Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Fuglstad, Geir-Arne"
Now showing items 1-20 of 38
A Comparison of Model-Based and Design-Based Methods for Spatial Modelling Using Complex Survey Data
Saghagen, Marte Marie (Master thesis, 2019)I de siste årene har det blitt gjore store framskritt i estimering av barnedødelighet på subnasjonalt nivå med survey data. De mest brukte metodene er design-baserte, som er enkle å implementere og produserer estimater som ... -
A Statistical Approach to Spatial Mapping of Temperature Change
Hem, Ingeborg Gullikstad (Master thesis, 2017)In this thesis, spatio-temporal temperature trends are estimated based on monthly average temperatures from 503 observation locations in the southern half of Norway. The time period studied is 1960 to 2016. A latent Gaussian ... -
Adaptive Sampling of River Plume Fronts: Integrating Statistical Modeling and Autonomous Path Planning for Enhanced Oceanographic Exploration
Ge, Yaolin (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:180, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The ocean remains largely unexplored and presents a great challenge for scientific research. Ocean fronts have shown importance for understanding both biological and physical oceanographic phenomena, with river plume ... -
Assessing comorbidity and correlates of wasting and stunting among children in Somalia using cross-sectional household surveys: 2007 to 2010
Kinyoki, Damaris K.; Kandala, Ngianga-Bakwin; Manda, Samuel O.; Krainski, Elias Teixeira; Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Moloney, Grainne M.; Berkley, James A.; Noor, Abdisalan M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Objective: Wasting and stunting may occur together at the individual child level; however, their shared geographic distribution and correlates remain unexplored. Understanding shared and separate correlates may inform ... -
Bayesian multiresolution modeling of georeferenced data: An extension of ‘LatticeKrig’
Paige, John; Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Riebler, Andrea Ingeborg; Wakefield, Jon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)‘LatticeKrig’ (LK) is a spatial model that is often used for modeling multiresolution spatial data with flexible covariance structures. An extension to LK under a Bayesian framework is proposed that uses integrated nested ... -
Comparing Global and Local Specification of Spatially Varying Anisotropy
Isaksen, Mathias Leander (Master thesis, 2020)I denne oppgaven tar vi for oss to tilnærminger til ikke-stasjonær romlig modellering med gaussiske stokastiske felt (GRF-er), og sammenligner disse. Den første tilnærmingen tar i bruk en stokastisk partiell differensialligning ... -
Compression of Climate Simulations with a Nonstationary Global Spatio-Temporal SPDE Model
Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Castruccio, Stefano (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Modern climate models pose an ever-increasing storage burden to computational facilities, and the upcoming generation of global simulations from the next Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will require a substantial ... -
Constructing Priors that Penalize the Complexity of Gaussian Random Fields
Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Simpson, Daniel; Lindgren, Finn; Rue, Håvard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Priors are important for achieving proper posteriors with physically meaningful covariance structures for Gaussian random fields (GRFs) since the likelihood typically only provides limited information about the covariance ... -
Design- and Model-Based Approaches to Small-Area Estimation in a Low and Middle Income Country Context: Comparisons and Recommendations
Paige, John; Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Riebler, Andrea Ingeborg; Wakefield, Jon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The need for rigorous and timely health and demographic summaries has provided the impetus for an explosion in geographic studies in low- and middle-income countries. Many of these studies present fine-scale pixel-level ... -
Estimating under-five mortality in space and time in a developing world context
Wakefield, Jon; Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Riebler, Andrea Ingeborg; Godwin, Jessica; Wilson, Katie; Clark, Samuel J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Accurate estimates of the under-five mortality rate in a developing world context are a key barometer of the health of a nation. This paper describes a new model to analyze survey data on mortality in this context. We are ... -
Fast Spatial Multi-level Models for Small Area Estimation
Giørtz, Petter Jeppesen (Master thesis, 2023)Det foreslås en utvidelse av Besag-York-Mollié (BYM)-modellen som kan ta hensyn til romlig variasjon på flere nivåer. Multi-level modellen presenteres som en alternativ metode for nøyaktig estimering av demografiske data ... -
Forecasting Child Mortality while Accounting for Complex Survey Design
Vik, Hedda Hognedatter Bjørnebye (Master thesis, 2019)Barnedødelighetsrater er viktige indikatorer på en nasjons helse. FNs tusenårsmål (MDG) og bærekraftsmål (SDG) fokuserer på å redusere barnedødelighet. Man trenger nøyaktige estimater og prediksjoner for nyfødtdødelighet ... -
Geostatistical Analysis of DHS Data: Accounting for Random Displacement of Survey Locations
Altay, Umut (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:184, Doctoral thesis, 2023) -
Geostatistical Modeling under Positional Uncertainty
Totland, Jim (Master thesis, 2023)I denne oppgaven undersøker vi posisjonell usikkerhet i geostatistisk modellering. Et sentralt eksempel på posisjonell usikkerhet er bruken av geografisk maskering (geomaskering) ment til å beskytte personvern. Geomaskering ... -
High Resolution Global Precipitation Downscaling with Latent Gaussian Models and Nonstationary SPDE Structure
Zhang, Jiachen; Bonas, Matthew; Bolster, Diogo; Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Castruccio, Stefano (Journal article, 2023)Obtaining high-resolution maps of precipitation data can provide key insights to stakeholders to assess a sustainable access to water resources at urban scale. Mapping a non-stationary, sparse process such as precipitation ... -
Intuitive Joint Priors for Variance Parameters
Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Hem, Ingeborg Gullikstad; Knight, Alexander; Rue, Håvard; Riebler, Andrea Ingeborg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Variance parameters in additive models are typically assigned independent priors that do not account for model structure. We present a new framework for prior selection based on a hierarchical decomposition of the total ... -
Landscape relatedness: detecting contemporary fine-scale spatial structure in wild populations
Norman, Anita J.; Stronen, Astrid V.; Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Ruiz-Gonzalez, Aritz; Kindberg, Jonas; Street, Nathaniel R.; Spong, Göran (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Context: Methods for detecting contemporary, fine-scale population genetic structure in continuous populations are scarce. Yet such methods are vital for ecological and conservation studies, particularly under a changing ... -
Linear Regression for Survey Data
Matre, Andreas (Bachelor thesis, 2020)Denne bacheloroppgaven er en del av emnet MA2002 på NTNU, som er 15 studiepoeng over ett semester. I denne oppgaven diskuterer vi hvordan man gjør linear regresjon når et komplekst utvalgsdesign er brukt for å samle inn ... -
Logistic Mixed Models for Demographic and Health Indicators
Tharmapalan, Thakshina (Master thesis, 2021)Nyfødtdødelighet og vaksinedekning mot meslinger er viktige helseindikatorer for en nasjon. Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) er en pålitelig kilde for å spore indikatorer for å forbedre en nasjons helse i lav- og ... -
Model-Based Multiresolution Small Area Estimation
Barkald, Christian (Master thesis, 2021)Nøyaktige og pålitelige estimater for vaksinasjonsdekning i lav- og middelsinntektsland spiller en viktig rolle for planlegging og gjennomføring av folkehelsepolitikk, og for igangsettelse av supplementerende vaksinasjonsprogram. ...