Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Franke, Katrin"
Advancing Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithm for Automated Classification in Largescale Forensic and Cybercrime Investigations: Adaptive Machine Learning for Big Data Forensic
Shalaginov, Andrii (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:57, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Abstract Cyber Crime Investigators are challenged by the huge amount and complexity of digital data seized in criminal cases. Human experts are present in the Court of Law and make decisions with respect to the digital ... -
Algorithms and Methods for Organised Cybercrime Analysis
Johnsen, Jan William (Master thesis, 2016-08-31)Law enforcement agencies reports that Organised Criminal Groups are moving more of their activities from traditional crime into the cyber domain. Where they form so-called Darknets, whose purpose is to act as marketplaces ... -
Analysis of attacks on machine learning-based methods for malware detection
Fredrik Morten Sætran (Master thesis, 2019)The more sophisticated tools and methods used by attackers has forced the computer security industry to look for improved security controls. Malicious software is often used as a tool for frequent and costly computer ... -
Approach to optimize the investigation for the police in Lower Saxony: virtualization of forensic images
Neumann, Patrick (Master thesis, 2021)For en mindre teknologisk kunnskapsrik etterforsker er det en fordel å kunne virtualisere mistenktssystemet. Å kunne se det gjennom den mistenkte er lettere enn å bruke kompliserte, integrerte rettsmedisinske verktøy. Hvis ... -
Approximate String Matching and Filesystem Metadata Carving: A Study of Improving Precision and Recall for Assisting the Digital Forensics Backlog
Porter, Kyle (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:43, Doctoral thesis, 2022)The technical aspects of digital forensics are often dependent upon the progress made in other scientific fields. One such area of study whose results are often applied to digital forensics is string matching theory. String ... -
Automated triage of samples for malware analysis
Thoresen, Halvor Mydske (Master thesis, 2017)As people continue to rely increasingly on information systems, the threat landscape will keep evolving. To combat and defeat new threats we need good cyber threat intelligence. Analysis of malicious software is a popular ... -
Autonomous Intelligence Driven Cyber Defense
Eikenes, Bjørge (Master thesis, 2021)De fleste bedrifter er i varierende grad avhengig av Internet for å levere tjenester til kunder eller det offentlige. Disse eksponerte tjenestene risikerer kontinuerlige angrep fra ondsinnende hackere. Angripere vil forsøke ... -
Bootstrapping the Paysim Financial Simulator for Open Source
Lopez-Rojas, Edgar Alonso; Franke, Katrin (Chapter, 2017)PaySim Simulator is an approach to the the lack of legitimate datasets on mobile money transactions to perform and experiment with fraud detection techniques. In this paper we used a technique called bootstrapping which ... -
Clustering Document Fragments using Background Color and Texture Information
Chanda, Sukalpa; Franke, Katrin; Pal, Umapada (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Forensic analysis of questioned documents sometimes can be extensively data intensive. A forensic expert might need to analyze a heap of document fragments and in such cases to ensure reliability he/she should focus ... -
Coffee forensics — Reconstructing data in IoT devices running Contiki OS
Sandvik, Jens-Petter; Franke, Katrin; Abie, Habtamu; Årnes, Andrè (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The ability to examine evidence and reconstruct files from novel IoT operating systems, such as Contiki with its Coffee File System, is becoming vital in digital forensic investigations. Two main challenges for an investigator ... -
Combining expert knowledge with automatic feature extraction for reliable web attack detection
Torrano-Gimenez, Carmen; Nguyen, Hai Thanh; Alvarez, Gonzalo; Franke, Katrin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)In the detection of web attacks, it is necessary that Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) are effective, at the same time than efficient. In this paper, we propose a new methodology for web attack detection that enhances these ... -
Comparing Open Source Search Engine Functionality, Efficiency and Effectiveness with Respect to Digital Forensic Search
Hansen, Joachim; Porter, Kyle; Shalaginov, Andrii; Franke, Katrin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Keyword search is one of the key components of the Cyber Crime Investigations. It has a direct influence on the precision and relevance of the data found on seized data carriers. However, many of the digital forensics tools ... -
Constrained Approximate Search and Data Reduction Techniques in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics
Chitrakar, Ambika Shrestha (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:315, Doctoral thesis, 2019) -
Data-driven Approach to Information Sharing using Data Fusion and Machine Learning
Andersen, Lars Christian (Master thesis, 2016-08-31)The number of security incidents worldwide is increasing, and the capabilities to detect and react is of uttermost importance. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are employed in various locations in networks to identify ... -
Deep Learning for Fingerprint Recognition Systems
Schuch, Patrick (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:242, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Summary Biometric recognition is a typical means to identify individuals or to verify claimed identities. Use cases are manifold. For example, users can unlock their smartphones for convenience by presenting their faces ... -
Deepthought - A Case Study in Digital Forensic Tool Validation
Petersen, Stian (Master thesis, 2019)Bevis fra digitale enheter spiller en stadig større rolle i etterforskning av kriminalsaker. Spesialverktøyene som brukes til å sikre og hente ut bevis må være nøyaktige og påvirke de beslaglagte enhetene så lite som mulig. ... -
Detecting Malicious Python Packages in the Python Package Index (PyPI)
Milje, Anders Aasrum (Master thesis, 2022)Deling av åpen kildekode er en vanlig praksis i store deler av moderne programvareutvikling. Å dele programvare sparer utallige ressurser for utviklere, ikke bare fordi dette reduserer utviklingstid, men også en kan være ... -
Detection of Synthetic Videos using Temporal Convolutional Networks
Abrahamsen, Simen Ege (Master thesis, 2021)Å generere ansiktssyntetiserte videoer er ikke en ny teknologi. Dette er noe som er gjort i flere år ved bruk av visuelle effekter og dataanimasjon. Hittil har dette krevd avansert kunnskap innen videoredigering for å oppnå ... -
Digital Forensic Acquisition of mobile phones in the Era of Mandatory Security: Offensive Techniques, Security Vulnerabilities and Exploitation
Alendal, Gunnar (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:94, Doctoral thesis, 2022)The increased use of consumer electronics like computers, mobile phones, smart watches, external hard drives, etc. has made digital forensics more important for law enforcement. Consumer products now contain more information ... -
Digital forensics on fog-based IoT devices
Gundersen, Julie Hodne (Master thesis, 2022)Den konstante økningen av nye enheter som blir koblet til internett resulterer i ekstreme mengder data som blir lagret og håndtert i en sky. Alle disse enhetene som logger aktivitet over hele verden, skaper utfordringer ...