Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Eide, Egil"
Now showing items 1-20 of 45
Antenna Design for a Formula Student Race Car
Sundklakk, Hermann (Master thesis, 2018)This Thesis addresses the design for an antenna array specified for a phased array radio from Radionor Communications that are to be used on Revolve NTNUs 2018 Formula Student race car. The resulting array is a design based ... -
Antenna for subsea communication in strong magnetic field
Larsen, Lars-Arne (Master thesis, 2016)In subsea, it is difficult to create connectors for power transfer or communication, therefore Wireless Power & Communication (WPC) have created a wireless connector. The incentive for this connector is that metals do not ... -
Antenna measurements of vehicle mounted antennas in the DAB frequency band using an integrated UAV system
Tandberg, Yngve (Master thesis, 2017)In this thesis, it has been designed, constructed and tested an integrated measurement system for performing electric field strength measurements in the far-field, mounted on a drone, known as multicopters. The system uses ... -
Antenna System for Tracking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Dalbakk, Lars-Eirik (Master thesis, 2014)Target tracking is a critical part of any mobile communication system with a directive receiver antenna. Some popular tracking methods use the detected phase difference between signals received by several antennas to find ... -
Antenna Systems for NUTS
Marholm, Sigvald (Master thesis, 2012)NTNU is aiming to build and launch a small student satellite compliant with thedouble CubeSat standard, by 2014. The NTNU Test Satellite (NUTS) will carrytwo radio tranceivers and a beacon transmitter, all located in the ... -
Antenne til bruk i DSRC-brikke
Bæren, Mats Møller (Master thesis, 2012)DSRC er et system for enveis eller toveis trådløs kommunikasjon med kort til medium rekkevidde,som blant annet brukes til å automatisere innkreving av bompenger i de største byene i Norge. Systemet benytter en interrogator ... -
Communication system for an autonomous passenger ferry
Fjellhaugen, Andreas Kaldestad (Master thesis, 2018)NTNU is currently in the development process of an autonomous passenger ferry which will carry pedestrians and bicyclists across the channel between Ravnkloa and Vestre Kanalhavn in Trondheim harbour. To reduce the risk ... -
Compressive Sensing on Three Dimensional SFCW Ground-Penetrating Radar
Álvarez Justo, Jon (Master thesis, 2020)Abstract will be available on 2023-06-23 -
Design and analysis of a dual-polarised patch antenna array for 77 GHz radar
Høydal, Elise (Master thesis, 2020) -
Design and Analysis of an X-band Phased Array Patch Antenna
Gulbrandsen, Fredrik (Master thesis, 2013)An 8x8 array antenna has been designed for a frequency band of 8-8.5 GHz. The design has been made as a part of a project to develop a digital, active MIMO radar at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). The ... -
Design and Fabrication of 12 GHz Double Loop M-FSS Transmitarray
Lima, Martin (Master thesis, 2021)Denne masteroppgaven presenterer to design av elektromagnetiske linser kalt transmitarray, laget med en senterfrekvens på 12 GHz og en brennvidde på F=400 mm. Begge består av tre identiske plane lag som hver er dekket av ... -
Design and implementation of BLE and LTE-M/NB-IoT antennas for a medical IoT gateway.
Bolme, Gunnar (Master thesis, 2020)Abstract will be available on 2023-06-22 -
Design of a Light and Compact Antenna Element for Ultrawideband Digital Arrays
Stenseth, Gisle Hovland (Master thesis, 2018)This report contains the design of a tightly coupled dipole array (TCDA) ultrawideband antenna element with an integrated Marchand balun made for digital phased arrays. The element is manufactured and measured as part of ... -
Design of a Linear FMCW Radar Synthesizer with Focus on Phase Noise
Undheim, Ruben (Master thesis, 2012)The linear FMCW radar has become more popular in recent years mainly due toadvances in digital signal processing and the good performance of the radar at closeranges. What puts limits to the performance is mainly phase ... -
Design of a phased array antenna for a DVB-T based passive bistatic radar
Tømmer, Mathias (Master thesis, 2014)This thesis was initiated by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment's military air surveillance project on passive radar systems. The main objective of the thesis is the design of a phased array antenna for a DVB-T ... -
Design of an FPGA-based Data Acquisition System for a Shore-based Maritime Radar Network
Uran, Peter (Master thesis, 2021)Et landbasert nettverk av maritime radarer skal utvikles av NTNU og Sintef som en del av Ocean Lab Node 2-infrastrukturen. Hensikten med nettverket er å spore både autonome og tradisjonelle fartøy i Trondheimsfjorden for ... -
Design of low power emergency beacon for life jacket integration
Askeland, Amund (Master thesis, 2019)Mann over bord (MOB) nødsendarar for bruk med det maritime automatiske idendifikasjonssystemet (AIS) vert i dag av levert av fleire produsentar. Slike nødsendarar fører til auka sikkerheit for personar som arbeider innanfor ... -
Design of Multi-Channel Ultrasound Pulser With Beamforming Capabilities in FPGA
Husseini, Seyed (Master thesis, 2024)Underwater imaging provides a wide range of practical applications, such as search and rescue operations and obstacle avoidance for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) among other. Optical camera sensors pose many ... -
Development and Testing of Navigation and Motion Control Systems for milliAmpere
Sæther, Brage (Master thesis, 2019)Marine fartøy som opererer i trange omgivelser krever et robust og nøyaktig navigasjonssystem og kontrollsystem. Denne oppgaven presenterer nye implementasjoner av navigasjonssystem og kontrollsystem i detalj. Implementasjonene ... -
Development of a Dynamic Positioning System for the ReVolt Model Ship
Alfheim, Henrik Lemcke; Muggerud, Kjetil; Breivik, Morten; Brekke, Edmund Førland; Eide, Egil; Engelhardtsen, Øystein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)A Dynamic Positioning (DP) control system is developed, implemented and tested for a scale model of DNV GL’s concept ship ReVolt. This model-scale ship is used as a test platform for sensors and control systems used in ...