Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Bruland, Oddbjørn"
A high resolution flood forecasting tool and hydropower simulator
Bonfadini, Niccolò (Master thesis, 2014)Two hydrological models for two regions in central Norway using respectively observation inputs from stations and distributed inputs from a meteorological model where set up and calibrated to test their performances; ... -
A high resolution flood forecasting tool and hydropower simulator
Bonfadini, Niccolò (Master thesis, 2014)Two hydrological models for two regions in central Norway using respectively observation inputs from stations and distributed inputs from a meteorological model where set up and calibrated to test their performances; ... -
A Parsimonious Approach to Critical Point Detection in Steep Rivers
Heggem, Esten (Master thesis, 2024)Denne studien tar for seg de økende utfordringene knyttet til flom i Norge, som forsterkes både av klimaendringer og urbanisering. Selv om det allerede finnes presise metoder for flomkartlegging, evner ingen av dem å ... -
A pre-feasibility design and optimization tool, for small and micro scall run of rive hydropower in Norway
Johnsen, Gaute (Master thesis, 2020)The purpose of this thesis was to develop a pre-feasibility design and optimization tool for small and micro scale run of river plants in Norway. Direct simulation on the available runoff time series is utilized to estimate ... -
A river routing model for Orkla river
Nguyen, Cao Tri (Master thesis, 2017)A brief summary of river routing models has been provided. Based on that, a model has been built to meet specific conditions at Orkla river. The model is verified to use with several historical data sets. Due to itæs ... -
Automated Mapping and Change Detection of Rivers and Inland Water Bodies by Semantic Segmentation of SAR Imagery using Deep Learning
Askevold, Renate; Vågen, Mikael (Master thesis, 2022)Målet med denne oppgaven er å detektere utstrekninger av vannforekomster og elver i Norge ved semantisk segmentering av Syntetisk Apertur-Radar (SAR) satellittbilder. To dype nevrale nettverksarkitekturer er implementert ... -
Comparison of two hydrodynamic models for their rain-on-grid technique to simulate flash floods in steep catchment
Godara, Nitesh; Bruland, Oddbjørn; Alfredsen, Knut Tore (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In this study, two hydrodynamic models, TELEMAC-2D and HEC-RAS 2D, were compared for their Rain-on-Grid (RoG) technique with a particular focus on runoff generation processes in a small and steep catchment. Curve number ... -
Distributed Hydrological Modelling of Lærdal Catchment to Investage Changes in Flow Pattern
Yancy, Tamba C'Diem (Master thesis, 2022)ABSTRAKT Estimering av strømning til uregulerte sideelver er svært viktig i regulerte bassenger. Bruken av distribuerte hydrologiske modeller er betydelig i de fleste tilfeller når man prøver å hente ut tilsig før regulering ... -
Dynamics of the Seasonal Snowcover in the Arctic
Bruland, Oddbjørn (Dr.ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2002:29, Doctoral thesis, 2002)Arctic snow cover is important to life on Earth from the microscale soil microarthropod population, to reindeer at the local scale and even the global scale through its impact on the global climate. There ... -
Effects of Bottom-Up Blockage on Entrance Loss Coefficients and Head-Discharge Relationships for Pipe Culvert Inlets: Comparisons of Theoretical Methods and Experimental Results
Sellevold, Joakim Carlsønn; Norem, Harald; Bruland, Oddbjørn; Rüther, Nils; Pummer, Elena Marianne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Culvert blockage is a recognized problem known to increase the risk of cross-drainage failure. Presently, the effects of bottom-up inlet blockage can be estimated using the theoretically derived energy loss method (ELM) ... -
Effects of geometric optimization and partial blockage on the hydraulic efficiency of pipe culvert inlets
Sellevold, Joakim Carlsønn (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:500, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The thesis focuses on culvert hydraulics in the context of flood risk. Culverts are ubiquitous hydraulic structures used for conveyance of water through hindrances in the terrain, and different frameworks are used for ... -
Efficient high-dimensional modelling of temperature and extreme precipitation
Vandeskog, Silius Mortensønn (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:379, Doctoral thesis, 2023) -
Evaluation of Flood Control in Stryn with Potential Hydropower Production
Nakigudde, Christine Kaggwa (Master thesis, 2022)Hovedmålet med forskningen er å evaluere muligheten for bruk av vannkraftproduksjon som virkemiddel for flomregulering i Stryn - en nasjonal lakseelv. For å nå målsetningen ovenfor ble det satt opp en distribuert hydrologisk ... -
Evaluation of snow simulations in SHyFT
Katirachi, Amir Nasser (Master thesis, 2018)The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the SHyFT snow routine performance against observed snow data obtained from snow measurements in the field. SHyFT (Statkraft Hydrological Forecasting Toolbox) is an open ... -
Evaluation of snow simulations in SHyFT
Ullibarri Lombraña, Joseba (Master thesis, 2017)Snow is a very important component in the hydrological cycle in Norway and crucial for determining reservoir operation during the spring flood to ensure full reservoir and as little flood spill as possible. The Statkraft ... -
Evaluering av ENKIs muligheter innen skredvarsling
Velstad, Viveke (Master thesis, 2018)Muligheter og begrensninger ved bruk av det fordelte modellrammeverket ENKI til varsling av skred i fremtiden er vurdert. Skråningsstabilitet påvirkes av vann, vegetasjon, terrengform, løsmassedekkets egenskaper, menneskelig ... -
Exploring the Role of UX Influencing Factors in Virtual Reality for Natural Hazards Prepardness: A Disign-Based Approach
Irshad, Shafaq (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:152, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Climate change is one of the major challenges of our time, and its complexity makes finding innovative solutions challenging. One of the ways that climate change poses a challenge is by reshaping the earth’s natural ecosystem ... -
Fast spatial simulation of extreme high-resolution radar precipitation data using integrated nested Laplace approximations
Vandeskog, Silius Mortensønn; Huser, Raphaël; Bruland, Oddbjørn; Martino, Sara (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Aiming to deliver improved precipitation simulations for hydrological impact assessment studies, we develop a methodology for modelling and simulating high-dimensional spatial precipitation extremes, focusing on both their ... -
Flomsikring og vassdragsmiljø - hvordan kombinere ulike hensyn ved sikring av vassdrag ved flom
Bruland, Synnøve (Master thesis, 2018)Antall alvorlige skadeflommer i Norge har i løpet av de siste årene økt. Dette har bidratt til stort fokus på skadeforebygging og beredskap i norske kommuner. Med mer ekstremt vær i fremtiden, er det viktig å utarbeide nye ... -
Flood Frequency analysis using ENKI simulated discharges
Chen, Yueyang (Master thesis, 2017)As climate change topics get heated and more related researches have been undertaken, the facts have been observed and revealed that more and more natural disasters and extremelitie are influencing people s way of life ...