Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Engen, Morten"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
A quantification of the modelling uncertainty of non-linear finite element analyses of large concrete structures
Engen, Morten; Hendriks, Max; Kohler, Jochen; Øverli, Jan Arve; Åldstedt, Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In order to make non-linear finite element analyses applicable during assessment of the global resistance of large concrete structures, there is need for a solution strategy with a low modelling uncertainty. A solution ... -
A review of literature and code requirements for the crack width limitations for design of concrete structures in serviceability limit states
Basteskår, Mikael; Engen, Morten; Kanstad, Terje; Fosså, Kjell Tore (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper includes a critical review of the literature related to design of reinforced concrete structures in the serviceability limit state (SLS), and attempts to tie the results to code requirements. The main attention ... -
Aspects of design of reinforced concrete structures using nonlinear finite element analyses
Engen, Morten (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:149, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Non-linear finite element analyses (NLFEA) of reinforced concrete structures have gained much attention in the structural engineering community during the last decade, and the practising engineer is now equipped with an ... -
Assessment of a semi-probabilistic safety concept for reinforced concrete columns using non-linear finite element analyses
Lynnebakken, Morten; Normann, Håkon Hammer (Master thesis, 2018)This thesis assesses the reliability of methods for slender concrete column design, including Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis (NLFEA). The applicability of the Eurocode in slender column design is investigated, and the ... -
Assessment of solution strategies for non-linear finite element analyses in reinforced concrete
Djuve Fimreite, Andreas; Lieng, Simen (Master thesis, 2021)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker usikkerheter knyttet til anvendelsen av ikke-lineær elementanalyse i armerte betongkonstruksjoner. Undersøkelsen gjennomføres ved en sammenligning av resultater fra fire forskjellige ... -
Assessment of solution strategies for non-linear finite element analyses in reinforced concrete structures.
Djuve Fimrete, Andreas; Lieng, Simen (Master thesis, 2021)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker usikkerheter knyttet til anvendelsen av ikke-lineær elementanalyse i armerte betongkonstruksjoner. Undersøkelsen gjennomføres ved en sammenligning av resultater fra fire forskjellige ... -
Better Real-Time Capabilities For The AVR32 Linux Kernel
Engen, Morten (Master thesis, 2007)I denne oppgaven er sanntidsegenskapene til AVR32 Linux kernel forbedret. High resolution timers og dynamic ticks og fully preemptible kernel. -
Contributing to an open-source python package for concrete design
Brøndbo, Johan Røstad; Wulfsberg, Greger Alexander (Master thesis, 2023)Dataprogrammer begynner å bli en større del av bygningsingeniørers hverdag. Foreløpig finnes det få open-source prosjekter som tar for seg materialbruk i stor skala. Dette er hvor fib arbeider for å lage en open-source ... -
Contributing to an open-source python package for concrete design
Brøndbo, Johan Røstad; Wulfsberg, Greger Alexander (Master thesis, 2023)Dataprogrammer begynner å bli en større del av bygningsingeniørers hverdag. Foreløpig finnes det få open-source prosjekter som tar for seg materialbruk i stor skala. Dette er hvor fib arbeider for å lage en open-source ... -
Development of a Solution Strategy for Non-Linear Finite Element Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Web Openings
Nilsson, Line; Nygårdsvoll, Erlend André Ursin; Nøttveit, Kristine Reutz (Master thesis, 2018)Non-linear finite element analyses (NLFEA) can be used to predict the physical behaviour of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. However, in order to obtain numerical results in compliance with the real physical behaviour ... -
Effect of boundary conditions and connection modelling in a nonlinear finite element analysis of a concrete dam
Flygansvær, Lorents Ebbesvik; Rønning, Mathias Berg (Master thesis, 2019)Målet med denne masteroppgaven er å vurdere viktigheten av realistisk modellering av randbetingelser og kontakt i en ikkelineær elementanalyse av en damkonstruksjon i betong. Dette er utført ved å etablere fire elementmodeller ... -
Effect of boundary conditions and connection modelling in a nonlinear finite element analysis of a concrete dam
Flygansvær, Lorents Ebbesvik; Rønning, Mathias Berg (Master thesis, 2019)Målet med denne masteroppgaven er å vurdere viktigheten av realistisk modellering av randbetingelser og kontakt i en ikkelineær elementanalyse av en damkonstruksjon i betong. Dette er utført ved å etablere fire elementmodeller ... -
Effects of load histories on reliability analyses based on nonlinear finite element analyses of reinforced concrete structures
Andersen, Vegard Joten (Master thesis, 2017)The effects of load histories on reliability analysis using nonlinear finite element analysis (NLFEA) of reinforced concrete (RC) structures was studied in this thesis. Using a finite element software, several NLFEA on an ... -
Machine Learning-Assisted Structural Health Monitoring of Herøysund Bridge
Husøy, Erling Nordli; Steen, Emil Hæreid (Master thesis, 2024)Herøysundbrua i Herøy kommune, Nordland, forbinder øyene Nord-Herøy og Sør-Herøy sammen. Den etteroppspente betongbrua står eksponert mot havet, hvor det kystlige klimaet trolig har forårsaket betydelig korrosjon i ... -
Machine Learning-Assisted Structural Health Monitoring of Herøysund Bridge
Husøy, Erling Nordli; Steen, Emil Hæreid (Master thesis, 2024)Herøysundbrua i Herøy kommune, Nordland, forbinder øyene Nord-Herøy og Sør-Herøy sammen. Den etteroppspente betongbrua står eksponert mot havet, hvor det kystlige klimaet trolig har forårsaket betydelig korrosjon i ... -
Non-linear finite element analyses applicable for the design of large reinforced concrete structures
Engen, Morten; Hendriks, Max; Øverli, Jan Arve; Åldstedt, Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In order to make non-linear finite element analyses applicable during assessments of the ultimate load capacity or the structural reliability of large reinforced concrete structures, there is need for an efficient solution ... -
Non-Linear Finite Element Analyses of Reinforced Concrete with Large Scale Elements: Including a Case Study of a Structural Wall
Pettersen, Jonas Stene (Master thesis, 2014)The accuracy of large scaled elements in nonlinear finite element analyses (NLFEA) ofreinforced concrete is investigated. A much used finite element analysis design procedureused to design large offshore concrete structures ... -
Nonlinear Analyses of RC Frames under Vertical and Horizontal Loading
Eltoft, Tord; Lande, Thomas (Master thesis, 2015)The influence of the load history on the structural behaviour and capacity of some statically indeterminate reinforced concrete frames was investigated, through the use of nonlinear finite element analyses (NLFEA). The ... -
Predictive strength of ready-mixed concrete: Exemplified using data from the Norwegian market
Engen, Morten; Hendriks, Max; Kohler, Jochen; Øverli, Jan Arve; Åldstedt, Erik; Mørtsell, Ernst; Sæter, Øystein; Vigre, R (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)A hierarchical model for the variability of material properties in ready‐mixed concrete is formulated. The model distinguishes between variation on the batch, recipe, plant, producer, durability class, strength class, and ... -
Reliability Analysis of Reinforced Concrete using Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis
Henriksen, Erlend Knudsen; Bjerva, Mats Gruber Bech; Lindgren, Guro; Afzal, Noman (Master thesis, 2016)The purpose of the thesis is to investigate methods that may be used for assessing the reliability in large concrete structures in combination with non-linear nite element analyses (NLFEA). Reliability methods are applied ...