Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Bjørkhaug, Hilde"
Access to Areas for Algae Cultivation in Norway
Gjertsen, Arild; Bay-Larsen, Ingrid Agathe; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Vangelsten, Bjørn Vidar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Marine macro algae may play a significant role in the transformation to the future post fossil fuel and low carbon society. Previous research shows that high expectations for future and large-scale algae cultivation in ... -
Actions to strengthen the contribution of small farms and small food businesses to food security in Europe
Moreno-Pérez, Olga M.; Arnalte-Mur, Laura; Cerrada-Serra, Pedro; Martinez-Gomez, Victor; Adamsone-Fiskovica, Anda; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Brunori, Gianluca; Czekaj, Marta; Duckett, Dominic; Hernández, Paola A.; Noble, Christina; Pinto-Correia, Teresa; Płonka, Aleksandra; Prosperi, Paolo; Redman, Mark; Rivera, Maria; Šūmane, Sandra; Ortiz-Miranda, Dionisio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This study stems from a participatory foresight exercise conducted in nine Mediterranean, Baltic, Nordic and Eastern European regions, aiming to strengthen the role of small farms and small food businesses in ensuring food ... -
Analyse av en endringsprosess.
Elvetun, Stian (Master thesis, 2020)Sammendrag Denne oppgaven omhandler en endringsprosess i bedriften Geomatikk IKT, nærmere bestemt digitaliseringstjenesten i perioden 2015 til 2018. Som følge av vekst i markedet hadde bemanningen i digitaliseringstjenesten ... -
Dei utilgjengelege menneska
Skurtveit, Sunniva (Bachelor thesis, 2020)Oppgåva tek føre seg problemstillinga om kvifor enkelte unge vaksne vel å ta avstand frå visse digitale nyvinningar i det moderne samfunnet. Problemstillinga er eksemplifisert og aktualisert gjennom spørsmålet om kvifor ... -
Den norske dyrerettighetsbevegelsen: En sosialkonstruktivistisk analyse av rettferdiggjøring og meningsskapelse blant aktivister
Haugen, Aleksander Haukø (Master thesis, 2023)I denne kvalitative studien undersøkte jeg hvordan norske dyrerettighetsaktivister rettferdiggjorde og konstruerte mening i den norske dyrerettighetsbevegelsen. Dette masterprosjektet var forankret i en eksplorativ ... -
Den norske økonomien ved nedtrapping i petroleumssektoren
Klinge, Lisa Marie (Bachelor thesis, 2020)Oppgavens formål er å bidra til en bedre forståelse av hvordan den norske økonomien blir påvirket gjennom fall og variasjoner av petroleumsinntekt, samtidig som det gir muligheter for de som blir fristilt fra petroleumssektoren ... -
The drivers of change for the contribution of small farms to regional food security in Europe.
Arnalte-Mur, Laura; Bjørkhaug, Hilde (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The capacity of the food system to respond to the economic, demographic and environmental challenges ahead has become a topic of increasing interest, with particular attention to the roles and responsibilities of the ... -
"Ein folkeaksjon mot politisk korrektheit". Ei kvalitativ studie av argumentasjon, logikkar og representasjonar i klimadebatten.
Bruteig, Rebekka (Bachelor thesis, 2019) -
Enda en sammenslåing. Kulturkartlegging av NAV Lister
Ege, Ove (Master thesis, 2020)Stortingsmeldingen 33 (2015-2016) anbefaler at det bør bli færre NAV-kontorer i Norge. På bakgrunn av dette ble det høsten 2018 vedtatt at NAV Kvinesdal, NAV Lyngdal, NAV Flekkefjord, NAV Farsund, NAV Hægebostad og NAV ... -
Et ønske om å ha flere - En kvalitativ studie om ensomhet blant studenter
Laupardt, Anette Skaare (Bachelor thesis, 2019) -
Farmland under urbanization pressure: conversion motivation among Norwegian landowners
Skog, Kristine Lien; Bjørkhaug, Hilde (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Irreversible conversion of farmland to built-up land occurs globally. Despite farmlands’ importance for food supply agricultural businesses, little research investigates what motivates landowners to convert their land. ... -
The Food System in the (Post-)Pandemic World: Disruptions, Vulnerability, Resilience, and Alternatives - 1
Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Büke, Atakan; Ribeiro, José Duarte; Sippel, Sarah Ruth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Framsyn mot Bioøkonomisamfunnet
Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Borch, Kristian; Follo, Gro Irene; Hansen, Lillian; Logstein, Brit (Chapter, 2020)Bioøkonomi er lansert som et av svarene på de store samfunnsmessige utfordringene verden står over for, slik som framtidig knapphet på biologiske ressurser, forringelse av naturmiljøet og klimaendringer og de påfølgende ... -
From Family to Domestic and Global Labour? A Decade of Proletarisation of Labour in the Norwegian Horticulture Industry
Rye, Johan Fredrik; Slettebak, Marie Holm; Bjørkhaug, Hilde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This paper analyses the profound structural transformations that took place in Norway's horticulture industry between 1999 and 2010. The aggregate industrial outputs from the industry remained stable in this period. However, ... -
Gender and Work in Norwegian Family Farm Businesses
Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Blekesaune, Arild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)The traditional way of organising agricultural production in Norway has been through family farming. A family farm is defined by the ownership of the farm through kinship over a number of generations. This article examines ... -
Gender quotas for agricultural boards: changing constructions of gender?
Brandth, Berit; Bjørkhaug, Hilde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This article explores the processes by which gender is given meaning through social interaction in boardrooms. In Norway, alongside mandatory quotas regulating the composition of Public Limited Company boards, voluntary ... -
Good Animal Welfare in Norwegian Farmers’ context. Can both industrial and natural conventions be achieved in the social license to farm?
Logstein, Brit; Bjørkhaug, Hilde (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article presents research carried out in Norway, among the population of livestock farmers. It analyses farmers' understanding of animal welfare, and how their different concerns about animal welfare varies across ... -
Good Animal Welfare in Norwegian Farmers’ context. Can both industrial and natural conventions be achieved in the social license to farm?
Logstein, Brit; Bjørkhaug, Hilde (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article presents research carried out in Norway, among the population of livestock farmers. It analyses farmers' understanding of animal welfare, and how their different concerns about animal welfare varies across ... -
How relationships can influence an organic firm’s network identity
Kvam, Gunn-Turid; Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Pedersen, Ann-Charlott (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)A main challenge when organic food actors cooperate with conventional food actors is to maintain their identity in the relationship. In this paper, we analyse such a relationship through the use of the industrial marketing ... -
Human Becoming Homo Economicus
Winge, Vilde B. (Bachelor thesis, 2019)