Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Chaudhary, Gaurav"
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
A Methodological Approach to Assess the Climatic Potential of Natural Ventilation Through Façades
Mohammed, Nejmia Ali; Lobaccaro, Gabriele; Goia, Francesco; Chaudhary, Gaurav; Causone, Francesco (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Due to the rapid development of super insulated and airtight buildings, the energy requirement for mechanical ventilation is becoming more and more dominant in today’s highly efficient buildings. In this scenario, natural ... -
A methodology to improve the performance of PV integrated shading devices using multi-objective optimization
Taveres-Cachat, Ellika; Lobaccaro, Gabriele; Goia, Francesco; Chaudhary, Gaurav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Solar energy can be exploited efficiently in building façades using building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV). This study presents a methodology to optimize the design of fixed, parametrically modelled PV integrated shading ... -
Control-Oriented Deep Neural Networks for Building Dynamics Prediction
Chaudhary, Gaurav (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2025:17, Doctoral thesis, 2025) -
Decoupling the thermal and visual performance in glazing systems: a novel methodology for the numerical investigation of the case of double skin facade systems
Chaudhary, Gaurav (Master thesis, 2019)Dynamic transparent envelope technologies such as double skin facades (DSFs) have been used for a long time as an efficient building envelope system aiming to reduce building energy consumption and indoor air quality. ... -
Designing the design of experiments (DOE) – An investigation on the influence of different factorial designs on the characterization of complex systems
Jankovic, Aleksandar; Chaudhary, Gaurav; Goia, Francesco (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Although a general set of guidelines and procedures for performing the design of experiments (DOE) exists, the literature lacks a recommended course of action for finding and selecting the optimal design of experiments ... -
Evaluation of “Autotune” calibration against manual calibration of building energy models
Chaudhary, Gaurav; Ryan New, Joshua; Sanyal, Jibonananda; Im, Piljae; O’Neill, Zheng; Garg, Vishal (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This paper demonstrates the application of Autotune, a methodology aimed at automatically producing calibrated building energy models using measured data, in two case studies. In the first case, a building model is de-tuned ... -
Mathematical and data-driven modelling of case ventilation system
Poupart, Frédéric (Master thesis, 2022)Energieffektivisering av bygninger har blitt et stadig viktigere fagområde ettersom at klimabevissthet og energiforbruk har fått mer oppmerksomhet gjennom tidene. En måte å øke energieffektviteten til bygninger er ved å ... -
Modelling and experimental validation of an algorithm for simulation of hysteresis effects in phase change materials for building components
Goia, Francesco; Chaudhary, Gaurav; Fantucci, Stefano (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The use of Phase Change Materials (PCM) in different building applications is a hot topic in today's R&D activities. Numerical simulations of PCM-based components are often used both for research activities and as a design ... -
Modelling of double skin facades in whole-building energy simulation tools. A review of current practices and possibilities for future developments.
Catto Lucchino, Elena; Goia, Francesco; Lobaccaro, Gabriele; Chaudhary, Gaurav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Advanced building envelope systems can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and improve the energy flexibility of buildings while maintaining high levels of indoor environmental quality. Among different ... -
Parameters relevance in data-driven models for building energy prediction
Langeland, Maria Solomon (Master thesis, 2021)Bygninger står for 40 % av verdens energiforbruk, og 36 % av drivhus gassene. En stor andel av denne energien er knyttet til bygninger, mer spesifikt, systemer for varme, ventilasjon, og kjøling (HVAC). Intelligente systemer, ... -
Predicting the performance of hybrid ventilation in buildings using a multivariate attention-based biLSTM Encoder – Decoder
Chaudhary, Gaurav; Johra, Hicham; Georges, Laurent Francis Ghislain; Austbø, Bjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Hybrid ventilation is an energy-efficient solution to provide fresh air for most climates, given that it has a reliable control system. To operate such systems optimally, a high-fidelity control-oriented modesl is required. ... -
pymodconn: A python package for developing modular sequence-to-sequence control-oriented deep neural networks
Chaudhary, Gaurav; Johra, Hicham; Georges, Laurent Francis Ghislain; Austbø, Bjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This paper introduces "pymodconn", a comprehensive python package developed for constructing modular sequence-to-sequence control-oriented deep neural networks. These deep neural networks (DNNs) are designed to predict the ... -
Review of Energy Storage and Energy Management System Control Strategies in Microgrids
Chaudhary, Gaurav; Lamb, Jacob Joseph; Burheim, Odne Stokke; Austbø, Bjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Role of housing in optimization of renewable energy in a Sustainable Positive Energy Neighbourhood in Norway
Naqvi, Sardar Syed Shabab Ali (Master thesis, 2022)Sammendrag Vi kan ikke benekte bygningers rolle for en bærekraftig fremtid. Vi strever ikke bare etter energieffektive bygninger, men for energieffektive nabolag. Etter energieffektive nabolag, har vi energi pluss prosjekter. ... -
Simulation and control of shading systems for glazed facades
Chaudhary, Gaurav; Goia, Francesco; Grynning, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper presents a simulation study on the use of shading devices in highly glazed facades in the context of zero emission buildings (ZEB) located in a Nordic climatic context. Shading devices have the task to control ... -
Synconn_build: A python based synthetic dataset generator for testing and validating control-oriented neural networks for building dynamics prediction
Chaudhary, Gaurav; Johra, Hicham; Georges, Laurent Francis Ghislain; Austbø, Bjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Applying model-based predictive control in buildings requires a control-oriented model capable of learning how various control actions influence building dynamics, such as indoor air temperature and energy use. However, ... -
Tracer gas techniques for airflow characterization in double skin facades
Jankovic, Aleksandar; Gennaro, Giovanni; Chaudhary, Gaurav; Goia, Francesco; Favoino, Fabio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Monitoring airflow rates and fluid dynamics phenomena in the ventilated cavity is a challenging aspect of the experimental assessment of the performance of double-skin facades (DSF). There are various methods to characterize ...