Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Deshpande, Paritosh"
A case of circular economy in the Norwegian aquaculture sector
Horpestad, Kjartan (Master thesis, 2023)Oppdrettsnæringen har blitt en betydelig faktor i å møte verdens protein- etterspørsel, og dermed vokst til å bli en av Norges største næringer. Klimakrisen, sammen mutviklingshastigheten i Norsk oppdrettsnæring fører til ... -
A Framework to Conceptualize Sustainable Development Goals for Fishing Gear Resource Management
Deshpande, Paritosh; Aspen, Dina Margrethe (Chapter, 2017)In response to the growing concerns of global environmental damage and resource depletion, UN launched the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. Using SDGs to develop sustainable systems and practices requires tools ... -
A method to extract fishers’ knowledge (FK) to generate evidence for sustainable management of fishing gears
Deshpande, Paritosh; Brattebø, Helge; Fet, Annik Magerholm (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The dangerous effects of Abandoned, Lost or Discarded Fishing Gears (ALDFG) is documented in the literature. However, there exists an overall lack of understanding in quantifying the pollution loads of fishing gears (FG) ... -
Application of Systems Engineering and Sustainable Development Goals towards Sustainable Management of Fishing Gear Resources in Norway
Deshpande, Paritosh; Haskins, Cecilia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Commercial fishing is a critical economic sector for Norway, yet deficiency of scientific information, regulatory instruments, inadequate implementation, and lack of management infrastructure are among the significant ... -
Applying Material Flow Analysis to develop Circular Economy strategies for improved resource efficiency at OneSubsea
Gundersen, Thomas André (Master thesis, 2022)Masteroppgaven er en casestudie som undersøker materialflyten av stål for strømningsmålere hos OneSubsea ved bruk av materialstrømanalyse, for å videre vurdere, evaluere og anbefale Sirkulær Økonomi (SØ) strategier for å ... -
Applying MFA to investigate life cycle management strategies of silage wraps used in Norway
Rahman, Raufur (Master thesis, 2022)Plast er et unikt materiale som er mye brukt i nesten alle sektorer, noe som gjør det til et av de mest produserte syntetiske materialene i verden. Som et resultat har det nå blitt svært viktig for den sosioøkonomiske ... -
Investigating dynamic quantum of plastics from Fishing Gear in Norway
Alnes, Ragnhild Bjerkvik (Master thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven tar for seg massestømmene av plast i fiskeutstyr i det kommersielle fisket i Norge for 2016 til 2020. Mengdene fiskeutstyr er utregnet ved massestrømsanalyse (MFA) og dataen er fra tilgjengelig litteratur, ... -
Miljømessige, økonomiske og teknologiske utfordringer ved fangst av Calanus finmarchicus
Hofstad, Tine-Marie (Master thesis, 2023)Målet med masteroppgaven er å se på hvordan fangst og ombordprosessering av Calanus finmarchicus/ raudåte foregår i Norge idag, og utfordringene og mulighe- tene i næringen. Masteroppgaven er en del av Calafeed prosjektet ... -
Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) method for assessing the sustainability of end-of-life alternatives for waste plastics: A case study of Norway
Deshpande, Paritosh; Skaar, Christofer; Brattebø, Helge; Fet, Annik Magerholm (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Plastic, and its pollution of marineecosystems, has emerged as a global concern. Among the several other sources,plastics from a bandoned,lost,or discardedfishing gears(ALDFG), and ropes are considered the most dangerous ... -
Small circles: The role of physical distance in plastics recycling
Havas, Vilma; Falk-Andersson, Jannike; Deshpande, Paritosh (Journal article, 2022)Circular economy (CE) strategies are central in solving the waste management challenges of today, yet the global nature of the waste trade results in emissions and the export of negative environmental externalities to ... -
Using Material Flow Analysis (MFA) to generate the evidence on plastic waste management from commercial fishing gears in Norway.
Deshpande, Paritosh; Philis, Gaspard; Brattebø, Helge; Fet, Annik Magerholm (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Plastic debris is an ever-growing concern adversely affecting the coastal and marine ecosystem. Among marine plastic waste, a particularly troublesome waste fraction is Abandoned, Lost or Discarded Fishing Gears (ALDFG) ...