Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Hauge, Åshild Lappegard"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Beslutningsprosesser ved oppgradering til universiell utforming og høy energistandard. Casestudier i REBO
Magnus, Eva; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Löfström, Erica; Kjølle, Kari (SINTEF Notat;3, Research report, 2013) -
Bofellesskap – et bidrag til økt livskvalitet for eldre?
Moe, Ellinor; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Høyland, Karin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Bakgrunn: Bofellesskap har fått en fornyet interesse i dagens samfunn. Fellesskapsløsninger kan bidra til et mer bærekraftig samfunn, både økonomisk, miljømessig og sosialt. Gjennom å dele arealer og utstyr kan de gi lavere ... -
Bokvalitet på norske asylmottak
Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Denizou, Karine; Støa, Eli (SINTEF Fag;29, Research report, 2015) -
Developing a scenario calculator for smart energy communities in Norway: Identifying gaps between vision and practice
Walnum, Harald Taxt; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Lindberg, Karen Byskov; Mysen, Mads; Nielsen, Brita Fladvad; Sørnes, Kari (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Key Performance Indicators are important instruments, both in defining high-level goals (international or national) and when planning smart energy communities. However, there is often a gap between the high-level goals, ... -
Ethics of Climate Change Adaptation -The Case of Torrential Rains in Norway
Lohne, Jardar; Solheim, Anders; Muthanna, Tone Merete; Time, Berit; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Kalsnes, Bjørn; Lædre, Ola; Kvande, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article analyses adaptation to climate induced challenges in form of torrential rains hitting urban landscapes in Norway with increased frequency. Specifically, it investigates the influence of the industry structure ... -
Flere flyktninger bosatt raskere - Hvordan fikk kommunene det til?
Søholt, Susanne; Nygaard, Marit; Støa, Eli; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard (NIBR-rapport;, Research report, 2018)Denne rapporten er skrevet på oppdrag for Husbanken og IMDI for å undersøke hvordan kommunene klarte å bosette mange flere flyktninger 2015-2016, og endatil raskere. Resultatene bygger på en kombinasjon av registerdata, ... -
Flerfaglig analyse av casestudier i REBO. Bærekraftig oppgradering av boligblokker
Kjølle, Kari; Denizou, Karine; Lien, Anne Gunnarshaug; Magnus, Eva; Buvik, Karin; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Klinski, Michael; Löfström, Erica; Wigenstad, Tore; Øyen, Cecilie Flyen (Research report, 2013) -
Framing Outsidedness – Aspects of Housing Quality in Decentralized Reception Centres for Asylum Seekers in Norway
Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Støa, Eli; Denizou, Karine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In 2013, more than seventy per cent of Norwegian reception centres for asylum seekers were decentralized or partly decentralized, meaning that the residents lived in ordinary homes dispersed around the town or local area, ... -
Future resilience of historic buildings – how do residents make sense of public authorities' sustainability measures?
Godbolt, Åsne Lund; Flyen, Cecilie; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Flyen, Anne Cathrine; Moen, Louise Leren (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Purpose – This paper aims to analyze climate resilience and adaptation of cultural heritage buildings from the perspectives of both public authorities and residents. From a user-oriented domestication perspective, it ... -
Housing and Identity: The meaning of housing in communicating identityand its influence on self-perception
Hauge, Åshild Lappegard (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2009:70, Doctoral thesis, 2009)The main aim of this PhD project has been todevelop knowledge about the relationship between housing and people’s identity. The findings are presented in three journal articles: Article 1 is theoretical, and ... -
Interventions on energy behaviour in non-residential buildings – a literature review
Thomsen, Judith; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Godbolt, Åsne Lund (ZEB Project report;16-2014, Research report, 2014) -
Kunnskapsstatus i REBO: Bærekraftig oppgradering av boligblokker - med fokus på miljøvennlig energibruk og universell utforming
Berg, Berit; Denizou, Karine; Wigenstad, Tore; Buvik, Karin; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Kittang, Dag; Magnus, Eva; Thorshaug, Kristin; Øyen, Cecilie Flyen; Knudsen, Wibeke (SINTEF Notat;8, Research report, 2013) -
Multilevel networks for climate change adaptation – what works?
Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær; Flyen, Cecilie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Purpose The paper aims to compare and evaluate two Norwegian municipal networks for climate change adaptation, to see how such networks should be initiated and implemented as a means of achieving adaptation measures within ... -
Municipal collaborative planning boosting climate resilience in the built environment
Flyen, Cecilie; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Almås, Anders-Johan; Godbolt, Åsne Lund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Purpose – A meta-study covering the past decade maps the development of Norwegian municipal planning, climate adaptation and institutional vulnerability towards climate change. This paper aims to explore the implementation ... -
Presentasjon av casestudier i REBO
Buvik, Karin; Denizou, Karine; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Magnus, Eva; Klinski, Michael; Wigenstad, Tore; Øyen, Cecilie Flyen; Löfström, Erica; Maltha, Mette Maren; Kjølle, Kari (SINTEF Notat;6, Research report, 2013) -
REBO - Bærekraftig oppdatering av etterkrigstidens boligblokker: Artikkelsamling fra Husbankens strategiske forskningsprogram REBO 2008-2012
Kjølle, Kari; Denizou, Karine; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Lien, Anne Gunnarshaug; Magnus, Eva; Skeie, Kristian Stenerud (Research report, 2013) -
The Interaction between Building and Users in Passive and Zero-Energy Housing and Offices: The Role of Interfaces, Knowledge and User Commitment
Thomsen, Judith; Berker, Thomas; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Denizou, Karine; Wågø, Solvår Irene; Jerkø, Sidsel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Purpose – The article's aim is to present user experiences with passive houses and zero‐energy buildings. The focus is on the interaction between the building and the users, specifically on how user interfaces, knowledge, ... -
Toolkit for the planning of smart energy communities. PI-SEC report 2.3. Challenges and best practices from testing of the PI-SEC Planning Wheel
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad; Gohari, Savis; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Sørnes, Kari; Walnum, Harald Taxt; Uusinoka, Taru; Lindberg, Karen Byskov (Research report, 2018) -
Toolkit Testing in the Planning of Smart Energy Communities. PI-SEC Report 1.3 / 2.3 : Municipal practice and project planning
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Sørnes, Kari; Walnum, Harald Taxt; Uusinoka, Taru (Research report, 2018) -
User evaluation of vacuum insulation in clay blocks
Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Godbolt, Åsne Lund; Thomsen, Judith; Berker, Thomas; Time, Berit; Hyrve, Oddvar (ZEB Project report;12-2013, Research report, 2013)This is an early user test of vacuum insulation embedded in clay blocks, a solution developed within ZEB. The product is in an early stage of its development and is not taken into use in any building projects yet. ...