control
Klemets, Jonatan Ralf Axel; Hovd, Morten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Self-optimizing control focuses on minimizing the steady-state loss for processes in the presence of disturbances by holding selected controlled variables at constant set-points. The loss can further be reduced by controlling ... -
An Adaptive Non-Linearity Detection Algorithm for Process Control Loops
Aftab, Muhammad Faisal; Hovd, Morten; Huang, Norden E; Sivalingam, Selvanathan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Adaptive Nonlinear Control of the Czochralski Process Via Integration of Second Order Sliding Mode and Iterative Learning Control
Bukhari, Halima Zahra; Aftab, Muhammad Faisal; Hovd, Morten; Winkler, Jan (Chapter, 2017)This paper utilises nonlinear second-order sliding mode (SOSM) combined with an iterative learning control (ILC) scheme for the control of interface dynamics primarily focused on diameter control in the Czochralski (CZ) ... -
Advanced Camera Detection and Measurement System in the Czochralski Process
Gjølstad, Endre Arnesen (Master thesis, 2018)In this thesis the Czochralski process is introduced as well as the technological setup used in the process. The three problems this thesis aim to solve are presented: implementation of automatic cold ingot detection, ... -
Advanced Control Methods for Modular Multilevel Converters
Hamayoon, Saad (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:229, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Climate change has forced the global energy sector to transition from energy production based on fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal towards renewable energy sources i.e., solar energy, wind energy, biomass, ... -
Advanced Process Control at Hammerfest LNG - Developing model predictive control based on subspace and classical system identification principles for the mixed fluid cascade liquefaction process
Volden, Andreas Burheim (Master thesis, 2016)Although it principally resembles a refrigerator, production of LNG is a complex and energy demanding process. At Hammerfest LNG the Statoil/Linde developed mixed fluid cascade process liquefy natural gas from gaseous to ... -
An ADMM algorithm for incorporating structural constraints in self-optimizing control
Klemets, Jonatan Ralf Axel; Hovd, Morten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)An ADMM algorithm is proposed for selecting structurally constrained measurement combinations as controlled variables (CVs). The CV selection is based on the self-optimizing control principle, where the goal is to choose ... -
An Approximation to Model Predictive Control with a Modest Online Computational Demand
Klafstad, Torjus (Master thesis, 2019)Modellprediktiv regulering (MPC) er en industriledende form for regulatordesign viden brukt i samtidsapplikasjoner. Det høye beregningskravet assosiert med online optimalisering begrenser derimot antallet systemapplikasjoner ... -
An Eigen-based C++ Linesearch Filter Barrier Interior-Point Algorithm
Hjulstad, Jonas (Master thesis, 2022)Denne masteroppgaven handler om implementasjon av en interior-point optimaliseringsalgoritme basert på den originale implementasjonen av Interior Point OPTimizer. Hensikten med implementasjone er å untnytte ressurser, ... -
An Iterative LMI Approach to Controller Design and Measurement Selection in Self-Optimizing Control
Klemets, Jonatan Ralf Axel; Hovd, Morten (Chapter, 2017)Self-optimizing control focuses on minimizing loss for processes in the presence of disturbances by holding selected controlled variables at constant set-points. The loss can further be reduced by controlling measurement ... -
Analyse av reguleringsstruktur for LNG-anlegg
Jøndal, Henrik (Master thesis, 2008)For å oppnå en mest mulig lønnsom drift av et LNG anlegg, er det ønskelig at den til enhver tid opererer nærmest mulig sine optimaliserte tilstander. Dette gjelder i nærvær av alle mulig forstyrrelser som kan kunne påvirke ... -
Anti-Slug Control with Non-Linear State Estimation
Syre, Terese Vardenær (Master thesis, 2012)In offshore production, the two-phase mixture of oil and gas is transported from the seabed oil wells to the surface facilities by pipelines and risers. The two-phase flow can have different flow regimes, where severe ... -
Bisection Algorithm based Indirect Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for Modular Multilevel Converters
Hamayoon, Saad; Hovd, Morten; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Chapter, 2021)In this work, an idea based on the bisection algorithm is used to reduce the computational burden of indirect finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) for modular multilevel converters (MMCs). The proposed ... -
Combination of Backstepping and Reduced Indirect FCS-MPC for Modular Multilevel Converters
Hamayoon, Saad; Hovd, Morten; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Chapter, 2021)In this paper, backstepping is applied as a first step of modulation control in the abc reference frame for modular multilevel converters (MMCs). In the second step, reduced indirect FCS-MPC is applied where the number of ... -
Complexity Reduction in Explicit Model Predictive Control
Munir, Sarmad (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:205, Doctoral thesis, 2018)The thesis is focused on low complexity constrained control systems. Model Predictive Control (MPC) has been huge success for constrained control due to its ability to handle input, state and output constraints. It is not ... -
Complexity reduction in motion cueing algorithm for the ULTIMATE driving simulator
Munir, Sarmad; Hovd, Morten; Fang, Zhou; Olaru, Sorin; Kemeny, Andras (Journal article, 2017)The performance of a driving simulator depends on the efficiency of the embedded motion cueing algorithm. An explicit model predictive control was established recently as a pertinent design framework for the motion cueing ... -
Constructive Solution of Inverse Parametric Linear/Quadratic Programming Problems
Nguyen, NA; Olaru, S; Rodriguez-Ayerbe, P; Hovd, Morten; Necoara, I (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Parametric convex programming has received a lot of attention, since it has many applications in chemical engineering, control engineering, signal processing, etc. Further, inverse optimality plays an important role in ...