Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Hedelin, Birgitta"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Debriefing in simulation conducted in small and large groups - nursing students’ experiences
Tosterud, Randi; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise; Petzäll, Kerstin; Hedelin, Birgitta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)The debriefing phase in human patient simulation is considered to be crucial for learning. To ensure good learning conditions, the use of small groups is recommended, which poses a major challenge when the student count ... -
Experiences of health and care when growing old in Norway - From the perspective of elderly immigrants with minority ethnic backgrounds
Thyli, Bente; Hedelin, Birgitta; Athlin, Elsy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Background: Along with the growing population in Norway of older people with immigrant backgrounds from countries in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe there is a need for a better understanding of trans-cultural aging, ... -
Experiences of the psychiatric specialist health services – The perspective of relatives of inpatients with severe depression
Kletthagen, Hege; Wangensteen, Sigrid; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise; Hedelin, Birgitta (Journal article, 2015)The aim of this study was to describe experiences of encountering the psychiatric specialist health services as a relative of an inpatient with severe depression. A qualitative and descriptive design using a phenomenographic ... -
Exploring intensive care nurses’ team performance in a simulation-based emergency situation, − expert raters’ assessments versus self-assessments: an explorative study
Ballangrud, Randi; Persenius, Mona; Hedelin, Birgitta; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Background: Effective teamwork has proven to be crucial for providing safe care. The performance of emergencies in general and cardiac arrest situations in particular, has been criticized for primarily focusing on the ... -
Family Functioning, Psychological Distress, and Well-Being in Parents with a Child Having ADHD
Moen, Øyfrid Larsen; Hedelin, Birgitta; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common behavioral disorders in children. Children with ADHD have difficulties regarding the regulation of their emotions and activities and of the maintenance ... -
Forskningsbasert undervisning i bachelorutdanningen i sykepleie
Berg, Geir V.; Hedelin, Birgitta; Johansson, Inger S.; Wangensteen, Sigrid; Østlie, Ingrid Landgraff (Høgskolen i Gjøviks rapportserie, Research report, 2009)I denne rapporten presenteres arbeidet med et utviklingsprosjekt i bachelor- utdanningen i sykepleie ved Høgskolen i Gjøvik, der målsettingen var å videreutvikle forskningens tilknytning til undervisningen. Hensikten med ... -
Kunnskapsbasert praksis som fokus i studentveiledningen i psykiatrien. Del 1
Ulvestad, Ingunn; Smedhaugen, Ida; Paulseth, Vegard; Sommerstad, Morten; Stjern, Torill; Hedelin, Birgitta (Høgskolen i Gjøviks rapportserie;2010:07, Research report, 2010)I en konkretisering av søknadsfokus for søknad om midler til samarbeidsprosjektene 2009 utarbeidet av dekan ved Høgskolen i Gjøvik spesifiseres bl.a. noen grunnleggende krav til bruken av midlene: ”Det skal være et ... -
Møteplassen på Kapp: Delrapport 1: Kartlegning av deltagertilfredshet
Larson, Wenche Westby; Hedelin, Birgitta (Høgskolen i Gjøviks rapportserie, Research report, 2007)”Møteplassen på Kapp” åpnet i september i 2005. Det er et tilbud til alle innbyggere i Østre Toten kommune som søker å utvide sitt sosiale nettverk og som ønsker å være aktive ved å delta i de ulike aktivitetene som ... -
Parental perception of family functioning in everyday life with a child with ADHD
Moen, Øyfrid Larsen; Hedelin, Birgitta; Hall-Lord, Marie Louise (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Aim: The aim of this study was to describe and investigate family characteristics in relation to support, behaviour of the child, family functioning and sense of coherence from the parents’ perspective in families with a ... -
Problematization of perspectives on health promotion and empowerment in mental health nursing*Within the research network "MeHNuRse" and the Horatio conference, 2012
Jonsson, Patrik; Nunstedt, Håkan; Berglund, Inger J.; Ahlström, Britt H.; Hedelin, Birgitta; Skärsäter, Ingela; Jormfeldt, Henrika (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Mental illness is increasing worldwide, while society’s response seems to be a trend toward narrower and more specialized mental health care. This development is creating great demands on mental health nurses to include a ... -
Problematization of perspectives on health promotion and empowerment in mental health nursing—Within the research network “MeHNuRse” and the Horatio conference, 2012
Jonsson, Patrik; Nunstedt, Håkan; Berglund, Inger J.; Ahlström, Britt H.; Hedelin, Birgitta; Skärsäter, Ingela; Jormfeldt, Henrika (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Mental illness is increasing worldwide, while society’s response seems to be a trend toward narrower and more specialized mental health care. This development is creating great demands on mental health nurses to include a ... -
Simulering i "Praksisrettet undervisning i psykisk helsearbeid/psykisk helsevern": et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom høgskolen og praksisfeltet
Fjær, Kari Kirkbakk; Andfossen, Nina Beate; Hedelin, Birgitta (Høgskolen i Gjøviks rapportserie;6/2012, Research report, 2012)Rapporten beskriver samarbeidsprosjektet mellom Høgskolen i Gjøvik, Nordre Land Kommune og Sykehuset – Innlandet, divisjon psykiatri representert ved DPS Lillehammer, avd. Otta døgnenhet og Reinsvoll sentralsykehus. ... -
Striving for genuine connections: men's experiences of living with hearing impairment
Jonsson, Ingrid; Hedelin, Birgitta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)Hearing impairment affects 16–17% of the Swedish and Danish population, where 6–8% is affected during their working life. This study aims at describing what a hearing impairment means in men's daily life. Qualitative ... -
Utvikling av metoder for bedre veiledning til studenter – samarbeidsprosjekt mellom alderspsykiatrisk avdeling og høgskolen
Kirkbakk, Kari; Rudsar, Anna; Hedelin, Birgitta (Høgskolen i Gjøviks rapportserie, Research report, 2010)Rapporten beskriver samarbeidsprosjektet mellom alderspsykiatrisk avdeling, Sykehuset ‐Innlandet, Reinsvoll og Høgskolen i Gjøvik. Prosjektet pågikk i tidsperioden fra første august 2007 til femtende juni 2008. Hensikten ... -
Women's lived experiences of disabling hearing loss in daily life
Jonsson, Ingrid; Hedelin, Birgitta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The aim of this study was to achieve a deeper understanding of what a moderate hearing loss means in daily life for middle-aged women. We used a phenomenological approach and interviewed ten women, 36–56 years old. From ...