Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Gjære, Erlend Andreas"
A holistic approach to email security
Kleiven, Gaute Solbu (Master thesis, 2019)E-post er involvert i en overveldende andel av alle cyberangrep. E-poststandardene er gamle og usikre, og kan enkelt forfalskes, avlyttes eller modifiseres av en ondsinnet aktør. Et stort utvalg av sikkerhetstiltak har ... -
Automatic Analysis of Scam Emails
Fagerland, Vegard (Master thesis, 2017)Email and email security have been the main topics of this master thesis. The thesis considers how an organization works with email security and security culture, the email specifications, threat agents, vulnerabilities ... -
Best practices and motivational factors for information security in startups: An exploratory case study of four Norwegian tech startups
Futsæter, Nora (Master thesis, 2019)Teknologibransjen gjennomgår en revolusjon. Med innovasjon og ny teknologi kommer også stadig nye trusler. For eksempel er norske bedrifter, organisasjoner og offentlige sektorer i stadig større grad ofre for avanserte ... -
Designing privacy-friendly digital whiteboards for mediation of clinical progress
Gjære, Erlend Andreas; Lillebo, Børge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Background: In hospitals, digital versions of dry-erase whiteboards are increasingly becoming more common. One of the purposes with such whiteboards is to support coordination of care by augmenting visibility and availability ... -
Exchange of Security Incident Information in the context of Cloud Services
Frøystad, Christian (Master thesis, 2015)In recent years, the use of cloud computing has increased significantly. More and more organizations are moving their services to the cloud as there are rather compelling benefits from using cloud computing. Some of these ... -
Gamification of Information Security Awareness and Training
Gjertsen, Eyvind Gaarder Bull; Gjære, Erlend Andreas; Bartnes, Maria; Flores, Waldo Rocha (Chapter, 2017)Security Awareness and Training (SAT) programs are commonly put in place to reduce risk related to insecure behaviour among employees. There are however studies questioning how effective SAT programs are in terms of improving ... -
Personal Health Information on Display: Balancing Needs, Usability and Legislative Requirements
Gjære, Erlend Andreas; Tøndel, Inger Anne; Line, Maria Bartnes; Andresen, Herbjørn; Toussaint, Pieter Jelle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Large wall-mounted screens placed at locations where health personnel pass by will assist in self-coordination and improve utilisation of both resources and staff at hospitals. The sensitivity level of the information ... -
Sensitive Information on Display: Using flexible de-identification for protecting patient privacy in (semi-) public hospital environments
Gjære, Erlend Andreas (Master thesis, 2011)In later years, the health care work in hospitals has become increasingly fragmented, in a sense where different people and professions are required for the treatment of every single patient. As a consequence, personnel ... -
Use of Gamification in Security Awareness and Training Programs
Gjertsen, Eyvind Garder B (Master thesis, 2016)The security reports are unambiguous: the human factor constitutes a real vulnerability in the information security domain. It is crucial that employees of companies and governments understand the risks and threats connected ...