• A Norwegian Whisper Model for Automatic Speech Recognition 

      Ås, Alexander Michael (Master thesis, 2023)
      Talegjenkjenning har hatt betydelig fremgang i de siste årene og er blitt vesentlig flinkere i å transkribere lyd til tekst på forskjellige språk. I dag er teknologien uunnværlig og brukes i ulike smarte enheter, deriblant ...
    • Active Learning with Transformer Pre-trained Language Models for Entity Matching 

      Nygard, Mikkel; Samuelsen, Øyvind (Master thesis, 2021)
      Entitetsmatching refererer til problemet med å finne ut hvilke data som refererer til den samme virkelige entiteten. Nylig, takket være fremveksten av ferdigtrente Transformer språkmodeller (TPLMs), har entitetsmatching ...
    • Active Learning with Transformer Pre-trained Language Models for Entity Matching 

      Samuelsen, Øyvind; Nygard, Mikkel Benjamin Lerberg (Master thesis, 2021)
      Entity matching refers to the problem of finding which records refer to the same real-world entity. Recently, thanks to the rise of Transformer pre-trained language models (TPLMs), the field of entity matching has seen new ...
    • An Ontology-Driven Recommender System for Engineering Projects 

      Mehrpoor, Mahsa (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:199, Doctoral thesis, 2018)
      Knowledge and information resources in enterprises are rapidly growing. The International Data Corporation (IDC) forecasts that significant yearly growth of data will result that the so-called global datasphere will have ...
    • Anbefaling av nyhetsinnhold i praksis: Fra algoritmer til personaliserte nyheter 

      Svendsen, Rolf Dyrnes; Gulla, Jon Atle; Frøland, Jørgen Hovelsen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Automatiserte anbefalinger av nyhetsinnhold brukes i dag på nettsidene til mange medieselskaper med hensikt å presentere leserne mer relevante nyheter og tilby bedre brukeropplevelser. Slike brukerforståelse. I denne ...
    • Automatic Classification of Bank Transactions 

      Vollset, Erlend Emil Nøtsund; Folkestad, Olav Eirik Ek (Master thesis, 2017)
      This thesis describes implementations of several classification models to be used in a Norwegian bank transaction classification system. Our goal is to investigate which supervised machine learning methods are best suited ...
    • Automatic Detection of Fake News in Social Media using Contextual Information 

      Granskogen, Torstein (Master thesis, 2018)
      Misinformation has become an important part of society, especially with the increase in fake news. This thesis investigates how using contextual and network data may be used as a detection system for news articles or other ...
    • Automatic Knowledge Extraction in Norwegian Finance 

      Sundt, Jonas Hvidsten (Master thesis, 2024)
      Denne avhandlingen utforsker generering av kunnskapsgrafer innen norsk finans og ser på nytteverdien av disse. Denne oppgaven inneholder hovedsakelig utviklingen av en ende-til-ende Python pipeline som tar inn forskjellige ...
    • Automatically Detecting Political Viewpoints in Norwegian Text 

      Doan, Tu My; Baumgartner, David; Kille, Benjamin Uwe; Gulla, Jon Atle (Journal article, 2024)
      We introduce three resources to support research on political texts in Scandinavia. The encoder-decoder transformer models sp-t5 and sp-t5-keyword were trained on political texts. The nor-pvi (available at https://tinyur ...
    • Automating the Process of Traffic Incident Reporting 

      Bjørgo, Anna Jansdatter; Lundegaard, Mads (Master thesis, 2024)
      Rapportering av trafikkhendelser har en rekke fordeler, blant annet det å bedre sikkerheten for trafikanter, redusere kø og forbedre effektiviteten til nødetater. Samlet sett bidrar trafikkrapportering til en bedre ...
    • Automating the Process of Traffic Incident Reporting 

      Bjørgo, Anna Jansdatter; Lundegaard, Mads (Master thesis, 2024)
      Rapportering av trafikkhendelser har en rekke fordeler, blant annet det å bedre sikker- heten for trafikanter, redusere kø og forbedre effektiviteten til nødetater. Samlet sett bidrar trafikkrapportering til en bedre ...
    • Automatisk sammendragsgenerering av nyhetsartikler 

      Hellerud, Helge Thomas (Master thesis, 2005)
      Det er i denne oppgaven testet og evaluert hvorvidt to teknikker med utspring fra informasjonsgjenfinning (eng: Information Retrieval, IR) kan anvendes for ekstraksjon av setninger til nyhetssammendrag. Vektorrommodellen ...
    • Brand sentiment analysis of the Norwegian banking sector 

      Lien, Anders (Master thesis, 2017)
      For the last two decades, the world wide web has become a social arena where people can express themselves. People write opinionated texts on social media towards various targets, which is read by other people. The readers ...
    • Building Sentiment Lexicons for Mainland Scandinavian Languages Using Machine Translation and Sentence Embeddings 

      Liu, Peng; Marco, Cristina; Gulla, Jon Atle (Chapter, 2022)
      This paper presents a simple but effective method to build sentiment lexicons for the three Mainland Scandinavian languages: Danish, Norwegian and Swedish. This method benefits from the English Sentiwordnet and a thesaurus ...
    • Classification of Maintenance Reports - Statistical NLP meets the Oil & Gas Industry 

      Selvig, Ole Christer Andre Asikainen (Master thesis, 2018)
      Several problematic data characteristics were revealed, such as multilingual reports, and significant class imbalances. While no consistent scheme for conduct-ing data preparation was found, several techniques were frequently ...
    • Collaborative Filtering in the News Domain with Explicit and Implicit Feedback 

      Monsen, Dag Einar; Romstad, Patrick Heia (Master thesis, 2014)
      In online recommender systems, we use computerized algorithms to present articles targeted at the preferences of each individual user. One such technique, called collaborative filtering, works by selecting articles that ...
    • Dynamic attention-based explainable recommendation with textual and visual fusion 

      Liu, Peng; Zhang, Lemei; Gulla, Jon Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Explainable recommendation, which provides explanations about why an item is recommended, has attracted growing attention in both research and industry communities. However, most existing explainable recommendation methods ...
    • Dynamic attention-integrated neural network for session-based news recommendation 

      Zhang, Lemei; Liu, Peng; Gulla, Jon Atle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Online news recommendation aims to continuously select a pool of candidate articles that meet the temporal dynamics of user preferences. Most of the existing methods assume that all user-item interaction history are equally ...
    • An Educational News Dataset for Recommender Systems 

      Xing, Yujie; Mohallick, Itishree; Gulla, Jon Atle; Özgöbek, Özlem; Zhang, Lemei (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Datasets are an integral part of contemporary research on recommender systems. However, few datasets are available for conventional recommender systems and even very limited datasets are available when it comes to ...
    • Enhanced Location API 

      Krakeli, Marius; Midtsund, Martin Akre (Master thesis, 2013)
      Locations within news recommendation is a field with room for improvement. Location is not used by popular news recommendation applications on the market today, and while the location technology has evolved, the research ...