Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Garau, Michele"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Analysis of Dynamic Pricing to utilise Spatial Flexibility in Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicle Charging Demand
Fjær, Kyrre Kirkbakk (Master thesis, 2021)De kommende elektriske lastebilene for tungtransport forventes å kreve ladeeffekter mellom 400 kW og 1600 kW. En overgang til elektriske lastebiler kan dermed føre til utfordringer for strømnettet til å levere ladekraften ... -
Co-simulation and Discrete Event Simulation for Reliability Assessment of Power System and ICT: A Comparison
Garau, Michele; Muka, Romina; Heegaard, Poul Einar; Helvik, Bjarne Emil (Chapter, 2021)Modern power systems are increasingly relying on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to support their operation. This digitalization process introduces new complexity, which requires novel methodologies to ... -
Co-Simulation of Smart Distribution Network Fault Management and Reconfiguration with LTE Communication
Garau, Michele; Ghiani, Emilio; Celli, Gianni; Pilo, Fabrizio; Corti, Sergio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Transition towards a smart grid requires network modernization based on the deployment of information and communication technologies for managing network operation and coordinating distributed energy resources in distribution ... -
Effect of Communication Failures on State Estimation of 5G-Enabled Smart Grid
Zerihun, Tesfaye Amare; Garau, Michele; Helvik, Bjarne Emil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Wide Area Measurement Systems (WAMS) and state estimation represent the key-tools for achieving a reliable and accurate knowledge of the power grid, and represent the ... -
Modelling and Analysis of Interdependencies between Financial, Communication and Power System Infrastructures in a Smart Grid Scenario
Deraas, Bendik Balstad (Master thesis, 2020)Samfunnet blir stadig mer sammenkoblet, og det samme blir infrastruk- turene som underbygger det. En av de viktigste truslene mot infrastruk- tursikkerhet er gjensidige avhengigheter som utvikles mellom dem. Den økende ... -
Power Unavailability Reduction in Distribution Grid Fault Management with Entropy Minimization
Garau, Michele; Helvik, Bjarne Emil (Chapter, 2021)Smart automation is acquiring a high importance in current distribution systems. The high number of buses, the radial topology, the small number of sensors and automated devices, require new approaches in managing fault ... -
Robustness of short-term load forecasting models for smart grids
Sandgrind Refvik, Håvard (Master thesis, 2020)Spenningsnivåer er en viktig faktor i den daglige driften av distribusjonsnett. Nå som smartgridet i Norge begynner å vokse med flere og flere sensorer innstallert i nettet, er det mulig å samle inn store mengder data. ...