Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Gaitani, Niki"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
The Climate Dimension in the Design of Resilient Urban Neighborhoods in Norway: A study on materials, outdoor thermal comfort, and building energy demand in the context of the urban microclimate
Brozovsky, Johannes Georg (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:118, Doctoral thesis, 2022)One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals proclaimed in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the United Nations is Sustainable Cities and Communities. In the view of urbanization and a rising world population, ... -
Design and performance predictions of plus energy neighbourhoods – Case studies of demonstration projects in four different European climates
Andresen, Inger; Trulsrud, Tonje Healey; Finocchiaro, Luca; Nocente, Alessandro; Tamm, Meril; Ortiz, Joana; Salom, Jaume; Magyari, Ábel; Oeffelen, Linda Hoes-van; Borsboom, Wouter; Kornaat, Wim; Gaitani, Niki (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The article presents the design of four plus energy neighbourhood demonstration projects located in different climate zones in Europe. The demo projects are a part of the Horizon 2020 project ‘syn.ikia’, which aims to ... -
Energy and Environmental Performance Analysis of Demo Project in Oslo
Hollund, Stian (Master thesis, 2021)Denne masteroppgaven er en forskningsbasert rapport som undersøker energi- og miljøytelsen til et energipositivt bygg i nabolagskala. For å gjøre dette ble et demonstrasjonsprosjekt i Oslo brukt som utgangspunkt for en ... -
An Evaluation Framework for Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods: Moving Beyond the Traditional Building Energy Assessment
Salom, Jaume; Tamm, Meril; Andresen, Inger; Cali, Davide; Magyari, Ábel; Bukovszki, Viktor; Balázs, Rebeka; Dorizas, Paraskevi Vivian; Toth, Zsolt; Mafé, Clara; Cheng, Caroline Y; Reith, András; Civiero, Paolo; Pascual, Jordi; Gaitani, Niki (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)There are international activities and on-going initiatives, particularly at the European level, to define what Positive Energy Districts should be, as the driving concept for the urban transition to a sustainable future. ... -
Evaluation of Sustainable Strategies and Design Solutions at High-Latitude Urban Settlements to Enhance Outdoor Thermal Comfort
Brozovsky, Johannes; Corio, Sara; Gaitani, Niki; Gustavsen, Arild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Driven by the necessity to design resilient and prosperous cities and to counteract the impacts of climate change, this study aims to shed light on the interactions between microclimate, urban built environment, and the ... -
Evaluation of the Impact of Microclimatic Parameters on Energy Performance of ZEN with BEPS.
Narayan, Dungana (Master thesis, 2021)Den raske urbaniseringen har ført til dannelse av komplekse urbane morfologier som har resultert i temperaturøkning i byene sammenlignet med nærliggende landlige områder. Med urbanisering følger bygningene og bygningene ... -
Method for 3D neighborhood model creation in CityGML standard as basis for urban simulation tools
Voitenko, Galina (Master thesis, 2023)- -
Microclimate analysis of a university campus in Norway
Brozovsky, Johannes; Corio, Sara; Gaitani, Niki; Gustavsen, Arild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Climate responsive urban design that makes use of passive heating and cooling strategies and enhances pedestrian comfort is a key element to a sustainable society. Knowing the impact of different materials, building ... -
Role of housing in optimization of renewable energy in a Sustainable Positive Energy Neighbourhood in Norway
Naqvi, Sardar Syed Shabab Ali (Master thesis, 2022)Sammendrag Vi kan ikke benekte bygningers rolle for en bærekraftig fremtid. Vi strever ikke bare etter energieffektive bygninger, men for energieffektive nabolag. Etter energieffektive nabolag, har vi energi pluss prosjekter. ... -
Social and architectural values in sustainable plus-energy buildings and neighbourhoods
Chiusi, Bianca (Master thesis, 2023)The importance of creating well-designed buildings and neighbourhoods is widely recognised, as is the necessity to focus on environmental, economic, and social sustainability in order to achieve good architecture. While ... -
Social Effects of a Sustainable Positive Energy Neighborhood in Norway
Dolezal, Nicole (Master thesis, 2022)Klimaendringer i dag har allerede begynt å påvirke måten mennesker samhandler med miljøet rundt seg på. I Verksbyen, Fredrikstad, er et bærekraftig positivt energinabolag på gang. Designbeslutningene som tas for nabolaget ... -
A Systematic Review of Urban Climate Research in Cold and Polar Climate Regions
Brozovsky, Johannes; Gaitani, Niki; Gustavsen, Arild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Cities are at the forefront of the climate change issue and are responsible for about 39% of global carbon dioxide emissions. They can form their own climate which is often characterized by higher temperatures and pollution ... -
The Boxes: A Zero-emission Industrial Building
Menegat, Gabriela (Master thesis, 2021)The project is a zero-emission industrial building located in Malvik, Trøndelag. The building consists in a 1975m2 space, divided in 1375m2 for industrial area and 600m2 for office area. The design concept is functionality ... -
Urban surfaces studied by VIS/NIR imaging from UAV: Possibilities and limitations
Burud, Ingunn; Vukovic, Marija; Thiis, Thomas Kringlebotn; Gaitani, Niki (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The present research approach aims at analyzing the relation between material properties and their thermal behavior using airborne multispectral imaging in VIS/NIR and IR with sensors mounted on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ... -
Validation of a CFD model for the evaluation of urban microclimate at high latitudes: A case study in Trondheim, Norway
Brozovsky, Johannes; Simonsen, Are Johan; Gaitani, Niki (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The urban microclimate is a rapidly evolving field of research gaining increasing interest from public authorities and researchers. However, studies at high-latitude cities are scarce and researchers primarily focus on ... -
Zero Emission Neighbourhoods and Positive Energy Districts – A State-of-the-Art Review
Brozovsky, Johannes; Gustavsen, Arild; Gaitani, Niki (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Urban areas are critical in accomplishing the clean energy transition and meeting the climate goals in the Paris Agreement. The first part of this paper presents a systematic review of scientific publications on zero ...