Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Etter, Siv Anina"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Characterization of the initial ammonium uptake in Saccharina latissima - Possible implications for cultivation in an IMTA system with intensive salmon farming
Dahlen, Vegard Rønning (Master thesis, 2018)Production of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) results in a release of ca. 39% of the total nitrogen content from the feed, which is mainly released as dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and mainly as the metabolic by product ... -
Experimental investigation of nutrient competition between starved Saccharina latissima and phytoplankon.
Rønningen, Nora (Master thesis, 2023)Kultivering av makroalger er en bærekraftig industri med stort potensiale for å produsere mat og andre produkter. Makroalger kan derfor være en viktig kilde til å øke matsikkerheten til den økende globale befolkningen. ... -
Initial short-term nitrate uptake in juvenile, cultivated Saccharina latissima (Phaeophyceae) of variable nutritional state
Forbord, Silje; Etter, Siv Anina; Broch, Ole Jacob; Dahlen, Vegard Rønning; Olsen, Yngvar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)To reach the goal of large-scale seaweed cultivation in Norway, new knowledge concerning commercially important species like the kelp Saccharina latissima is essential. This includes fundamental understanding of physiological ... -
Phosphorus in Saccharina latissima: Initial uptake, storage, and possibilities for recycling in IMTA-systems
Bringslid, Ingeborg Hollekim (Master thesis, 2019) -
The efficiency of the two microalgae species Rhodomonas baltica and Dunaliella tertiolecta for removal of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus from RAS water
Selnes, Ane Torgersen (Master thesis, 2021)Akvakulturindustrien er den raskest voksende matsektoren i verden og er forventet å bidra ytterligere til verdens matbehov i framtiden. En økt vekst kan by på noen utfordringer, og en av de største er hvordan man skal kunne ...