Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Daniali, Hojjat"
Now showing items 1-20 of 22
Attempt to Validate Acted Micro-Level Nonverbal Behaviors and the Potential Effects on Trust
Nygård, Ida (Bachelor thesis, 2022)The mother project of this study has tried to systematically manipulate micro-level nonverbal behaviors (NBs) by creating different videos that are going to be used to assess the potential effects on pain. The primary aim ... -
The Effect of Singular Nonverbal Behaviours of Experimenters on Pain Reports
Daniali, Hojjat; Ruben, Mollie A.; Aslaksen, Per M; Fiskum, Charlotte; Kaptchuk, Ted J.; Flaten, Magne Arve (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Introduction: Studies suggest facial expressions of caregivers may be important in placebo effects; however, this has not been systematically tested. This experiment investigated the effects of caregivers’ singular positive ... -
Experiencing COVID-19 symptoms without the disease: The role of nocebo in reporting of symptoms
Daniali, Hojjat; Flaten, Magne Arve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: A nocebo effect occurs when inactive factors lead to worsening of symptoms or reduce treatment outcomes. Believing that one is or has been infected with COVID-19 may act as a nocebo. However, not much is known ... -
A Global Meta-Analysis of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Before and During COVID-19
Daniali, Hojjat; Martinussen, Monica; Flaten, Magne Arve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objective: This meta-analysis compared negative emotions (NEs) as depression, anxiety, and stress, from before the pandemic to during the pandemic. Method: A total of 59 studies (19 before, 37 during-pandemic, and 3 that ... -
A global meta-analysis of depression, anxiety, and stress before and during COVID-19
Daniali, Hojjat; Martinussen, Monica; Flaten, Magne Arve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objective: This meta-analysis compared negative emotions (NEs) as depression, anxiety, and stress, from before the pandemic to during the pandemic. Method: A total of 59 studies (19 before, 37 during-pandemic, and 3 that ... -
Judging based on mood: the influence of affective states on judgments of warmth and competence
Sauer, Jennifer (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Studier har vist at helsepersonells varme og kompetente nonverbale atferd påvirker behandlingen til pasienter positivt. Lite kjent derimot er det hvilke kontekstuelle faktorer som påvirker vurderingen av nonverbale ... -
Measuring Non-verbal Communicative Channels and their Effects
Rasoul, Yusef (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Abstract Background: There is a continued focus on studying non-verbal behaviors in clinical settings, and the amplitude of effects these might have. The primary aim of this study was to measure the validity and reliability ... -
Measuring Nonverbal Behavior on a Micro-level – A Pilot Study
Tischbein, Frida Lie (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Former studies on nonverbal behaviors (NBs) in a clinical setting have mainly examined them on a macro-level, and less is known about micro-level NBs. This thesis was a pilot study for a concurrent project examining which ... -
Non-verbal communication and expectation generation
Eikrem, Siril (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Nonverbal behavior (NB) has been proven to influence treatment in a provider-patient relationship. This thesis is taking part of a larger project that looks at the effects nonverbal behavior can have on treatment outcome ... -
Non-verbal Communication and Expectation Generation
Lie, Maria (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Målet for denne studien var å systematisk teste forskjellene mellom de ikke-verbale kommunikative kanalene til eksperimentører som helsepersonell. Eksperimentørene presenterer en form for behandling, som er en placebokrem. ... -
Placebo Analgesia, Nocebo Hyperalgesia, and the Cardiovascular System: A Qualitative Systematic Review
Daniali, Hojjat; Flaten, Magne Arve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: Placebo/nocebo effects involve the autonomic nervous system, including cardiac activity, but studies have reported inconsistent findings on how cardiac activity is modulated following a placebo/nocebo effect. ... -
Placebo Effects on Stress, but Not on Pain Reports. A Multi-Experiment Study
Vambheim, Sara Magelssen; Daniali, Hojjat; Flaten, Magne Arve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: Contextual factors, such as participant/experimenter sex may moderate the placebo effects. We tested whether the participant and experimenter sex modulated placebo effects on experimentally induced pain and ... -
Specifying Contextual Factors; Caregivers' Role in Pain Report and Placebo Effects - The role of caregivers' characteristics and nonverbal behaviours in pain and placebo effects
Daniali, Hojjat (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:137, Doctoral thesis, 2024)In this PhD project, we investigated the role of caregivers’ characteristics, by means of caregivers’ sex/gender and social status, and their nonverbal behaviours on pain reports and placebo effects (i.e., better treatment ... -
Specifying micro level non verbal behaviour and exploring the influence of personality on perception of nonverbal behaviour.
Bakke, Aslak (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Nonverbal communication has mostly been studied as a holistic phenomenon. This thesis investigates if nonverbal behaviour can be broken down into three channels of micro level nonverbal behaviour, namely facial expressions, ... -
Systematic manipulation of experimenters' non-verbal behaviors for the investigation of pain reports and placebo effects
Daniali, Hojjat; Ruben, Mollie A.; Flaten, Magne Arve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objective: Non-verbal behaviors (NBs) of caregivers affect pain reports and placebo effects. However, little experimental research has systematically examined the caregivers' NBs. This study protocol and preparatory study ... -
The Role Of Culture on the Perception of Nonverbal Behavior of Healthcare Providers
Boks, Marijs Johanne Frances (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne avhandlingen utforsker om kultur kan være en av faktorene som forårsaker forskjeller oppfatningen av ikke verbal atferd (NB). Profesjonelle helsepersonell uttrykker at de ikke har den kulturelle kompetansen for å ... -
The role of healthcare seeker gender in the perception of competence and warmth from healthcare providers.
Amundsen, Ronja Owesen (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Ikke verbal atferd (IVA) av helsepersonell spiller en viktig rolle i helsesektoren og ved behandling. Selv om menn og kvinner har vist forskjeller i sine inntrykk av helsepersonell IVA er det fortsatt mye som er uvisst av ... -
The Role of Nonverbal Behaviors of Healthcare Providers on Patient Satisfaction
Bergsjordet, Mari (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Pasienttilfredshet (“patient satisfaction”) utgjør en viktig del av helsevesenet og kan bli styrket eller svekket av den ikke-verbale atferden til helsepersonell (Mast et al., 2008b; Pawlikowska et al., 2012). Det er derimot ... -
The Role of Nonverbal Behaviours on Impressions of Empathy and Trust
Opheim, Pernille Stokdal (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Mål og bakgrunn: Denne Bacheloroppgaven tar sikte på å undersøke rollen til ikke-verbal atferd (NB) på inntrykk av tillit til og empati hos helsepersonell. Forskning viser at det er viktig for pasienter å ha tillit til ... -
The Validity of Different Channels of Nonverbal Behavior, and Their Effects on Perceived Trust
Rishovd, Line (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Nonverbal behaviors (NBs) are important in communication and have been linked to having alleviating effects on physical pain. A congruence between the different channels of NBs seems to predict the most positive results ...