Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Goa, Pål Erik"
Now showing items 1-20 of 60
31P MRS protocol optimization and repeatability testing in calf muscle of healthy volunteers on a clinical 7 Tesla MR scanner
Norum, Andreas (Master thesis, 2021)Hovedmålet for denne masteroppgaven var å etablere en skannprotokoll og evaluere repeterbarheten i 31P MRS i leggmuskelen hos friske frivillige på den kliniske 7T MR-skanneren ved St. Olavs Hospital. Startpunktet for ... -
3D-EPI with parallel imaging acceleration along two Axis: Evaluated with Phantom Study and BOLD fMRI
Vaksdal, Martin (Master thesis, 2013)The function of the human brain has for many years been an intriguing field of research, and has led to the discovery of functional MRI (fMRI). fMRI is dependent on high spatial and temporal resolution to acquire detailed ... -
A Comparison of Biological Dose Estimates in Proton and Carbon Ion Therapy Based on Averaged and Full Linear Energy Transfer Spectra
Rørvik, Eivind (Master thesis, 2015)Radiotherapy with ions, also known as particle therapy, is increasing rapidly. Shifting from photons to protons and carbons is not only a great technological transition, but also a shift in physics and in radiobiology. ... -
Accuracy of breast cancer lesion classification using intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted imaging is improved by the inclusion of global or local prior knowledge with bayesian methods
Vidic, Igor; Jerome, Neil Peter; Bathen, Tone Frost; Goa, Pål Erik; While, Peter Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background Diffusion‐weighted MRI (DWI) has potential to noninvasively characterize breast cancer lesions; models such as intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) provide pseudodiffusion parameters that reflect tissue perfusion, ... -
Analysis of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Healthy Volunteers at 3T and 7T
Lysheim, Eivind (Master thesis, 2021)For å anskaffe informasjon vedrørende hjernestrukturer sentrale i diagnosistisering av Parkinsons sykdom og Amyotrofisk lateralsklerose ufører man gjerne manuelle segmenteringer av de interessante regionene (ROIs). Dette ... -
Applications of advanced MRI methods in cancer and neuroimaging
Syversen, Ingrid Framås (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:406, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a powerful and versatile non-invasive medical imaging modality. In this thesis, advanced MRI methods in cancer and neuroimaging were investigated. More specifically, we focus on the ... -
Applications of Deep Neural Networks in Pulse Design with Parallel Transmission for Ultra-High Field MRI
Sørensen, Christoffer Bro (Master thesis, 2020)To hovedmål er undersøkt i denne oppgaven, som begge består av å prediktere komplekse vekter for parallelltransmisjon (PTx) for en 8-kanals transmit (Tx) 32-kanal mottak (Rx) Nova hodespole på en Simenes Magneton 7T med ... -
Applying generative adversarial networks for anomaly detection in hyperspectral remote sensing imagery
Eide, Aksel Wilhelm Wold (Master thesis, 2018)Automatic anomaly detection has previously been implemented on hyperspectral images by use of different statistical methods with good results. We apply a machine learning method using generative adversarial networks (GAN) ... -
Attenuation correction in PET/MR: A performance assessment of UTE-based and Dixon-based methods for PET attenuation correction
Aasheim, Lars Birger (Master thesis, 2014)Hybrid positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging (PET/MR) scanners are one of the latest tools available in the field of medical imaging, and are expected to outperform the well-established PET/X-ray computed ... -
Automated Segmentation for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Healthy Volunteers at 7T
Vorren, Inger Sofie (Master thesis, 2023)Parkinsons sykdom (PD) er en utbredt nevrodegenerativ lidelse og er assosiert med opphopning av jern i subkortikale hjernestrukturer. MR-avbildningsmetoden Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) gir kvantitative mål for ... -
Automated Segmentation of Metastatic Lymph Nodes in Lymphoma Patients
