• Gabor frames for rational functions 

      Belov, Yurii; Kulikov, Aleksei; Lyubarskii, Yurii (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We study the frame properties of the Gabor systems G(g;α,β):={e2πiβmxg(x−αn)}m,n∈Z. In particular, we prove that for Herglotz windows g such systems always form a frame for L2(R) if α,β>0, αβ≤1. For general rational ...
    • Spectral synthesis for exponentials and logarithmic length 

      Baranov, Anton; Belov, Yurii; Kulikov, Aleksei (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      We study hereditary completeness of systems of exponentials on an interval such that the corresponding generating function G is small outside of a lacunary sequence of intervals Ik. We show that, under some technical ...