Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Danielsen, Signe"
3D image guided adaptive brachytherapy in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer: experience and clinical results from a minimum of six years of follow-up
Sundset, Marit; Wanderås, Anne Dybdahl; Danielsen, Signe; Alsaker, Mirjam Delange; Hagen, Bjørn; Marthinsen, Anne Beate Langeland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In 2005, individualized 3D image guided brachytherapy was implemented for cervical cancer patients, in accordance with the (GYN) GEC ESTRO recommendation, at St. Olav's Hospital, Trondheim, Norway. This study reports the ... -
Biologically adapted image-guided proton therapy in head and neck cancer: in silico studies
Hernandez, Guillermo Garrido (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:423, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Proton therapy can deliver highly precise radiation doses to the tumor minimizing damage to healthy tissue compared to conventional photon radiotherapy, while also having a higher biological effect. Its increased efficiency ... -
Chitosan-mediated DNA condensation as a basis for gene delivery: Influence of polyelectrolyte molecular parameters on the condensation behaviour
Danielsen, Signe (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2004:133, Doctoral thesis, 2004)Polycation mediated gene delivery has emerged as a promising alternative to the use of viral vectors for gene therapy. Although yielding significantly lower transfection efficiency than viral vectors, the use of polycations ... -
Commisioning of MLC parameters by specialized VMAT plans, film dosimetry and complexity analysis
Dunseth, Henning (Master thesis, 2022)VMAT er den mest benyttede behandlingsteknikken innen stråleterapi ved St. Olavs Hospital, og det er viktig å kontrollere at den beregnede dosen samsvarer med den avleverte dosen. Derfor gjennomføres en pasient-spesifikk ... -
Designing an analysis tool for film based dosimetry and applications - Evaluation of breast cancer treatment plans in external radiotherapy, using GafChromic EBT3 film and a flat-bed scanner
Håland, Ane Vigre (Master thesis, 2020)Filmdosimetri ved bruk av radiokromisk EBT3 film og en transmisjonsskanner av type flat-bed CCD viser en ikke-uniform skanner-avlesning, som kan korrigeres ved hjelp av en absolutt korreksjonsmatrise som er uavhengig av ... -
Development and evaluation of a radiochromic film dosimetry program - application on stereotactic columna radiotherapy
Gustavsen, Stine (Master thesis, 2020)Stråleterapifaget er stadig under utvikling og med det utvikles det nye teknikker. En slik metode er stereotaktisk strålingsbehandling, hvor det er typisk med høye, presise doser. En av utfordringene med behandlingsplanlegging ... -
Dose surface maps as a tool to predict toxicity after radiotherapy for cervical cancer patients
Grimstad, Ingeborg Hovde (Master thesis, 2017)Cervical cancer is one of the leading cancer types for women, both in incidence and mortality. The standard treatment for cervical cancer is brachytherapy and external beam radiotherapy in combination with chemotherapy. ... -
Dosedekning til uterus i pasienter med cervix cancer som gjennomgår ekstern stråleterapi: VMAT vs. 4 felts boksteknikk
Vidaurre, Francisca Belen Correas (Master thesis, 2013)Formålet med denne oppgaven var å undersøke den interfraksjonelle organbevegelsenav øvre del av uterus i pasienter med intakt uterus som gjennomgår eksternstråleterapi som en del av den kurative behandlingen mot cervix ... -
Dosimetric Predictors of Toxicity in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy - From Per-Organ to Per-Voxel Analysis
Tveten, Ingrid Elisabeth (Master thesis, 2021)Bakgrunn: Bedre strålebehandling mot prostatakreft gjør at overlevelsesraten øker. Dette fører til at flere pasienter lever lenger med bivirkninger som potensielt kan redusere livskvalitet (QoL). Nye og forbedrede metoder ... -
Experiencing radiotherapy Quality of care from the perspective of patients with cancer receiving radiotherapy
Sollid, May Ingvild Volungholen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:173, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Norsk sammendrag Erfaringer med strålebehandling - Tjenestekvalitet fra perspektivet til kreftpasienter som mottar strålebehandling Hensikt og mål: Hensikten med avhandlingen er å frembringe kunnskap som kan bidra til ... -
Identification of Dosimetric Predictors for Radiation-Induced Acute Esophagitis; A 2D Analysis of the Surface Dose Distribution and the Association with Toxicity
Bekkevoll, Hild Milde (Master thesis, 2024)Småcellet lungekreft (SCLC) er en aggressiv form for lungekreft. Den mest effektive behandlingen for pasienter med begrenset stadium SCLC anses å være hyperfraksjonert akselerert stråleterapi med konkomitant cellegift. ... -
Linac Specific Quality Assurance and Risk Analysis as a Tool for Improving Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy
Skjong, Tonje (Master thesis, 2019)Moderne stråleterapi krever høyt nivå av nøyaktighet for å oppnå behandlingsmålet; tumor kontroll kombinert med lav sannsynlighet for normalvevskomplikasjoner. For å oppnå dette må alle stegene i stråleterapiprossesen være ... -
Multi-Target Stereotactic Brain Radiation Therapy
Skarholt, Ingrid (Master thesis, 2018)Metastasis of the brain is one of the most common and severe neurological complications of cancer. Stereotactic radiation therapy (SRT) characterized by a high dose of radiation, delivered in a single or few fractions, ... -
Optimal threshold for PET-based autocontouring of boost volume for radiotherapy of anal carcinoma
Støen, Ingvild (Master thesis, 2017)For patients with anal carcinoma, local tumor control and local recurrence after radiotherapy treatment is a challenge. To improve the local control, a dose escalation could be delivered. Using FDG-PET, the most glucose-avid ... -
Patient-Reported Experiences and Associated Factors in a Norwegian Radiotherapy Setting: An Explorative Cross-Sectional Study
Sollid, May Ingvild Volungholen; Jordhøy, Marit Slaaen; Danielsen, Signe; Eilertsen, Grethe; Kirkevold, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Introduction Radiotherapy is the main treatment modality in cancer. There is sparse knowledge on how patients with cancer experience their radiotherapy trajectory, and which factors might be associated with patients’ ... -
Prostate-specific membrane antigen PET/MRI for prostate cancer: technical advancements, image interpretation, and clinical management
Abrahamsen, Bendik Skarre (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:97, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men. In the Norwegian population, it is expected that as many as one in nine men will develop prostate cancer by the age of 75. Through early detection and effective ... -
Proton therapy of head and neck cancer: evaluation of PTV-based and robust optimized IMPT versus VMAT
Aarberg, Anja Einebærholm (Master thesis, 2017)Radiation therapy for head and neck cancers has had an essential role for curative treatment for many years. Due to the location of the cancer, several critical organs will get irradiated and this may lead to serious ... -
Psychometric properties of the person-centred coordinated care experience questionnaire (P3CEQ) in a Norwegian radiotherapy setting
Sollid, May Ingvild V.; Jordhøy, Marit Slaaen; Danielsen, Signe; Kirkevold, Øyvind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The number of older adults with cancer is increasing. Radiotherapy is an important treatment modality for cancer and may cause side effects and distress. Patient-reported experience measures aim to measure patients’ ...