Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Christensen, Andreas"
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Barnevaksinasjonsprogrammet i Norge. Rapport for 2019 og 2020.
Berild, Jacob Dag; Bruun, Tone; Christensen, Andreas; DORENBERG, DAGNY HAUG; Dvergsdal, Evy Therese; Einhaug, André; Evensen, Gro; Fenne, Olaug Sveinsgjerd; Gibory, Moustafa; Greve-Isdahl, Margrethe; Løvlie, Astrid Louise; Mengshoel, Anne Torunn; Nilsen, Øivind Jul; Nøkleby, Hanne Magdalene; Olimb, Martine Andersen; Pedersen, Kirsten Bjerkreim; Trogstad, Lill; Vestrheim, Didrik Frimann; Watle, Sara Sofie Viksmoen; Wester, Astrid Louise; Winje, Brita Askeland (Barnevaksinasjonsprogrammet i Norge;, Research report, 2021)Barnevaksinasjonsprogrammet 2019-2020 Barnevaksinasjonsprogrammet omfatter en rekke ulike vaksiner som helsemyndighetene anbefaler til barn og unge, og tilbys alle barn og unge som oppholder seg i Norge. I 2019 og 2020 ... -
Barnevaksinasjonsprogrammet i Norge. Rapport for 2021
Berild, Jacob Dag; Berg, Are Stuwitz; Bruun, Tone; Christensen, Andreas; Daae, Anita Odveig; DORENBERG, DAGNY HAUG; Dvergsdal, Evy Therese; Einhaug, André; Evensen, Gro; Fenne, Olaug Sveinsgjerd; Gibory, Moustafa; Greve-Isdahl, Margrethe; Heldal, Einar; Løvlie, Astrid Louise; Mengshoel, Anne Torunn; Nilsen, Øivind Jul; Nøkleby, Hanne Magdalene; Olsen, Eirik; Rykkvin, Rikard; SOLBERG, SILJE LAE; Trogstad, Lill; Vestrheim, Didrik Frimann; Watle, Sara Sofie Viksmoen; Wester, Astrid Louise; Askeland Winje, Brita; Østlie, Ingfrid Borlaug (Barnevaksinasjonsprogrammet i Norge;, Research report, 2022)Barnevaksinasjonsprogrammet 2021 Barnevaksinasjonsprogrammet omfatter en rekke ulike vaksiner som helsemyndighetene anbefaler til barn og unge, og tilbys alle barn og unge som oppholder seg i Norge. I 2021 ble vaksiner ... -
The Burden of Human Bocavirus 1 in Hospitalized Children with Respiratory Tract Infections
Jalving, Hedda Trømborg ; Heimdal, Inger; Valand, Jonas; Risnes, Kari; Krokstad, Sidsel; Nordbø, Svein Arne; Døllner, Henrik; Christensen, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) is frequently codetected with other viruses, and detected in asymptomatic children. Thus, the burden of HBoV1 respiratory tract infections (RTI) has been unknown. Using HBoV1-mRNA ... -
Causal role of human bocavirus 1 in respiratory tract infections in children
Christensen, Andreas (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2016:257, Doctoral thesis, 2016)Norsk sammendrag: Humant bocavirus 1 og luftveisinfeksjoner hos barn Humant bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) ble oppdaget i 2005 i luftveisprøver fra barn med luftveisinfeksjon. Det tilhører familien Parvoviridae, og var det første ... -
Comparing Human Metapneumovirus and Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Viral Co-Detections, Genotypes and Risk Factors for Severe Disease
Moe, Nina; Krokstad, Sidsel; Stenseng, Inger Heimdal; Christensen, Andreas; Skanke, Lars Høsøien; Risnes, Kari; Nordbø, Svein Arne; Døllner, Henrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background It is unclarified as to whether viral co-detection and human metapneumovirus (HMPV) genotypes relate to clinical manifestations in children with HMPV and lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI), and if the ... -
Comparison of procalcitonin, C-reactive protein, white blood cell count and clinical status in diagnosing pneumonia in patients hospitalized with acute exacerbations of COPD: A prospective observational study
Titova, Elena; Christensen, Andreas; Henriksen, Anne Hildur; Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe; Åsberg, Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Lower respiratory tract infection is the most common cause of acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD). The aim of the present study was to compare the accuracy of procalcitonin (PCT), C-reactive ... -
Cytomegalovirus High-risk Kidney Transplant Recipients Show No Difference in Long-term Outcomes Following Preemptive Versus Prophylactic Management
Blom, Kjersti Benedicte; Kro, Grete Anette Birkeland; Midtvedt, Karsten; Jenssen, Trond; Reisæter, Anna Varberg; Rollag, Halvor; Hartmann, Anders; Sagedal, Solbjørg; Sjaastad, Ivar; Tylden, Garth Daryl; Njølstad, Gro; Nilsen, Einar; Christensen, Andreas; Åsberg, Anders; Birkeland, Jon Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background. Following kidney transplantation (KT), cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection remains an important challenge. Both prophylactic and preemptive antiviral protocols are used for CMV high-risk kidney recipients (donor ... -
Detection of spliced mRNA from human bocavirus 1 in clinical samples from children with respiratory tract infections
Christensen, Andreas; Døllner, Henrik; Skanke, Lars Høsøien; Krokstad, Sidsel; Moe, Nina; Nordbø, Svein Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) is a parvovirus associated with respiratory tract infections (RTIs) in children, but a causal relation has not yet been confirmed. To develop a qualitative reverse transcription PCR to detect ... -
