Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Holmen, Ingunn Marie"
Development of a Risk Model for Fish Farming Operations
Nordtvedt, Helene (Master thesis, 2016)Fish farming has grown to become one of Norway s largest export industries. By 2050, Norway has the potential of producing 50 million tons of fish each year, if challenges related to the production and environment are ... -
Fish Escape and Models to Assess Influential Factors
Bondevik, Håkon Lund (Master thesis, 2019)Denne avhandlingen undersøker problemer relatert til fiskerømming og sikkerhetsstyring i havbruk. Grunnlaget denne avhandlingen bygger på er en litteraturstudie av akvakultur og to databaser som inneholder historisk ... -
Fiskebåten som fremtidig arbeidsplass - Sluttrapport fra 3-årig tverrfaglig forskningsprosjekt rettet mot sikkerhet og arbeidsforholdene i ulike fartøy- og flåtegrupper
Aasjord, Halvard L.; Holmen, Ingunn Marie; Okstad, Eivind Halvard; Færevik, Hilde; Guttormsen, Geir; Lamvik, Gunnar Martin; Myhre, Turid (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2005)Personulykkesstatistikken viser at fiskeriet fortsatt må regnes som et av de mest risikofylte yrker i Norge. Det er i dette prosjektet spesielt gjort undersøkelser knyttet til arbeidsoperasjoner i fiskeflåten som er ... -
HMS i havbruk - Oppsummerende faglig sluttrapport
Thorvaldsen, Trine; Størkersen, Kristine Vedal; Holmen, Ingunn Marie; Salomonsen, Cecilie; Kongsvik, Trond Øystein; Holen, Siri Mariane (Research report, 2024)Denne rapporten oppsummerer resultater fra prosjektet HMS i havbruk. Prosjektet har funnet at fall, støt og klemskader er de hyppigst rapporterte ulykkestypene på oppdrettsanlegg og havbruksfartøy, at belastning og ulykker ... -
Identification of safety indicators in aquaculture operations based on fish escape report data.
Holmen, Ingunn Marie; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Haugen, Stein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Finfish farming is the most common aquaculture mode in Europe. In Norway, the industry faces sustainability challenges. One major challenge is fish escape, which is a threat to both the environment and the industry's ... -
Menneskelige faktorer og rømming fra lakseoppdrettsanlegg Årsaksanalyser med fokus på menneskets rolle
Thorvaldsen, Trine; Holmen, Ingunn Marie; Moe, Helene Katrine (Research report, 2013)Rapporten presenterer resultater fra en studie av årsaker til rømming i fiskeoppdrett. Målet for studien var å identifisere årsaker til kjente rømmingsulykker med fokus på menneskets rolle i hendelsesforløpet. Intervjuer ... -
Methodology for hazard identification in aquaculture operations (MHIAO)
Yang, Xue; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Holmen, Ingunn Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Norwegian fish farms are expanding into more exposed sites due to a lack of sheltered coastal locations and growing negative ecological consequences close to land. The severe wave and current conditions, irregular and often ... -
Occupational health, safety and work environments in Norwegian fish farming - employee perspective
Thorvaldsen, Trine; Kongsvik, Trond; Holmen, Ingunn Marie; Størkersen, Kristine Vedal; Salomonsen, Cecilie; Sandsund, Mariann; Bjelland, Hans Vanhauwaert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background Aquaculture workers are exposed to several workplace hazards. Norwegian fish farming has a high occupational injury rate. This article provides new knowledge about workers' perceptions of their health and work ... -
Occupational safety in aquaculture – Part 1: Injuries in Norway
Holen, Siri Mariane; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Holmen, Ingunn Marie; Aasjord, Halvard Laurits (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article presents an overview of reported injuries in the Norwegian aquaculture industry focusing on the production of Atlantic salmon and trout, which dominates the fish farming industry in Norway. Two different data ... -
Occupational safety in aquaculture – Part 2: Fatalities in Norway 1982–2015
Holen, Siri Mariane; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Holmen, Ingunn Marie; Aasjord, Halvard Laurits (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article presents an overview of reported fatalities in the Norwegian aquaculture industry focusing on the production of Atlantic salmon and trout, which dominate the fish farming industry in Norway. The data on ... -