Knapstad, Sølvi (Master thesis, 2022)Ved å bruke det kunstige nevrale nettverket 2D U-Net, tester denne masteroppgaven nøyaktigheten til 2D U-Net med formålet om å automatisk segmentere ondartede svultser i PET/MR-bilder av pasienter med metastatisk lymfom. For ... -
Brain Development after Neonatal Intermittent Hyperoxia-Hypoxia in the Rat Studied by Longitudinal MRI and Immunohistochemistry
Morken, Tora Sund; Nyman, Axel Karl Gottfrid; Sandvig, Ioanna; Torp, Sverre Helge; Skranes, Jon Sverre; Goa, Pål Erik; Brubakk, Ann-Mari; Widerøe, Marius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Background: Neonatal intermittent hyperoxia-hypoxia (IHH) is involved in the pathogenesis of retinopathy of prematurity. Whether similar oxygen fluctuations will create pathological changes in the grey and white matter ... -
Characterization of anisotropy in articular cartilage samples using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and multiphoton microscopy (MPM)
Teklehaymanot, Yemane (Master thesis, 2016)Articular cartilage is a thin flexible tissue found at the ends of the bones in a joint that provides a lubricated surface for articulation and distribute loads with low friction. However, due to degenerative diseases, ... -
Charge Diffusion Modelling for a Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor Detector with Application to Proton CT
Hansen, Even Hunnes Helgesen (Master thesis, 2017)A model for charge diffusion in a monolithic active pixel sensor detector was studied with application to a digital tracking calorimeter, proposed for use in proton computed tomography. The model was implemented in C++, ... -
Classification of Breast Cancer Based on DCE MRI
Løkken, Ingrid Quist (Master thesis, 2017)This master thesis is a part of a project at the MR group at the department of physics at NTNU. The aim of MR group is to make a model which is able to classify the subtype of breast tumours. In this master thesis the focus ... -
Comparison of two diffusion weighted MR protocols for detecting Differences in Microvasculature in chronic Pancreatitis and Pancreas Cancer
Boland, Ingrid (Master thesis, 2016)Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer with high mortality. Unspecific, or the absence of, symptoms result in late diagnosis, which is fatal when the only curable treatment is surgical removal of the tumor. Differentiating ... -
Data acquisition for high resolution blood oxygen level dependent fMRI
Ladstein, Jarle (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:75, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Blood oxygen level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD fMRI) is an important non-invasive technique for investigation of brain function. Using BOLD fMRI, brain activity can be localized with high spatial ... -
Developent of an improved B0-shim method on the 7 tesla Magnetom Terra MRI scanner
Jostein Brunvær Steffensen (Master thesis, 2021)Magnetresonanstomografi avhenger av et svært homogent og statisk magnetfelt for å unngå bildeforvrenginger og tap av signalstyrke. Prosedyren som retter opp små variasjoner i skannerens hovedmagnetfelt kalles B0-shimming, ... -
Discrimination of Breast Cancer from Healthy Breast Tissue Using a Three-component Diffusion-weighted MRI Model
Andreassen, Maren Marie Sjaastad; Rodriguez-Soto, Ana; Conlin, CC; Vidić, I; Seibert, TM; Wallace, AM; Zare, S; Kuperman, J; Abudu, B; Ahn, GS; Hahn, M; Jerome, Neil Peter; Østlie, Agnes; Bathen, Tone Frost; Ojeda-Fournier, H; Goa, Pål Erik; Rakow-Penner, Rebecca; Dale, AM (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose: Diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI) is a contrast-free modality that has demonstrated ability to discriminate between predefined benign and malignant breast lesions. However, how well DW-MRI discriminates cancer from ... -
Effect of task-correlated physiological fluctuations and motion in 2D and 3D echo-planar imaging in a higher cognitive level fMRI paradigm
Ladstein, Jarle; Evensmoen, Hallvard Røe; Håberg, Asta; Kristoffersen, Anders; Goa, Pål Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Purpose: To compare 2D and 3D echo-planar imaging (EPI) in a higher cognitive level fMRI paradigm. In particular, to study the link between the presence of task-correlated physiological fluctuations and motion and the fMRI ...