Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Barron, Elizabeth"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Alternative economic models and their impact on the SDGs.
Halvorsen, Lene Mari Hamre (Master thesis, 2023)Abstract This thesis uses policy analysis to investigate how the implementation of alternative economic models, hereunder, the Doughnut Economy Framework and Community Economies Return on Investment (CEROI) tool, can ... -
Assessing the views of rural people on the impact of illegal mining on their ecological resources
Awudu Iddriss, Ali (Master thesis, 2022)Ghana har gjennom årene opplevd en boom i galamsey med overdreven skade på de økologiske ressursene som skogen, jordbruksland og vannmasser. Galamsey i Ghana er for tiden som en storstilt gruvedrift, på grunn av bruken av ... -
Conservation as a method to prevent further loss of forests and biodiversity: A case study of the area surrounding the Chamonix forest
Vittersø, Ragnhild (Master thesis, 2024)En bærekraftig utvikling som sikrer sosiale, økonomiske og miljømessige forhold både nå og i fremtiden, har aldri før vært mer komplekst å oppnå. Med økende klimaendringer, stadig befolkningsvekst, nedbygging av natur og ... -
Current agri-environmental policies dismiss varied perceptions and discourses on management of traditional rural biotopes
Raatikainen, Kaisa; Barron, Elizabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Traditional rural biotopes (TRBs) are threatened habitats that host significant biodiversity and several ecosystem services, and depend on active management such as low-intensity grazing. The current study explores private ... -
From Place to Emplacement: The Scalar Politics of Sustainability
Barron, Elizabeth; Hagemann, Frederik; Hartmann, Laura (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Sustainability has emerged as a central concept for discussing the current state of the human-environment system and planning for its future. To delve into the depths of sustainability means to talk about ecology, economy, ... -
How Capital Impacts the Development of Wind Power in Cape Cod, in the Eastern United States and Frøya, Norway
Killion, Courtney Elizabeth (Master thesis, 2021)Abstract In this thesis the connection between various forms of capital and the development of wind energy was investigated. The thesis focused on two very similar areas who had two different outcomes due to capital. The ... -
Knowledges of Development
Bunderson Toler, Jason Eric (Master thesis, 2023)Knowing is the first step in the act of becoming. Local communities around the world have developed forms of active knowledge embedded in local landscapes and ways of being. In Aotearoa New Zealand, local development ... -
Practice over product: A commons perspective on wild product gathering
Sorenson, Katie (Master thesis, 2022)Ville produkter og praksis for sanking av ville produkter er allestedsnærværende. Nylig har det vært en gjenoppblomstring av nysgjerrighet i bruken av ville plante- og sopparter. Merkbare trender i bruk og forbruk av ville ... -
Public Participation in Norwegian National Park Management Social perspectives on the participatory approach in the management of Femundsmarka and Gutulia National Park
Gercken, Svenja (Master thesis, 2023)Offentlig medvirkning styrker inkludering av berørte interesser i naturressursforvaltning, og er en måte å tilnærme seg komplekse problemer i større skala fra et helhetlig perspektiv. En vellykket involvering av lokalsamfunn ... -
Railways in Sámi reindeer husbandry areas, at what cost? A study of railway development in Sámi reindeer husbandry areas in Northern Norway
Keskitalo, Anja Márjá Nystø (Master thesis, 2021)Nordlandsbanen har siden dens bygging vært en utfordring for den samiske reindrifta i Trøndelag og Nordland. Spesielt de siste tiårene har tog-rein-påkjørsler økt på Nordlandsbanen. Samtidig som Bane NOR og reinbeitedistriktene ... -
Starting to dance - Tracing (post-)critical Global Citizenship Education in Norway
Sommer-Lilleenget, Anke (Master thesis, 2020)Critical Global Citizenship Education (GCED) encourages learners to examine economic and cultural roots of the inequalities in power and wealth distribution. It is also crucial to unveil how modernity influences our way ... -
The Consequences of Economic Globalization; A Critical Look at Corporate Social Responsibility
Berg, Julie Nilsen (Master thesis, 2021)Denne oppgaven tar et dypdykk inn i corporate social responsibility (CSR) i kontekst av økonomisk globalisering. Utviklingen av CSR er grundig gjennomgått, og det settes spørsmål til dens nivå av implikasjon og tilstrekkelighet ... -
The local perspective on Ocean Plastic Pollution: Identifying Areas to Channel Ocean Literacy at Great Ningo in Ghana
Ofori-Mensah, Elsie Mantebea (Master thesis, 2023)This thesis examines people’s views in old Ningo on ocean plastic pollution and how to eradicate plastic pollution in the coastal environment through local initiatives with sustainable practices. From the data gathered, ... -
The role of Collaboration in dealing with Ankobra River Pollution: Investigating the power structures responsible for the pollution in Adelekezo and Eziome, Western Region of Ghana
Boateng, Benjamin (Master thesis, 2023)Artisanal small-scale mining operations in Ghana have increased over the years, and this can be attributed to factors such as the introduction of new technology and licensing irregularities, which have negatively impacted ... -
We care about the environment, don't we?
Solheim, Elisabeth (Master thesis, 2020)Vi står nå midt oppi en økologisk krise og en masseutryddelse forårsaket av menneskelige aktiviteter. Menneskelig påvirkning har vært ødeleggende for miljøet og ville arter i århundrer, men konsekvensene av denne påvirkningen ...