Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Garrett, Joseph Landon"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Accuracy of a slew maneuver for the HYPSO-1 hyperspectral imaging satellite — in-orbit results
Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas; Langer, Dennis David; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Berg, Simen; Gravdahl, Jan Tommy; Johansen, Tor Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In this paper, the accuracy of a slew maneuver performed by the HYPSO-1 satellite is analysed based on the data received during the satellite’s first months in orbit. The slew maneuver, during which the satellite turns ... -
Agile smallsat operation tool-chain development: Hypso-1 hyperspectral earth observation experiences
Langer, Dennis David; Berg, Simen; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Birkeland, Roger; Bakken, Sivert; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Satellite operations is important for a successful mission, but can be time consuming for inexperienced operators in new small satellite projects. We present a method for the continuous development of an earth observation ... -
An investigation into Multimodal UAV imaging for ocean color and benthic mapping
Saatvedt, Ole Kristian O. (Master thesis, 2024)Multi- og hyperspektrale kameraer, samt droneteknologi, har blitt mer tilgjengelig og rimelig i nyere tid. Dermed har også interessen for bruk av data fra disse sensorene, spesielt innen miljø- og naturapplikasjoner, økt. ... -
Dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral images using an ICA-based stochastic second-order optimization algorithm
Lupu, Daniela; Necoara, Ion; Ionescu, Tudor C.; Ghinea, L M; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Johansen, Tor Arne (Chapter, 2023)Hyperspectral imaging is one of the advanced remote sensing techniques whose goal is to obtain the spectrum for each pixel in the image of a scene, with the purpose of finding objects, identifying materials or detecting ... -
Exploration of Deep Learning for Cloud Segmentation in Multispectral and Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery
Koc, Yunus Emre; Penne, Cameron Louis; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Orlandic, Milica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Because clouds often block much or all of the light reflected off the surface and obscure the features remote sensing seeks to reveal, typically covering 2/3 of the surface at any given time, they are one of the most ... -
Ground systems software for automatic operation of the HYPSO-2 hyperspectral imaging satellite
Berg, Simen; Bakken, Sivert; Birkeland, Roger; Chiatante, Corrado; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Johansen, Tor Arne (Chapter, 2023)HYPSO-1 was launched in January 2022, equipped with a novel hyperspectral imaging payload with the main objective of performing marine research. In 2024, HYPSO-2, with an enhanced capture capacity, will be launched. The ... -
Hyperspectral Imager Calibration and Image Correction
Henriksen, Marie Bøe (Master thesis, 2019)Hyperspektrale kameraer, ombord blant annet droner og småsatellitter, skal detektere algeoppblomstring og andre havfenomener langs norskekysten. Dette er en del av prosjektet HYPSO, som står for "hyperspektral småsatellitt ... -
HYPSO-1 CubeSat: First Images and In-Orbit Characterization
Bakken, Sivert; Henriksen, Marie Bøe; Birkeland, Roger; Langer, Dennis David; Oudijk, Adriënne Esmeralda; Berg, Simen; Pursley, Yeshi; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Gran-Jansen, Fredrik; Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn; Grøtte, Mariusz Eivind Santora; Kristiansen, Bjørn Andreas; Orlandic, Milica; Gader, Paul; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan; Sigernes, Fred; Johnsen, Geir; Johansen, Tor Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The HYPSO-1 satellite, a 6U CubeSat carrying a hyperspectral imager, was launched on 13 January 2022, with the Goal of imaging ocean color in support of marine research. This article describes the development and current ... -
Independent component analysis: A tool for algal bloom detection
Penne, Cameron Louis; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Johansen, Tor Arne; Orlandic, Milica; Heggebø, Ragna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Independent component analysis decomposition of hyperspectral signals has characteristics ideal for detecting harmful algal blooms in coastal waters. In this proceeding, independent component analysis is used to process ... -
Initial Field Evaluation of an On-Water Radiometry Robot for Water Quality and Satellite Validation
Bakken, Sivert; Zolich, Artur; Sørensen, Kai; Marty, Sabine; Harvey, E. Therese; Grant, Stephen Denis; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Osanen, Janina Emilia; Perumthuruthil Suseelan, Vishnu; Saesin, Pipatthra; Johansen, Tor Arne (Journal article, 2024) -
Monitoring Algal Blooms with Complementary Sensors on Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales
Williamson, David Roddan; Moreira Fragoso, Glaucia; Majaneva, Sanna Kristiina; Dallolio, Alberto; Halvorsen, Daniel Ørnes; Hasler, Oliver Kevin; Oudijk, Adriënne Esmeralda; Langer, Dennis David; Johansen, Tor Arne; Johnsen, Geir; Stahl, Annette; Ludvigsen, Martin; Garrett, Joseph Landon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
New version of Hyper-Fractal Analysis application for estimating the fuzzy fractal dimension of hyperspectral satellite ocean color images
Grossu, I.V.; Garrett, Joseph Landon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Onboard Hyperspectral Classification Enables Georeferencing
Langer, Dennis David; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Birkeland, Roger; Berg, Simen; Orlandic, Milica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has been building a system composed of multiple remote sensing agents for ocean observations. NTNU launched the first HYPerspectral Smallsat for Ocean observation ... -
Robust and Reconfigurable On-Board Processing for a Hyperspectral Imaging Small Satellite
Langer, Dennis David; Orlandic, Milica; Bakken, Sivert; Birkeland, Roger; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sørensen, Asgeir Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Hyperspectral imaging is a powerful remote sensing technology, but its use in space is limited by the large volume of data it produces, which leads to a downlink bottleneck. Therefore, most payloads to date have been ... -
The Role of Rapid Changes in Weather on Phytoplankton Spring Bloom Dynamics From Mid-Norway Using Multiple Observational Platforms
Moreira Fragoso, Glaucia; Dallolio, Alberto; Grant, Stephen Denis; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Ellingsen, Ingrid Helene; Johnsen, Geir; Johansen, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The spring phytoplankton bloom plays a major role in pelagic ecosystems; however, its dynamics are not well understood due to insufficient, highly resolved observational data. Here we investigate the start, peak, and decline ... -
Seagrass Health Monitoring Using USV & UAV Data with Machine Learning
Sætre, Simon Høydal (Master thesis, 2024)Dette prosjektet undersøkjer forskjellige maskinlæringsmetodar for å overvåke ålegrasenger. Målet er å bestemme ålegrasenga sin dekningsgrad og mengde begroingsalgar for å kunne måle informasjon om seasongvariasjonar. For ... -
Spatial Resolution Enhancement of Hyperspectral Images from Miniaturized Sensors
Bakken, Sivert; Langer, Dennis David; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Le Moan, Steven Yves; Johansen, Tor Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Here we describe and mitigate issues of optical aberrations related to wavelength-dependent blur caused by miniaturization in hyperspectral pushbroom image sensors, which degrade spatial resolution and limit their usefulness. ... -
Stochastic Higher-Order Independent Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Dimensionality Reduction
Lupu, Daniela; Necoara, Ion; Garrett, Joseph Landon; Johansen, Tor Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Hyperspectral imaging is a remote sensing technique that measures the spectrum of each pixel in the image of a scene. Various methods have been developed to reduce the spectral dimension of hyperspectral images in order ...