Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Christiansen, Ola B."
The association between age and long-term quality of life after curative treatment for prostate cancer: a cross-sectional study
Sletten, Reidun; Christiansen, Ola B.; Oldervoll, Line Merethe; Åstrøm, Lennart; Skjellegrind, Håvard Kjesbu; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Kirkevold, Øyvind; Bergh, Sverre; Grønberg, Bjørn Henning; Rostoft, Siri; Bye, Asta; Mork, Paul Jarle; Slaaen, Marit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Objective: We aimed to investigate the associations between age at radical prostate cancer treatment and long-term global quality of life (QoL), physical function (PF), and treatment-related side effects. Material and ... -
Construct Validity of the Questionnaire Quality From the Patients Perspective Adapted for Surgical Prostate Cancer Patients
Christiansen, Ola B.; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Kirkevold, Øyvind; Bratt, Ola; Slaaen, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Abstract Patient-reported experience measures (PREMs) are important to capture the patients’ voice. No such measure is routinely used for evaluation after robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. The aim ... -
Protocol of a randomised, controlled trial comparing immediate curative therapy with conservative treatment in men aged ≥75 years with non-metastatic high-risk prostate cancer (SPCG 19/GRand-P)
Löffeler, Sven; Bertilsson, Helena Maria; Müller, Christoph Rainer; Aas, Kirsti; Haugnes, Hege Sagstuen; Aksnessæther, Bjørg Yksnøy; Pesonen, Maiju; Thon, Kristian; Tandstad, Torgrim; Murtola, Teemu; Poulsen, Mads Hvid Aaberg; Nordstrøm, Tobias; Vigmostad, Maria Nyre; Ottosson, Fredrik; Holmsten, Karin; Christiansen, Ola B.; Slaaen, Marit; Haug, Erik Skaaheim; Storås, Anne Holck; Asphaug, Lars; Rannikko, Antti; Brasso, Klaus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Older men (aged ≥75 years) with high risk, non-metastatic prostate cancer (PCa) are increasingly treated with curative therapy (surgery or radiotherapy). However, it is unclear if curative therapy prolongs ...