• Centralizing a national pancreatoduodenectomy service: striking the right balance 

      Nymo, Linn Såve; Kleive, Dyre; Waardal, Kim; Bringeland, Erling Audun; Søreide, Jon Arne; Labori, Knut Jørgen; Mortensen, Kim Erlend; Søreide, Kjetil; Lassen, Kristoffer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background Centralization of pancreatic surgery is currently called for owing to superior outcomes in higher‐volume centres. Conversely, organizational and patient concerns speak for a moderation in centralization. Consensus ...
    • Cumulative incidence of first recurrence after curative treatment of stage I–III colorectal cancer. Competing risk analyses of temporal and anatomic patterns 

      Storli, Per Even; Dille, Rachel; Skjærseth, Gaute Havik; Gran, Mads Vikhammer; Myklebust, Tor Åge; Grønbech, Jon Erik; Bringeland, Erling Audun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background Updated knowledge about the rates of recurrence and time to recurrence following curative treatment of colorectal cancer is essential to secure better patient information on prognosis, to serve as a premise ...
    • Early gastric cancers in Central Norway 2001 to 2016 – a population-based study 

      Stillingen, Thomas Lindmo; Kvamme, Camilla Jørdre (Master thesis, 2024)
      Abstrakt Introduksjon: «Tidlig ventrikkelkreft» (EGC) er definert som ventrikkelkreft begrenset til mucosa og submucosa i ventrikkelslimhinnen, uavhengig av lymfeknutemetastaser. Kun en liten andel av ventrikkelkreft blir ...
    • Gastric remnant cancer and long-term survival in Central Norway 2001 to 2016 – a population-based study 

      Våge, Christina; Ubøe, Ann Amelia Savage (Master thesis, 2023)
      Introduksjon: Adenocarcinom som utvikles i ventrikkelresten etter distale gastrectomi kalles stumpcancer og er definert som en egen klinisk enhet. Stumpcancer er tidligere rapportert å utgjøre 1-8% av all ventrikkelcancer. ...
    • Hypergastrinemia and mortality in gastric adenocarcinoma: a population-based cohort study, the HUNT study 

      Ness-Jensen, Eivind; Bringeland, Erling Audun; Mjønes, Patricia; Lagergren, Jesper; Grønbech, Jon Erik; Waldum, Helge; Fossmark, Reidar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Purpose: Hypergastrinemia increases the risk of developing proximal gastric adenocarcinoma. However, it is unclear if hypergastrinemia affects the survival in patients with gastric adenocarcinoma. This study aimed to examine ...
    • Hypergastrinemia is associated with an increased risk of gastric adenocarcinoma with proximal location: A prospective population-based nested case-control study 

      Ness-Jensen, Eivind; Bringeland, Erling Audun; Mattsson, Fredrik; Mjønes, Patricia; Lagergren, Jesper; Grønbech, Jon Erik; Waldum, Helge; Fossmark, Reidar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The incidence of proximal gastric adenocarcinoma is increasing among younger adults. Rodent models have shown that hypergastrinemia causes carcinogenesis in the proximal stomach. The aim of our study was therefore to assess ...
    • Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX versus upfront surgery for resectable pancreatic head cancer (NORPACT-1): a multicentre, randomised, phase 2 trial 

      Labori, Knut Jørgen; Bratlie, Svein Olav; Andersson, Bodil; Angelsen, Jon-Helge; Biörserud, Christina; Björnsson, Bergthor; Bringeland, Erling Audun; Elander, Nils; Garresori, Herish; Grønbech, Jon Erik; Haux, Johan; Hemmingsson, Oskar; Liljefors, Maria Gustafsson; Myklebust, Tor Åge; Nymo, Linn Såve; Peltola, Katriina; Pfeiffer, Per; Sallinen, Ville; Sandström, Per; Sparrelid, Ernesto; Stenvold, Helge; Søreide, Kjetil; Tingstedt, Bobby; Verbeke, Caroline Sophie; Öhlund, Daniel; Klint, Leif; Dueland, Svein; Lassen, Kristoffer; Aahlin, Eirik Kjus; Hatlevoll, Ingunn; Mortensen, Kim Erlend; Sandvik, Oddvar Mathias; Søreide, Jon Arne; Waardal, Kim; Yakub, Sheraz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Background In patients undergoing resection for pancreatic cancer, adjuvant modified fluorouracil, leucovorin, irinotecan, and oxaliplatin (FOLFIRINOX) improves overall survival compared with alternative chemotherapy ...
    • Practice patterns in diagnostics, staging, and management strategies of gallbladder cancer among Nordic tertiary centers 

      Takala, Sini; Lassen, Kristoffer; Søreide, Kjetil; Sparrelid, Ernesto; Angelsen, Jon-Helge; Bringeland, Erling Audun; Eilard, Malin S.; Hemmingsson, Oskar; Isaksson, Bengt; Karjula, Heikki; Lammi, Jukka-Pekka; Larsen, Peter N.; Lavonius, Maija; Lindell, Gert; Mortensen, Frank V.; Mortensen, Kim Erlend; Nordin, Arno; Pless, Torsten; Sandström, Per; Sandvik, Oddvar Mathias; Vaalavuo, Yrjö; Villard, Christina; Sallinen, Ville (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background and objective: Gallbladder cancer (GBC) is a rare malignancy in the Nordic countries and no common Nordic treatment guidelines exist. This study aimed to characterize the current diagnostic and treatment ...
    • Response Evaluation after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Resectable Gastric Cancer 

      Sandø-Klemmetvoll, Alina Desiree; Fougner, Reidun; Røyset, Elin Synnøve; Dai, Hong Yan; Grønbech, Jon Erik; Bringeland, Erling Audun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background: The method of response evaluation following neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) in resectable gastric cancer has been widely debated. An essential prerequisite is the ability to stratify patients into subsets of ...
    • Simultaneous Resection of Primary Colorectal Cancer and Synchronous Liver Metastases: Contemporary Practice, Evidence and Knowledge Gaps 

      Kleive, Dyre; Aas, Eline; Angelsen, Jon-Helge; Bringeland, Erling Audun; Nesbakken, Arild; Nymo, Linn Såve; Schultz, Johannes Kurt; Søreide, Kjetil; Yaqub, Sheraz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The timing of surgical resection of synchronous liver metastases from colorectal cancer has been debated for decades. Several strategies have been proposed, but high-level evidence remains scarce. Simultaneous resection ...
    • The value of restaging CT following neoadjuvant chemotherapy for resectable gastric cancer. A population-based study 

      Sandø, Alina Desiree; Fougner, Reidun; Grønbech, Jon Erik; Bringeland, Erling Audun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Background Response evaluation following neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) in gastric cancer is debated. The aim of this study was to investigate the value of UICC-downstaging as mode of response evaluation following a ...