Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Almost Global Three-Dimensional Path-Following Guidance Law for Arbitrary Curved Paths
Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik; Hamel, Tarek; Fossen, Thor Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Motivated by aircraft applications, we revisit the path-following guidance problem in three dimensions. First, by formulating the path-following error directly in the inertial frame, we propose a class of guidance laws for ... -
Autonomous Drone Props in Theatre
Amtedal, Jakob Andreas (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne Bachelor’s oppgaven omhandler den potensielle bruken av droner i skuespill. Motivasjonen for ˚a ha flyvende droner i skuespill er ˚a kunne f˚a en mer fortryllende teateropplevelse med ˚a ha svevende rekvisitter i ... -
A Cascaded Heading Control Design With Motion Constraint Handling for Marine Surface Vessels
Kjerstad, Øivind Kåre; Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik (Journal article, 2023)Maritime motion control systems traditionally employ proportional-integral-derivative (PID) feedback control combined with a model-based feedforward structure for heading control. However, such control designs often suffer ... -
Deep Reinforcement Learning Attitude Control of Fixed Wing UAVs Using Proximal Policy Optimization
Bøhn, Eivind Eigil; Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik; Moe, Signe; Johansen, Tor Arne (Chapter, 2019)Contemporary autopilot systems for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are far more limited in their flight envelope as compared to experienced human pilots, thereby restricting the conditions UAVs can operate in and the types ... -
Design og produksjon av autonom drone
Roset, Espen Tømmerstøl; Remøy, Håvard Gausemel (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Denne rapporten omhandler vår utførelse av bacheloroppgave nr.25,Design, bygging og regulering av autonom drone. Gruppen tok utgangspunkt i et eksisterende design, tilpasset dette og produserte en drone med gode flygeegenskaper. ... -
Hover Control of Thrust Vectoring VTOL Flying Wing - Modeling, Control and Development of Test Platform with Experimental Results
Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik (Master thesis, 2017)This work consists of theoretical and practical advances in the development of a fully thrust-vectoring hybrid vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A high-fidelity dynamic simulation model ... -
Hybrid Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs for Large-Angle Attitude Maneuvers on the Two-Sphere
Reinhardt, Dirk Peter; Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik; Johansen, Tor Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)We propose the design of a hybrid controller for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles which guarantees global exponential tracking of attitude references on the two-sphere. The chosen attitude representation is singularity-free ... -
Multivariable Super-Twisting Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs
Griffiths, Jenny Bogen (Master thesis, 2021)I denne oppgaven blir robustheten til flere sliding mode kontroll (SMC)-algoritmer undersøkt ved å implementere dem for en usikker simuleringsmodell av et lite ubemannet fly som opererer i et miljø hvor den er påvirket av ... -
Nonlinear Attitude and Path-following Control of Fixed-Wing Aircraft
Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:265, Doctoral thesis, 2023)The last decade has seen an increased use of small fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in a multitude of civil, commercial and scientific applications. Autopilots are automatic control systems that provide the basic ... -
Path Generation and Spline Approximation of a 3D Extended Dubins Path
Rognli, Vebjørn Johansen (Master thesis, 2021)En viktig egenskap som muliggjør autonom flygning av ubemannede fartøy (UAV) er automatisk baneplanlegging. Dette arbeidet tar for seg problemet med å generere en tredimensjonal bane, fra en sekvens av veipunkter, som tar ... -
Propulsion System Modeling for Small Fixed Wing UAVs
Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik; Wenz, Andreas Wolfgang; Gryte, Kristoffer; Johansen, Tor Arne (Chapter, 2019)This paper presents a model of an electrical propulsion system typically used for small fixed wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Such systems consist of a power source, an electronic speed controller and a brushless DC ... -
Redesigning the Point Cloud Acquisition for Sort™
Tynes, Odd Arne Skjeret; Furnes, Pål-André; Melaas, Marius Høyer (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Denne bacheloroppgaven er en detaljert forklaring på hvordan bachelorgruppen gikk frem for å redesigne punktsky-anskaffelsen for Solwr's Sort™, en pallsorteringsmaskin designet for logistikkbransjen. Den nåværende ... -
Reduced-Attitude Control of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Geometric Methods on the Two-Sphere
Coates, Erlend Magnus Lervik; Reinhardt, Dirk Peter; Fossen, Thor I. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)As an alternative to reduced-attitude control of fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles using roll and pitch angles, we propose to use a global representation that evolves on the two-sphere. The representation of reduced ... -
Simulering av kraftsystem på skip
Ulvahaug, Kristoffer Ngai; Ottesen, Victor; Teklu, Naod Elias (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Prosjektet tar utgangspunkt i behovet for økt bærekraft innen den maritime sektoren, med fokus på å sikre langvarig drift av fartøy med minimalt vedlikehold. Innovasjon og teknologi som forutsier feil og vedlikeholdsbehov ... -
Toward Cleaner Oceans: Developing an ROV-Based Solution for Subsea Fishing Trash Collection
Hammer, William; Kleppe, Sigbjørn Nystøyl; Thavarajan, Anjayan (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Forskning viser at den største andelen søppel langs Norges kyst oppst˚ar fra marint forsøpling. Den mest kosteffektive metoden ˚a samle tapt fiskeutstyr per dags dato, er ved sleping av dregg langs havbunnen. Denne metoden ...