OMAE2017-61845 Risk Management in Aquaculture: Integrating Sustainability Perspectives
Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Schjølberg, Ingrid; Holmen, Ingunn Marie; Bar, Eirin Marie Skjøndal (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)The aquaculture industry in Norway produced 1.3 million metric tons of fish in 2014, and further expansion is expected if the main sustainability challenges related to production and operation are mitigated. Major biological, ... -
Organisational safety indicators in aquaculture – a preliminary study
Holmen, Ingunn Marie; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Haugen, Stein (Chapter, 2017)The aquaculture industry has since the 70’s grown to become one of the most important industries in Norway. A safety challenge for the Norwegian fish farming companies is escape of salmon. During the last decade, the main ... -
Planlegging av Arktiske operasjoner: Fiskeflåtens og Polarkodens påvirkning av Arktiske operasjoner
Dypvik, Tora Gjermstad (Master thesis, 2013)Med krympingen av den Arktiske isen, utvides mulighetene for aktivitet i området. Fiskefartøy har vært i Arktis lenge, og ved at området er isfritt lengre, åpnes det for en lengre driftsperiode i nordområdene. Denne fordelen ... -
Reporting of Hazardous Events in Aquaculture Operations - The Significance of Safety Climate
Kongsvik, Trond; Thorvaldsen, Trine; Holmen, Ingunn Marie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Objectives: In Norwegian aquaculture, safer technology and better safety management systems have been developed during the last decade. Safety commitment and safe behavior are still vital to ensure a safe working environment. ... -
Risikoforhold ved automatisk bedøving og manuell bløgging av snurrevadfisk
Aasjord, Halvard Laurits; Holmen, Ingunn Marie (Research report, 2014)Det er foretatt en tidlig HMS-vurdering av en ny prosesslinje for mekanisert og delvis automatisert bløgging av torskefisk fanget med snurrevad. Hensikten med å innføre en slik prosesslinje med elektrisk bedøving og ... -
Risikostyringsverktøy for oppdrettsnæringen
Dybsland, Odin (Master thesis, 2017)RNNP (Risikonivå i Norsk Petroleumsvirksomhet) er et sikkerhetsstyringsverktøy utviklet for å vurdere risiko knyttet til storulykker i norsk olje og gassvirksomhet. Risiko knyttet til storulykker er estimert med grunnlag ... -
Risk assessments in the Norwegian aquaculture industry: Status and improved practice
Holmen, Ingunn Marie; Utne, Ingrid Bouwer; Haugen, Stein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The Norwegian aquaculture industry has the potential to become the country’s leading ocean industry in the future. More than 99% of the produced biomass is Atlantic salmon and trout. Norwegian fish farming is characterised ... -
Safety climate and compliance in the Norwegian aquaculture industry - employees’ perceptions at different company levels
Kongsvik, Trond; Thorvaldsen, Trine; Holmen, Ingunn Marie; Størkersen, Kristine Vedal (Chapter, 2018)The aquaculture industry is economically important in Norway, and the production is expected to increase in the future. Employees at the fish farms face a high risk of accidents compared to employees in other industries ... -
Safety climate and health complaints in the Norwegian aquaculture industry
Kongsvik, Trond; Dahl, Øyvind; Holmen, Ingunn Marie; Thorvaldsen, Trine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Few studies have explored the potential connection between safety climate and health issues. However, some recent research findings indicate that a poor safety climate can be considered a stressor that may be associated ... -
Safety in Exposed Aquaculture Operations Strategies and methods for reducing risk
Holmen, Ingunn Marie (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:73, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Norway is the largest producer and exporter of farmed Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout worldwide. The national ripple effects of the fishing industry are significant. New concepts are being developed and tested for fish ...