Browsing NTNU Open by Author "De Moor, Katrien"
Now showing items 1-20 of 45
An Experimental Platform for QoE Studies of WebRTC-based Multi-Party Video Communication
Ammar, Doreid; De Moor, Katrien; Heegaard, Poul Einar (Chapter, 2017)Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) enables easy to use, no installation, in browser applications such as Google hangout and To increase the understanding of the Quality of Experience with the use of such ... -
An Experimental Platform for QoE Studies of WebRTC-based Multi-Party Video Communication
Ammar, Doreid; De Moor, Katrien; Heegaard, Poul Einar (Journal article, 2018)Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) enables easy to use, no installation, in browser applications such as Google hangout and To increase the understanding of the Quality of Experience with the use of such ... -
Bring the user to the network: 5G and beyond
Ystgaard, Kaja; De Moor, Katrien (Chapter, 2021)Communication networks beyond 5G will bring about a human existence that is ever more virtual. Allowing new communication services with virtual existence and involvement everywhere is likely to redefine and place new demands ... -
Cryptography for the People: Protecting marginalised groups from mass surveillance
Tveit, Anna Storli (Master thesis, 2023)I 2013 avslørte Edward Snowden, en varsler fra Nasjonal Sikkerhetsmyndighet (NSM) i USA, dokumenter som avslører hvordan amerikansk etteretningstjeneste brukte masseovervåking for å overvåke sine egne borgere og folk som ... -
Dashboard for Quality of Experience Studies of WebRTC Based Video Communication
Melhoos, Marianne Rie (Master thesis, 2016)WebRTC-based applications and services have become more and more popular over the last years. These types of applications support Real-Time Communication (RTC) with audio, video and sometimes also data sharing. WebRTC-based ... -
Digital carbon footprint awareness among digital natives: an exploratory study
Gnanasekaran, Vahiny; Tenold Fridtun, Helga; Hatlen, Herborg; Langøy, Mats; Syrstad, Anine; Subramanian, Sruti; De Moor, Katrien (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Drivers and barriers for use of video conferencing in primary and lower secondary schools
Gustad, Randi; Holmes, Monika S. (Master thesis, 2021)Covid-19 pandemien har ført til en drastisk økning i bruken av videokonferanser, hvor skoler og universitet var et av de berørte områdene på grunn av nedstengingen i Norge og resten av verden. Bruken av videokonferanser ... -
Drivers and barriers for use of video conferencing in primary and lower secondary schools
Gustad, Randi; Holmes, Monika S. (Master thesis, 2021)Covid-19 pandemien har ført til en drastisk økning i bruken av videokonferanser, hvor skoler og universitet var et av de berørte områdene på grunn av nedstengingen i Norge og resten av verden. Bruken av videokonferanser ... -
Elderly’s experiences with digital banking: Investigating the role of technical and non-technical influence factors
Kirubaharan, Praveen; Skavøypoll, Martin Myhre (Master thesis, 2021)Den utbredte og økende graden av teknologi og digitale tjenester er høyst aktuelt i dagens samfunn. Behovet for digitale ferdigheter og kompetanse er viktigere enn aldri før, og i mange sammenhenger, uunngåelig. Den digitale ... -
Elderly’s experiences with digital banking: Investigating the role of technical and non-technical influence factors
Kirubaharan, Praveen; Skavøypoll, Martin Myhre (Master thesis, 2021)Den utbredte og økende graden av teknologi og digitale tjenester er høyst aktuelt i dagens samfunn. Behovet for digitale ferdigheter og kompetanse er viktigere enn aldri før, og i mange sammenhenger, uunngåelig. Den digitale ... -
Exploring the Influence of Tech Savviness and Physical Activity in Older Adults Playing an Exergame
Subramanian, Sruti; De Moor, Katrien; Vereijken, Beatrix; Dahl, Yngve; Svanæs, Dag (Chapter, 2022)Exergames are widely being used for various serious purposes such as training balance in older adults. However, despite the potential and growing attention given to such movement-based applications, there is lack of knowledge ... -
Exploring the Relation Between Mobile Network Type and Mobile Application Usage
Hokstad, Katarina (Master thesis, 2019)I dagens samfunn er bruk av smarttelefoner og applikasjoner en stor del av folks daglige liv. Utviklingen gjennom de siste årene med en stor økning i utbredelsen av både smarttelefoner og antall applikasjoner, har ført til ... -
Exploring the Usefulness of Machine Learning in the Context of WebRTC Performance Estimation
Ammar, Doreid; De Moor, Katrien; Skorin-Kapov, Lea; Fiedler, Markus; Heegaard, Poul Einar (Chapter, 2019)We address the challenge faced by service providers in monitoring Quality of Experience (QoE) related metrics for WebRTC-based audiovisual communication services. By extracting features from various application-layer ... -
Factors influencing QoE of video consultations
Brattbak Øie, Even; Koniuch, Kamil; Cieplínska, Natalia; De Moor, Katrien (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)During the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of videoconferencing for medical consultations between patients and general practitioners (GPs) has strongly increased. The aim of this work-in-progress paper is to investigate which ... -
Future scoping of truly Human-Centric IoT and Intelligent Networks: A Foresight Approach
Ystgaard, Kaja; De Moor, Katrien (Chapter, 2023) -
Impact of Conversation Task When Testing QoE in WebRTC
Haga, Marie (Master thesis, 2018)Video conferencing was previously associated with dedicated hardware and professional conferencing systems. The last years applications and services enabling Real-Time Communication with no need for additional software ... -
Influence of Changes in Audio Spatialization on the Experience of Immersion in Audiovisual Experiences
Agrawal, Sarvesh; Bech, Søren; De Moor, Katrien; Forchhammer, Søren (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Understanding the influence of technical system parameters on audiovisual experiences is important for technologists to optimize experiences. The focus in this study was on the influence of changes in audio spatialization ... -
Influence of Gender and Viewing Frequency on Quality of Experience
Nawaz, Omer; Fiedler, Markus; De Moor, Katrien; Khatibi, Siamak (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Some of the most important aspects for content creators and service providers are the content appeal and the time consumed by the end users on a particular application or service. Gender and age can influence the Quality ... -
Investigating QoE in a Cloud-Based Classroom Response System: A Real-Life Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Study of Kahoot!
Underdal, Anlaug Gårdsrud; Sunde, Marthe Thorine (Master thesis, 2014)The goal of this thesis work is to investigate the user-perceived QoE of Kahoot!, a cloud gaming learning platform, designed to be used in classrooms. The general objective of this thesis is to investigate to what extent ... -
Long-Term Video QoE Assessment Studies: A Systematic Review
Cieplínska, Natalia; Janowski, Lucjan; De Moor, Katrien; Wierzchoń, Michał (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Although longitudinal studies are common in other disciplines, such as psychology, medicine, or User Experience, they are rarely used in Quality of Experience (QoE). However, observing users over time can provide useful ...