Detection of subgenomic mRNA from endemic human coronavirus OC43 and NL63 compared to viral genomic loads, single virus detection and clinical manifestations in children with respiratory tract infections
Heimdal, Inger; Lysvand, Hilde; Krokstad, Sidsel; Christensen, Andreas; Døllner, Henrik; Nordbø, Svein Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background The importance of endemic human coronavirus (HCoV) in children has been insufficiently elucidated upon. Our aims were to develop subgenomic (sg) mRNA tests for HCoV species OC43 and NL63, and to evaluate the ... -
Diagnostic performance of a SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test in a large, Norwegian cohort
Landaas, Elisabeth Toverud; Storm, Margrethe Larsdatter; Tollånes, Mette Christophersen; Barlinn, Regine; Kran, Anne-Marte Bakken; Bragstad, Karoline; Christensen, Andreas; Andreassen, Trude (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background - Rapid antigen tests (RATs) may be included in national strategies for handling the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, as they provide test results rapidly, are easily performed outside laboratories, and enable immediate ... -
Diagnostic stewardship aiming at expectorated or induced sputum promotes microbial diagnosis in community-acquired pneumonia
Waagsbø, Bjørn; Buset, Eva Margrethe; Longva, Jørn-Åge; Bjerke, Merete; Bakkene, Birgitte; Ertesvåg, Anne-Stine; Holmen, Hanne; Nikodojevic, Marko; Tran, To Thy; Christensen, Andreas; Nilsen, Einar; Damås, Jan Kristian; Heggelund, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Purpose Studies on aetiology of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) vary in terms of microbial sampling methods, anatomical locations, and laboratory analyses, since no gold standard exists. In this large, multicentre, ... -
Genotyping of human adenovirus C by tiled amplicon sequencing
Toftemo, Anna Matilde (Master thesis, 2022)adenovirus (HAdV) er et vanlig humanpatogent virus som vanligvis forårsaker milde og selvbegrensende sykdommer i øvre luftveier eller i gastrointestinaltraktus. Alvorlige og livstruende infeksjoner kan imidlertid oppstå, ... -
Hospitalized Children With Common Human Coronavirus Clinical Impact of Codetected Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Rhinovirus
Heimdal, Inger; Valand, Jonas; Krokstad, Sidsel; Moe, Nina; Christensen, Andreas; Risnes, Kari Ravndal; Nordbø, Svein Arne; Døllner, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: The clinical impact of common human coronavirus (cHCoV) remains unclear. We studied the clinical manifestations of pediatric cHCoV infections and the possible modifying effects of codetected human rhinovirus ... -
Kvalitetssikring av genteknologiske metoder
Christensen, Andreas; Kommedal, Øyvind; Tylden, Garth Daryl; Rykkvin, Rikard (Research report, 2018) -
Laboratoriediagnostikk ved Epstein-Barr-virusinfeksjoner. Strategimøte 1. november 2012
Njølstad, Gro; Samdal, Helvi Holm; Kanestrøm, Anita; Christensen, Andreas; Dudman, Susanne Gjeruldsen (Eksterne kvalitetsvurderinger i bakteriologi, mykologi og parasitt, Research report, 2012) -
Laboratoriediagnostikk ved nye og utbruddsaktuelle virusinfeksjoner
Dudman, Susanne Gjeruldsen; Samdal, Helvi Holm; Dorenberg, Dagny Haug; Christensen, Andreas; Skaare, Dagfinn (Strategirapport virologi og serologi / Folkehelseinstituttet, Research report, 2016)I regi av «Referansegruppe for ekstern kvalitetssikring i virologi og serologi» ble det holdt strategimøte om «Laboratorieberedskap ved nye og utbruddsaktuelle virusinfeksjoner» den 29. oktober 2015 ved Gjestehuset, ... -
Luftveisinfeksjoner med humant adenovirus hos barn: Forekomst og diagnostiske markører
Valand, Jonas (Master thesis, 2021) -
Parechovirus A in Hospitalized Children With Respiratory Tract Infections: A 10-Year-Long Study From Norway
Skanke, Lars Høsøien; Lysvand, Hilde; Heimdal, Inger; Moe, Nina; Krokstad, Sidsel; Christensen, Andreas; Risnes, Kari; Nordbø, Svein Arne; Døllner, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background. The role of Parechovirus A (PeV-A) in hospitalized children with respiratory tract infections (RTIs) is unclear. We studied the occurrence and impact of PeV-A over 10 years. Methods. Children from Sør-Trøndelag ... -
Strategimøte 2019 - Mikrobiologisk diagnostikk ved virale CNS-infeksjoner
Christensen, Andreas; Lind, Andreas; Kanestrøm, Anita; Tylden, Garth Daryl (Research report, 2021)I regi av Referansegruppen for ekstern kvalitetssikring i virologi og serologi, ble det den 31.10.2019 holdt strategimøte med temaet «Mikrobiologisk diagnostikk ved virale CNS-infeksjoner» på Gjestehuset, Lovisenberg sykehus ... -
The Burden of Human Metapneumovirus and Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections in Hospitalized Norwegian Children
Moe, Nina; Stenseng, Inger Heimdal; Krokstad, Sidsel; Christensen, Andreas; Skanke, Lars Høsøien; Risnes, Kari; Nordbø, Svein Arne; Døllner, Henrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background. The burden of severe human metapneumovirus (HMPV) respiratory tract infections (RTIs) in European children has not been clarified. We assessed HMPV in Norwegian children and compared hospitalization rates for ...