Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Boks, Casper"
Now showing items 1-20 of 57
A Review of key dimensions for designing environment-driven collaboration practices with external business partners
Stewart, Raphaëlle Marie; Boks, Casper; Bey, Niki (Chapter, 2017)Environmental sustainability challenges are of growing interest in the business world and collaboration with external business partners is considered a key means to tackle them. Nevertheless, collaborating with external ... -
A Review of Repurposing Lithium-ion Batteries for Household Applications
Pantelatos, Leander Spyridon; Boks, Casper; Verhulst, Elli (Chapter, 2023)As global sales of electric vehicles are rising rapidly; vast amounts of end-of-life batteries are expected to need treatment in foreseeable future. Using second life batteries in lower demanding applications, could prolong ... -
A speculative perspective in the future of second-life electric vehicle batteries alternatives
Jaime Jaimes, Andres Felipe (Master thesis, 2023)Bakgrunn Transportindustrien påvirker ulike aspekter av dagliglivet, inkludert økonomiske og miljømessige faktorer. Imidlertid er den også en av de mest forurensende aktivitetene. For å takle dette problemet er det et ... -
An exploration of company personas to support customized DFS implementation
Ali, Faheem; Boks, Casper; Bey, Niki (Chapter, 2017)The increasing discussion on DfS implementation in companies has shifted the focus to effectiveness of the implementation process. Literature shows that there are certain barriers and challenges that impede the success of ... -
Architect, Catalyst, Advocate, and Prophet: A Four-Lens View of Companies to Support Ecodesign Integration
Stewart, Raphaëlle Marie; Ali, Faheem; Boks, Casper; Bey, Niki (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Companies are increasingly expected to develop products with better environmental performance throughout their life cycle. Academic literature on ecodesign integration, which investigates firms’ practices of dealing with ... -
Bruk av designmetodikk for å utvikle en forretningsmodell for en oppstartsbedrift
Forseth, Stian; Høstmælingen, Gard Schei (Master thesis, 2023)En god forretningsmodell er essensielt for bedrifter. Forretningsmodellen legger grunnlaget for hvordan selskapet skal tjene penger og levere verdi til kundene sine. Til tross for at forretningsmodellen påvirker et stort ... -
Bruk av designmetodikk for å utvikle en forretningsmodell for en oppstartsbedrift
Forseth, Stian; Høstmælingen, Gard Schei (Master thesis, 2023)En god forretningsmodell er essensielt for bedrifter. Forretningsmodellen legger grunnlaget for hvordan selskapet skal tjene penger og levere verdi til kundene sine. Til tross for at forretningsmodellen påvirker et stort ... -
Bærekraftige holdninger i hverdagen: Hvordan brukere kan konfronteres med typiske unnskyldninger knyttet til bærekraftige valg.
Øyulvstad, Vårild Heirunn Imbjørg Engmark (Master thesis, 2024)Teori: Temaet til oppgaven er omfattende og har mange forskjellige synsvinkler og fokusområder. Derfor kreves det tilstrekkelig med bakgrunnsinformasjon. Det er hentet inn informasjon rundt temaet bærekraft for å finne ... -
Consumer acceptance of edible insects and design interventions as adoption strategy
Kauppi, Saara-Maria; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Boks, Casper (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Edible insects are regarded as one of the most sustainable animal protein sources for human consumption, but for western people insects are a rather unusual food ingredient. In the media, however, insect consumption is ... -
Consumer and user acceptance in the circular economy: what are researchers missing?
Camacho-Otero, Juana; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Boks, Casper (Research in Design Series;9, Chapter, 2017)The circular economy is a platform to transition towards a more resource efficient system. Product service systems (PSS) and remanufacturing have been proposed as strategies to achieve material decoupling. Recent studies ... -
Consumer engagement in the circular economy: Exploring clothes swapping in emerging economies from a social practice perspective
Camacho-Otero, Juana; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Boks, Casper (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)One of the sectors that are being challenged to become circular is the clothing sector. Clothe swapping is considered as an example of a circular solution that enables slowing material loops. However, consumers have failed ... -
Consumers in the circular economy
Camacho-Otero, Juana; Tunn, Vivian; Chamberlin, Lucy Clementine Joyce; Boks, Casper (Chapter, 2020)The circular economy is poised to transform economic systems and contribute to sustainable development. Most of the attention has focussed on how production can become circular by developing innovative business models, ... -
Consumption in the Circular Economy: A Literature Review
Camacho-Otero, Juana; Boks, Casper; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)A circular economy (CE) aims at decoupling value creation from waste generation and resource use by radically transforming production and consumption systems. Recent reviews on the topic of the circular economy have indicated ... -
Creating a more sustainable design method for rollators: A case study at Rollz International
Reiziger, Boudewijn Johan Arno (Master thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlingen er resultatet av en casestudie i samarbeid med det nederlandske selskapet Rollz International B.V. for å undersøke muligheten for å implementere en mer bærekraftig designpraksis. Rollz' ønske om å bli ... -
Design for demokratisk beslutningstaking
Kjendseth, Simen Aamodt (Master thesis, 2020)Denne oppgaven utforsker hvilke grep som kan gjøres for å styrke og effektivisere vår demokratiske modell på lokalnivå, slik at den blir skikket til å takle utfordringer store og små i vår tid, og samtidig styrker grenserommet ... -
Design for Sustainable Practices - Oral Healthcare
Storrø, Gøril (Master thesis, 2018)The following report describes an oral healthcare project within the context of design for sustainable practices and fuzzy front end (early phase of the design process). The project was carried out at Philips Research ... -
Design for sustainable use using principles of behaviour change
Boks, Casper; Daae, Johannes (Chapter, 2017)This chapter briefly sketches and visualizes how Design for Sustainable Behaviour (DfSB) has developed into an interdisciplinary research field within the past 10 years. Research within this field has resulted in an ever ... -
Designing an interactive exhibition - What could sustainable lifestyles look like in Trondheim in 2050?
Liven, Ragnhild Finsveen (Master thesis, 2019)Denne masteroppgaven presenterer en prosess hvor formålet har vært å designe en interaktiv utstillingsmodul ved hjelp av design drevet forskning, idémyldring, utvikling og utforming. Denne modulen vil være del av en større ... -
Designutdanning og normativ kompetanse
Skindlo, Rikke (Master thesis, 2023)Formålet med oppgaven er å foreslå hvordan Industriell design (5-årig master) ved NTNU kan utvikle studentenes normative kompetanse. Dette gjøres i sammenheng med et redesign av studieprogrammet, i samarbeid med Institutt ... -
Dimensions of Behaviour Change in the context of Designing for a Circular Economy
Daae, Johannes; Chamberlin, Lucy; Boks, Casper (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Circular economy research has seen increasing attention over the years, but with limited attention for how to design circular solutions that will actually change user behaviour. At the same time, Design for Sustainable ...