Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Gastinger, Almuth"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Academic reading format preferences and behaviors among university students worldwide: A comparative survey analysis
Todorova, Tania; Yantao, Pan; Zhang, Jiuzhen; Zivkovic, Daniela; Pešut, Darija; Kortelainen, Terttu; Bar-Ilan, Judit; Aharony, Noa; Collina, Elena; Krumina, Liga; Geagea, Hanady; Ghinculov, Silvia; Landøy, Ane; Gastinger, Almuth; de la Vega, Aurora; Terra, Ana Lucia; Johnston, Nicole; Repanovici, Angela; Vilar, Polona; Schneider, René; Dogan, Güleda; Kurbanoglu, Serap; Jamal, Patricia; Bawden, David; Secker, Jane; Morrison, Chris; Salaz, A. M.; Mizrachi, Diane; Boustany, Joumana (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This study reports the descriptive and inferential statistical findings of a survey of academic reading format preferences and behaviors of 10,293 tertiary students worldwide. The study hypothesized that country-based ... -
Bridging the gap: Involving new professionals in the international development of our profession in the digital world
Gastinger, Almuth; Wilke, Sebastian; Tise, Ellen R.; Verheul, Ingeborg (Chapter, 2010) -
Challenges of e-Science and Virtual Research Environments for Academic Libraries in Norway
Gastinger, Almuth (Chapter, 2012)In recent years there have been huge changes in the way researchers carry out their research. New terms like e-Science, Cyberinfrastructure and Virtual Research Environment emerged. Now researchers work in more interdisciplinary ... -
Copyright Literacy Skills of LIS Students in Norway
Gastinger, Almuth; Landøy, Ane (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper presents findings from a study on copyright literacy skills of Library and Information Studies (LIS) students in Norway. It surveyed bachelor, master and PhD students at the Oslo Metropolitan University which ... -
Cycling for libraries Cycling: Tradisjoner i endring – bibliotekarer i bevegelse
Gastinger, Almuth (Journal article, 2011) -
Fem uker ved "Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek" (SLUB) i Dresden
Gastinger, Almuth (Journal article, 2005) -
Hvorfor IFLA har endret livet mitt!
Gastinger, Almuth (Journal article, 2011) -
Im Einsatz für Forschung und Lehre. Kompetenzen des Fachpersonals der NTNU Universitätsbibliothek in Trondheim
Gastinger, Almuth (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)Umfassende Änderungen in unserer Gesellschaft und eine explosive Entwicklung der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie sind Ursachen dafür, dass sich Forschungs- und Lehrprozesse in den vergangenen Jahren massiv ... -
Information Literacy and Article Nineteen
Sturges, Paul; Gastinger, Almuth (Others, 2009) -
Print or Electronic Course Readings: Implications for Library Space and Information Literacy Programmes
Landøy, Ane; Gastinger, Almuth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)For several years, there has been a debate about digital vs. print format for study materials. The Academic Reading Format International Study (ARFIS) has shown that students clearly are in favour of paper, both in Norway ... -
The more they tried it the less they liked it:Norwegian and Romanian student’s response to electronic course material
Landøy, Ane; Repanovici, Angela; Gastinger, Almuth (Communications in Computer and Information Science;552;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2015)In this paper we will present and compare survey findings from Romania and Norway taken from the “Multinational study on students’ preferences regarding print versus electronic resources for course readings”. This study ...