Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Contiero, Luca"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Advanced experimental analysis of a small-scale prototype with noble gases for the future upgrade of the detector cooling system at CERN
Jerve, Frida (Master thesis, 2023)Som en del av High-Luminous oppgraderingen av Large Hadron Collider ved CERN i 2026, er det nye krav til kjøling av detektorene i interaksjonspunktene. Det nåværende systemet bruker CO₂ som kjølemiddel, og de nye kravene ... -
Attaining a higher flexibility degree in CO2 compressor racks
Álvarez Pardiñas, Ángel; Contiero, Luca; Hafner, Armin; Banasiak, Krzysztof; Larsen, Lars F.S. (Chapter, 2020)CO2 compressor racks have shown their suitability for commercial and industrial refrigeration systems at any location and climate. Even if some references state that CO2 units can compete in capital cost with any other ... -
Ejector for the world: simplified ejector-supported CO2 refrigeration systems for all climates
Pardiñas, Ángel Á.; Fabris, F; Contiero, Luca; Selvnes, Håkon; Banasiak, Krzysztof; Hafner, Armin (Chapter, 2022)The novel configuration presented in this work simplifies the layout of ejector-supported booster systems while maintaining all the benefits of an ejector implementation. The basic version of the solution is based on: i) ... -
Experimental analysis of advanced R744 refrigeration system
Contiero, Luca (Master thesis, 2020)Carbon dioxide is one of the oldest refrigerants, as it was used widely at the end of the nineteenth century. However, around 1931 it started its decline when synthetic refrigerants came into the market showing a higher ... -
Multi Ejector and pivoting-supported R744 application with AC for supermarkets
Contiero, Luca; Hafner, Armin; Pardiñas, Ángel Á. (Chapter, 2021)CO2 refrigeration units are gaining market shares thanks to the ability to provide an energy efficient performance for industrial and commercial refrigeration applications in any climate. As with all the applications, the ... -
Performance improvements of supermarket R744 systems by pivoting compressor arrangements
Contiero, Luca; Fabris, F; Pardiñas, Ángel Á.; Hafner, Armin (Chapter, 2022)The adoption of the EU F-Gas regulation 517/2014 and the development of the Multi Ejector concept have led CO2 to take center stage as one of the preferred solutions in several applications, at the expense of synthetic ... -
Ultra-Low-Temperature Refrigeration Systems: A Review and Performance Comparison of Refrigerants and Configurations
Saeed, Muhammad Zahid; Contiero, Luca; Blust, Stefanie; Allouche, Yosr; Hafner, Armin; Eikevik, Trygve Magne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)During the last decade, many industrial and medical applications have shown a requirement for low-temperature-cooling usage (from −40 to −80 °C), which cannot be efficiently obtained via the conventional refrigeration ...