• Body weight and composition endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic Review 4 of the cachexia endpoints series 

      Brown, Leo R.; Sousa, Mariana S.; Yule, Michael S.; Baracos, Vickie E.; McMillan, Donald C.; Arends, Jann; Balstad, Trude Rakel; Bye, Asta; Dajani, Olav; Dolan, Ross D.; Fallon, Marie T.; Greil, Christine; Hjermstad, Marianne Jensen; Jakobsen, Gunnhild; Maddocks, Matthew; McDonald, James; Ottestad, Inger; Phillips, Iain; Sayers, Judith; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Vagnildhaug, Ola Magne; Solheim, Tora S; Laird, Barry J; Skipworth, Richard J.E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Significant variation exists in the outcomes used in cancer cachexia trials, including measures of body composition, which are often selected as primary or secondary endpoints. To date, there has been no review of the most ...
    • Deterioration in Muscle Mass and Physical Function Differs According to Weight loss History in Cancer Cachexia 

      Stene, Guro Birgitte; Balstad, Trude Rakel; Leer, Anne Silja Mäkitalo; Bye, Asta; Kaasa, Stein; Fallon, Marie T.; Laird, Barry J; Maddocks, Matthew; Solheim, Tora Skeidsvoll (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background: Muscle mass and physical function (PF) are common co-primary endpoints in cancer cachexia trials, but there is a lack of data on how these outcomes interact over time. The aim of this secondary analysis of data ...
    • Physical function endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic Review 1 of the cachexia endpoints series 

      McDonald, James; Sayers, Judith; Anker, Stefan D.; Arends, Jann; Balstad, Trude Rakel; Baracos, Vickie; Brown, Leo; Bye, Asta; Dajani, Olav; Dolan, Ross; Fallon, Marie T.; Fraser, Eilidh; Griel, Christine; Grzyb, Aleksandra; Hjermstad, Marianne Jensen; Jamal-Hanjani, Mariam; Jakobsen, Gunnhild; Kaasa, Stein; McMillan, Donald; Maddocks, Matthew; Philips, Iain; Ottestad, Inger; Reid, Kieran F.; Sousa, Mariana S.; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Vagnildhaug, Ola Magne; Skipworth, Richard J. E.; Solheim, Tora S; Laird, Barry J (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In cancer cachexia trials, measures of physical function are commonly used as endpoints. For drug trials to obtain regulatory approval, efficacy in physical function endpoints may be needed alongside other measures. However, ...
    • Power comparisons and clinical meaning of outcome measures in assessing treatment effect in cancer cachexia: secondary analysis from a randomised pilot multimodal intervention trial 

      Balstad, Trude Rakel; Brunelli, Cinzia; Pettersen, Caroline Hild; Schønberg, Svanhild Margrethe Arentz; Skorpen, Frank; Fallon, Marie T.; Kaasa, Stein; Bye, Asta; Laird, Barry J. A.; Stene, Guro Birgitte; Solheim, Tora Skeidsvoll (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background: New clinical trials in cancer cachexia are essential and outcome measures with high responsiveness to detect meaningful changes are crucial. This secondary analysis from a multimodal intervention trial estimates ...
    • Quality of life endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic review 3 of the cachexia endpoints series 

      Hjermstad, Marianne Jensen; Jakobsen, Gunnhild; Arends, Jann; Balstad, Trude Rakel; Brown, Leo R.; Bye, Asta; Coats, Andrew J.S.; Dajani, Olav; Dolan, Ross D.; Fallon, Marie T.; Greil, Christine; Grzyb, Alexandra; Kaasa, Stein; Koteng, Lisa Heide; May, Anne M.; McDonald, James; Ottestad, Inger; Philips, Iain; Roeland, Eric J.; Sayers, Judith; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Skipworth, Richard J.E.; Solheim, Tora S; Sousa, Mariana S.; Vagnildhaug, Ola Magne; Laird, Barry J.A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      The use of patient-reported outcomes (PROMs) of quality of life (QOL) is common in cachexia trials. Patients' self-report on health, functioning, wellbeing, and perceptions of care, represent important measures of efficacy. ...